
  • 网络population expansion;Population Explosion;overpopulation
  1. 贫困和日益增多的不平等现象是人口膨胀的必然后果。

    Poverty and growing inequality are the inevitable outcome of population expansion .

  2. 人口膨胀是当今世界上最严峻的问题之一。

    Population expansion is one of the most serious problems in the world .

  3. 该市出现过人口膨胀。

    There was a swell in the city 's population .

  4. 婴儿潮[生育高峰]使人口膨胀。

    A member of a baby-boom generation . The baby boom swelled the population .

  5. 人口膨胀,土地被大面积开发;工业发展,空气质量每况愈下。

    Population expansion , land is developed widely ; Industrial development , air quality deteriorate .

  6. 千禧塔的设计师认为这是解决人口膨胀的最佳办法。

    Millennium 's designers think it represents the best solution for the coming population explosion .

  7. 其中,人口膨胀导致的滥垦、滥伐、滥采、滥牧、滥用水资源以及不合理的耕作方式使土地沙化、退化、荒漠化,造成生态环境破坏是近年来沙尘暴频发的主要原因。

    Among which ecocide is the main reason for sandstorm frequently occurred in the recent years .

  8. 如今,全球变暖、人口膨胀和自然资源匮乏的威胁似乎都不够骇人。

    Today , the threat from global warming , overpopulation and scarce natural resources appears insufficiently scary .

  9. 此外,“非本土”居民人口膨胀还为伦敦蒸蒸日上的经济繁荣奠定了坚实的基础。

    Likewise , London gets a boost from " non-dom " residents in powering its turbo-charged economy .

  10. 这份报告说,由于经济高速增长和人口膨胀,亚太地区能源消耗自从1980年以来已经翻了一番。

    The report says energy consumption in the region has doubled since 1980 because of high economic growth and growing populations .

  11. 80年代以来,随着经济的迅速发展,人口膨胀、资源危机、环境污染等问题的出现使人们越来越认识到可持续发展的重要性。

    Since the 1980s ', population expansion , resource crisis and environment pollution have made people realize the importance of sustainable development .

  12. 本文认为,由外来流动人口膨胀导致的大城市规模扩张不是引致城市犯罪率上升的本质原因;

    Rapid distension of floating population which results in extension of city size is not an entitative reason of rising urban criminal ratio .

  13. 今年世界水资源日的活动主题是缺水。缺水的成因所皆知:人口膨胀、期浪费、及污染问题。

    The theme of this year 's event is water scarcity , a problem familiarly driven by population explosion , chronic wastage and pollution .

  14. 人口膨胀、耕地减少是人类21世纪面临的两大难题。

    The expansion of population and the reduction of farmland are the two difficult problems that man will be faced with in the 21st century .

  15. 会议对人口膨胀问题的答复是建高层建筑,但这正是计划的失败之处。

    The council 's answer to the population expansion is to build high block of flats , but that 's where the plan falls down .

  16. 随着各国经济的发展,到20世纪70年代出现了世界性的环境恶化、人口膨胀、能源危机等问题。

    With the rapid development of the world economy , such problems as worldwide environmental deterioration , rapid population increase and energy crisis arose in 1970s .

  17. 干旱、低产、人口膨胀,是造成宁南山区生态环境恶化和经济发展缓慢的重要原因。

    Drought , low production and population expansion are important causes of the eco environment worsening and slow economic development in the dryland of Southern Ningxia .

  18. 另外,随着人类的经济发展和人口膨胀,水资源短缺现象日趋严重,有效利用水资源也是值得我们关注的问题。

    In addition , with human economic development aad population expansion , serious water shortages phenomenon , effective use of water resources is worth our concern .

  19. 印度由于政局不稳定、民族不团结、人口膨胀、教育滞后、基础设施簿弱,使经济发展后劲乏力。

    Due to unstable political situation , unfriendly nationality , expanded population , backward education and weak infrastructure , the development of Indian economy lags behind .

  20. 二十世纪五十至七十年代,由于人口膨胀和经济粗放型增长以及对环境的忽视,中国环境形势趋于恶化。

    From 1950S TO 1970S , due to population explosion , increase of extensive economy and disregard for environment , China 's environment headed for deterioration .

  21. 可持续发展是人们对300年来工业文明所造成的资源枯竭、人口膨胀、环境污染、生态危机等工业文明弊端进行反思的产物。

    Sustainable development is human countercharging production to the resource drying up 、 population expanding 、 circumstance pollution 、 ecology crisis of 300 years industrial civilization abuse .

  22. 人类正面临着严重的生态环境问题:臭氧层的破坏、温室效应、森林面积急剧减少、水土流失、人口膨胀、能源危机等。

    Mankind being faced with a serious problem of ecology environment : ozonosphere destroy , conservatory effect , water and soil erosion , population expand , energy crisis .

  23. 工业化给人类带来经济的繁荣、社会的发展,同时也带来了人口膨胀、资源短缺、环境恶化等问题。

    Industrialization has brought economic prosperity and social development to human , but also brought about population growth , shortage of resources , environmental degradation and other issues .

  24. 城市为人们带来了美好生活,也带来了人口膨胀、交通拥挤、环境污染、资源紧缺和文化摩擦等问题。

    Cities have brought better life for people , but they have also bred population explosion , traffic congestion , environmental pollution , resource depletion and friction between cultures .

  25. 当今人类社会主要面临着人口膨胀、资源短缺、环境污染、能源匮乏等多种危机,其中能源问题尤为严峻。人类急需从这些危机中摆脱出来,进入一个理想的可持续发展的轨道。

    Nowadays the society of human being are faced many crises , such as surplus population , environmental pollution , deficient resources , irremediable diseases , and so on .

  26. 中国正处于加速城市化进程的阶段。城市化在带来经济增长的同时,也带来了诸多难题与困扰:环境污染、人口膨胀等。

    China is undergoing the stage of accelerating urbanization , which brings about the economic growth , and also many problems such as environment pollution and population explosion , etc.

  27. 摘要当今社会,人口膨胀现象突出,人与环境的关系紧张,如何有效控制人口值得研究。

    In modern society , it is necessary to pay much attention to population growth , the tense relationship between human beings and the environment , and how to control population .

  28. 其中,最为突出的是人口膨胀、资源短缺、环境污染及生态恶化等城市病所带来的压力。

    The most prominent is the pressure brought by the " city disease ", such as expansion of population , shortage of resources , environmental pollution , ecological deterioration and so on .

  29. 城市化进程的不断加剧,在产生巨大经济效益的同时,也带来了城市人口膨胀、建筑密度过大、交通严重堵塞、环境持续恶化等一系列的问题。

    Since the intensification of urbanization , it not only brought great economic benefits , but also the population explosion , excessive building density , terrible traffic jam , and other problems .

  30. 合理开发利用海洋资源是解决当前人类社会所面临的人口膨胀和资源短缺等难题新的重要途径。

    At present , the reasonable exploitation of sea resources is the extremely reliable way of resolving difficult problems faced by the human society , such as population expansion and resources shortage .