
  • 网络body system;Human Body Systems;Human system
  1. 计算机人体系统模型及其应用(一)

    Human system computer modeling and its application ( 1 )

  2. 模拟人体系统中生命信号发生器的研究

    Study on life signal generator in simulated human system

  3. 将各肢体定义为图形物体,并按一定的次序显示,在SGI工作站上实现了人体系统的动态图形模拟。

    Machines and human body limbs are displayed in given order as graphic objects , and the human-machine interaction process can be dynamically displayed on SGI workstation .

  4. 人体系统变质量体动力学普遍定理研究

    Study on varing-mass body dynamics general theorem of human body system

  5. 人体系统多体约束动力学模型研究

    Study on dynamical model of multi-body restriction of human body system

  6. 人体系统变质量力学模型基础研究

    Basic study on varing-mass mechanical model of human body system

  7. 喝水能让细胞冲洗、净化你的人体系统。

    Hydrating your cells help you to flush your system .

  8. 数字人体系统的运动惯量研究

    Study on movement inertia of digital human body system

  9. 数字人体系统演化的分析方法

    Analyzing Methods of Digital Human Body System Evolvement

  10. 数字人体系统的随机性

    Randomicity of Digital Human Body System

  11. 手机与人体系统近场的研究综述

    A Review of the Study on the Near - Field of Handset and Human Body System

  12. 本文围绕人体系统多体约束开展了动力学模型研究。

    The dynamical model of multi-body restriction of human body system was studied in this paper .

  13. 人体系统中的控制

    Control in the Body System

  14. 没有充分知晓人体系统工作原理的情况下,他们创造出的只会是一个死体。

    Without fully understanding how the whole body operates as a system , the team would build a very inefficient human .

  15. 笔者首先介绍了数字人体系统的物质流和能量流、人体系统的信息模型;

    The author introduced firstly matter flow and energy flow of digital human body system , information model of human body system .

  16. 解剖在线的图解在你述及疾病之病理时,已取代手工绘画人体系统略图的需要,因为我们已经为您描绘出正常的剖析图了。

    Anatomical Line Drawings eliminates the need to manually sketch the body system as related to the pathology of disease-we 've drawn the normal anatomy for you .

  17. 由于人体系统是相互关联的,因此眼睛的病变可以反映出血管、神经和免疫系统等处的病变。

    Because the body 's systems are interconnected , changes in the eye can reflect those in the vascular , nervous and immune system , among others .

  18. 早在两年前,健康与人类服务部监察长就曾警告说,保护实验人体系统有陷于崩溃的危险。

    Two years ago the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services warned that the system safeguarding human subjects is in danger of a meltdown .

  19. 视觉系统是人体系统中最重要的感官系统,人类所能够从外界获得信息主要来自视觉。

    Vision system is the most important sensory systems of the human body system , human can obtain information from the outside world come mainly from the visual .

  20. 当一个药物疗程未完成时,人体系统被清除的仅是些较弱的病菌,给更顽固株留下了生长的空间。

    When a full course of medication isn 't completed , a person 's system is cleared of only the weakest germs , leaving room for a hardier strain to thrive .

  21. 这些蛋白是如何隐瞒人体系统的还不得而知,它在某些情况下还可能引起卒中和心力衰竭。

    " Somehow they fool the human body that these are human proteins and the human body begins to use them which may cause a stroke or heart failure in some cases ," Kalodimos explains .

  22. 研究表明,人体系统中强相互作用和电磁作用具有时间反演不变性,在人体系统弱作用中时间反演不变性不再完全成立。

    The study results showed that strong interaction and electric magnetic interaction in human body system have of time retrival invariability and the time retrival invariability in human body weak interaction come into existence completely no more .

  23. 本文概述了数字人体系统层圈块体运动惯量一次矩和质心,介绍了数字人体系统层圈块体运动惯量的应用;

    The once quadrature and matter center of movement inertia of layer-circle block-body of digital human body system were summarized in this article . The application of movement inertia of layer-circle block-body of digital human body system was introduced .

  24. 中医的诊断学就是以把握人体系统整体涌现性为目标而建立的,通过望闻问切四诊所获得的信息都是有关人体整体涌现特性的信息。

    Chinese medicine diagnostics is to grasp the human system as a whole emerged as the goal established , the information obtained through the four clinics of the look and smell are the characteristics of information emerged about the body as a whole .

  25. 结果表明,如果将座垫-人体系统的固有频率由4.0Hz降低到3.0Hz左右,刚度取1.85×10~4N/m,相对阻尼不大于0.2时,则GZ6950型客车的整车平顺性可以有较大提高。

    The results show that , with the natural frequency of the seat cushion-human body system reduced from 4 Hz to 3 Hz , set stiffness 1 . 85 × 104 N / m , relative bamp not larger than 0.2 , ride quality will be obviously improved .

  26. 瑜伽能增强人体免疫系统。

    Yoga can be used to strengthen the immune system .

  27. 应用Bond图模拟人体动脉系统模型

    A Computer Simulation Model of Human Arterial System by Bond Graphs

  28. 选用Bond图作为人体动脉系统集中参数模型的图解表达形式。

    Bond graphs are chosen as graphical representations of lumped-parameter models for the human arterial system .

  29. 二硫化碳对人体神经系统影响的Meta分析

    Carbon Disulfide on Human Nervous System Effects of Meta-Analysis

  30. 结论UG在体外试验中不抑制正常人体免疫系统机能。

    Conclusion Haemaccel in vitro has no influence on the immune ( system ) of healthy persons .