
  1. 大学生综合素质问题研究之我见

    Personal Ideas of Studies on the Comprehensive Qualities of College Students

  2. 第三部分&职业校长的素质问题。

    The third part is the quality of the vocational principal .

  3. 而财会工作质量不高的主要原因之一是财会人员的素质问题。

    One of the main reasons is low quality of accountants .

  4. 2003年以来图书馆员素质问题研究述评

    Research Summaries on Anent Quality Problem of the Librarians since 2003

  5. 第一、引言。分析公务员素质问题提出的时代背景。

    Analyzing the timing background of civil servant diathesis study .

  6. 高校思想政治教育教师的素质问题

    Qualities of College Teachers Concerning Education of Ideology and politics

  7. 试论当代大学生礼仪素质问题产生的根源

    Talking about the Source of Etiquette and Making Problems of University Students

  8. 当前制约高校创新教育改革的关键因素是大学教师素质问题。

    The key to the reform is the quality of the faculty .

  9. 信息时代成人高等教育队伍素质问题浅识

    Superficial View on the Quality of Teaching Faculty Working for Adult Higher Education

  10. 新时期我国提高农民素质问题研究

    The Study on Improving the Peasant 's Quality of China in New Period

  11. 甘肃的人口素质问题与可持续发展

    The Population Quality and Sustainable Development in Gansu Province

  12. 劳动力素质问题是经济发展中的一个关键。

    The problem of labour quality is of great importance to economic development .

  13. 国有企业青工综合素质问题探讨

    On the Overall Quality of Young Workers in SOEs

  14. 浙江中学美术教师的素质问题探究

    An Exploration of the Quality of Art Teachers in Middle Schools in Zhejiang Province

  15. 论新时期的警察心理素质问题

    Issues on Police Psychology Quality in New Times

  16. 少数民族的发展问题实质上还是民族素质问题。

    In essence the development of ethnic minorities or the issue of national quality .

  17. 结论:医科大学生心理素质问题不容忽视。

    Conclusion : The mental diathetic state of medical students can 't be ignored .

  18. 对勘察施工企业队伍素质问题的思考

    Reflections on Quality of Personnel of Prospecting Enterprises

  19. 社会主义新型农民思想道德素质问题研究

    The Study on Ideological and Moral Quality of the New Type of Socialist Peasants

  20. 关于《电子技术》课程培养的专业素质问题的思考

    Cosideration on Specialized Qualities Required in Electronic Technology

  21. 骂人是不好的性为,是一个人的素质问题。

    Curse is not good for nature , is a people 's quality problems .

  22. 信息化环境中图书馆编目人员素质问题探析

    Probe into the Quality of Cataloguing Personnel of the Library in the Information Environment

  23. 对农科大学生文化素质问题的思考

    Think of Agricultural University Students ' Cultural Quality

  24. 辛亥革命前孙中山关于国民素质问题的思考,突出了人的现代化在整个现代化进程中的重要地位。

    He emphasized the important status of people 's modernization in the whole process of modernization .

  25. 自有史以来,人的素质问题就广为思想家们所关注。

    From history , the problems about man 's quality have been caring for by thinkers .

  26. 关于现代领导干部的素质问题

    On the qualities of modern leaders

  27. 大学生的职业素质问题是导致大学生缺乏市场竞争力的主要原因。

    It is the poor career quality of the graduates that causes the lack of competitiveness .

  28. 新形势下,面对众多挑战、高校辅导员的素质问题凸显。

    Under the new situation , facing the numerous challenges , the quality of college counselors highlights .

  29. 作为培养高质量外语人才的一支重要生力军,高中英语教师的素质问题越来越受到人们的关注。

    Now people are paying close attention to the quality of the English teachers in senior middle schools .

  30. 国内外教育专家从未停止对优秀教师应具备的素质问题的探讨。

    The educational experts at home and abroad never stop discussing what qualities an excellent teacher should have .