
zhǎo duì xiàng
  • Find Object;look for a partner in marriage;look for a mate
找对象[zhǎo duì xiàng]
  1. Wipro甚至设有一个提供婚介服务的内部网站,想找对象的人可以通过这个部门在本公司的96965人中寻找伴侣。

    Wipro even has an internal matrimonial site where would-be suitors can seek partners among the workforce of 96965 .

  2. 马克:她们一到三十岁就开始四处找对象。

    Mark : They hit thirty and go on a manhunt .

  3. 找对象就好像找工作,他说。

    Finding a spouse is almost like finding a job , he said .

  4. “三高”女白领找对象难在何处?

    Guangzhou Daily : What Is the Difficulties in " 3H " Female White-collars'Marriages ?

  5. 此外,很多女性由于忙于发展事业,找对象的事也被延迟了。

    Many women may also postpone hunting for spouses while they develop their careers .

  6. 我六个月前已经给她找对象了。

    I fixed her up six months ago .

  7. 你们还要开始职业生涯还要还债还要找对象结婚

    You have careers to launch and debts to pay and spouses to meet and marry .

  8. 对于年龄在20-45岁之间的男士来说,找对象成了当务之急。

    For men aged between 20 and 45 , finding a woman is becoming an urgent mission .

  9. 超过四分之一的男性和23%的女性说他们甚至都不想找对象。

    More than a quarter of the men and 23 % of the women said they were not even looking .

  10. 剧中的角色会追求生活的激情和他们所谓的永恒的爱情,这些电视角色们会到处找对象。

    For all the passion , the protestations of undying love , these characters simply can 't keep their eyes from wandering .

  11. 他说:年轻人现在找对象很难,因为他们都忙于工作。

    It 's hard for young people to find partners now , as they are so busy with their jobs , he says .

  12. 小孩子生理还没成熟就找对象,这都会受伤,都会吃亏的。

    If children seek members of the opposite sex before they are physically mature , they will end up getting hurt and suffer losses .

  13. 最近这种情况减少了,更倾向于自己找对象,在城市尤其是如此,这正好赶上了巨大的人口变迁。

    The recent decline of such practices , especially in cities , in favour of choosing your own mate , has coincided with huge demographic shifts .

  14. 凯西说,选择一位密友,让她负责给你找对象——你见的任何男人都自动过一遍这位朋友的法眼。

    Casey says pick a close friend and put her in charge of finding guys - any other guy you meet automatically goes in the friend zone .

  15. 他们的经济状况会因多年的分期还款而不容乐观,直接影响到他们找对象、结婚、养小孩、攒小孩学费。

    These debt repayments will impact on their ability to get a home , to start a family and to save for their children to go to college .

  16. 不知道什么原因,只要以找对象为主题,人们总是可以直言不讳地列举出他们觉得你有问题的地方。

    For some reason , people will be alarmingly frank about what they think is wrong with you as long as they say it within the context of dating .

  17. 在线交友网站“电子和谐”最新的一项调查发现,人们在找对象时第一要求就是对方必须有幽默感。

    A recent eHarmony study found that a sense of humor is the number one " Must Have " that both men and women are looking for in a partner .

  18. 不同的女性有不同的选择,有人选择毕业就结婚,有人选择先稳定工作再找对象。

    Different women have different choices , some women choose to get married as soon as she graduated , some choose to have stable work first and then look for objects .

  19. 在找对象是看重财富还是外表这一由来已久的问题上,18岁至24岁的受访女性中有一半的人称只要对方是百万富翁,即便相貌丑陋她们也愿意嫁。

    As for that age-old dilemma of whether to marry for wealth or looks , half of the 18 - to 24-year-olds questioned said they would marry an ugly man if he were a multimillionaire .

  20. 自去年底开始的经济危机,很多工厂都在放无薪假,这也让不少单身汉失去了没有时间找对象的借口。

    The economic crisis beginning at the end of last year made many people on their unpaid leave , too much free time made many of them unable to make excuses for hunting for spouses .

  21. 55岁左右的安女士曾带自己的女儿去找过首尔众多婚介机构中的一家。她说:我女儿现在三十出头,就找对象来说在这里已经被认为是很晚了。

    My daughter is in her early 30 's , an age considered late for marriage here , said a woman in her mid 50s who wished to be identified only by her surname Ahn and who took her daughter to one of the many match-making agencies in Seoul .

  22. 我不认同结婚之前就做出妥协的看法,找对象这件事容不得妥协,调整和妥协应该在结婚以后。

    I don 't subscribe to the idea of striking a compromise right at the advent of my married life . The adjustments and compromises should be made in the marriage , not while finding the person you want to be with.There is a stigma associated with a woman who is single .

  23. 最新调查发现,18岁到34岁的未婚男性有61%没有女友,同年龄段的半数未婚女性也没有男友,创下了历史新高。超过四分之一的男性和23%的女性说他们甚至都不想找对象。

    The latest found that 61 % of unmarried men aged 18 to 34 have no girlfriend , and half of women the same age have no boyfriend - a record high . More than a quarter of the men and 23 % of the women said they were not even looking .

  24. 在这款App上,找约会对象和找朋友的操作方法是一样的。

    Finding friends works the same way as finding a date on the app .

  25. 将TestObject的getProperties方法的结果打印到控制台上,以观察哪个属性可以帮助您在类似的对象中区分出您所找的对象。

    Print the result of the getProperties method on the TestObject to the console to see which properties can help you differentiate the object you seek from similar objects .

  26. 但这次要找的对象也许是史上最值钱的追捕目标了。

    But in this case the missing object was the target of perhaps the most expensive manhunt in history .

  27. 首先要找的对象可能是新加坡的大型投资基金和中东的一些主权财富基金。

    The first ports of call are likely to be large Singapore investment funds and Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds .

  28. 你知道吗?今年我们要帮你找个对象。

    That 's what we need to find you this year , don 't you know ? A good fella .

  29. 我想找的对象是有精力,活力和对哪些关键的事-信仰,家庭,和未来。

    I am looking for a companion to share the passion and energy for the things that really matter-faith , family , future .

  30. 希望你是有同情心,诚实,有素质的好男人!(不是想找结婚对象请勿扰,谢谢!)。

    Hope you are to look for the true love at life , if is " not ", don 't touch me , thank you !