
  • 网络talent structure;human resource structure
  1. 产业结构的调整要求相应人才结构与之相适应。

    The adjustment of industrial structure require the relevant talent structure .

  2. 中国研究型大学人才结构综合评价研究

    A Comprehensive Evaluation of Talent Structure in China 's Research Universities

  3. NIS的人才结构优化战略

    The Optimum Strategy of Structure of Person with Abilities in National Innovation System

  4. 安徽省工业企业人才结构现状调查

    Survey of present talent structure of industrial enterprises in Anhui province

  5. 优化人才结构,提升人才素质;

    Optimizing the talents configuration and upgrading the talents quality ;

  6. 武汉市人才结构现状及需求特点

    Current Structure and Demand Characteristic of Talents in Wuhan City

  7. 关于西部大开发中人力资源开发与人才结构问题的思考

    Human Resource Development in the Development of the Western Region

  8. 市场导向的高新技术产业人才结构优化研究

    Research on the Talent Structure Optimization in High-Tech Industry of Market Orientation

  9. 高新技术产业人才结构评价

    An Evaluation on the Talent Structure of the High-Tech Industry

  10. 物流企业人才结构现状及治理对策问题与情景;

    Logistics Personnel Structure Situation and Countermeasures question and situation ;

  11. 笔者从企业改革和结构调整;近期科学调整邮电人才结构的研究

    Study on adjustment of talent structure in recent post and telecommunication industry

  12. 河南省科技人才结构的灰色优化配置

    The Optimal Allocation of the Intellectual Resources of Henan Province

  13. 河北出版集团人才结构研究

    The Research on Talent Structure of Hebei Publication Group

  14. 三峡库区专业技术人才结构优化策略研究

    Research on Strategy for Optimizing Professional Talents Structure in Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  15. 对业余射击队安排合理化人才结构的探讨

    A Study of Establishing a Rational Talents Structure for An Amateur Shooting Team

  16. 人才结构系统分析的目标规划方法

    A Target Planning Method for Manpower Structure System Analysis

  17. 教育结构的不合理。人才结构不合理,高层次人才短缺;

    The composition of trained personnel is unreasonable and high-level talents are shortage ;

  18. 调整人才结构加大培养力度&山西省农科院实施120人才培养工程的做法和启示

    Adjusting Talents ' Structure and Amplifying the Training Strength

  19. 因此,研究如何优化民营企业的人才结构很有现实意义。

    So the research on the private talents ' building of enterprises is meaningful .

  20. 试析企业合理的人才结构

    Consideration on rational talent structure of the enterprises

  21. 论人才结构调整与优化

    On the Adjustment and Optimization of Talent Structure

  22. 文章分析了国际国内航运企业人才结构的现状,总结了航运企业专业人才建设中的特点和不足,为更好地提出航运企业专业人才队伍建设的建议做了理论和实证两方面的论述。

    After analyzing structure of professional system , we summarize the characteristics of talent building .

  23. 分析了武汉市人才结构现状和需求特点。

    Analysis the current structure and demand characteristic of persons with ability in Wuhan city .

  24. 我国产业的人才结构研究

    Analysis on Personnel Structure in Chinese Industry

  25. 人才结构不合理;

    The structure of talents is unreasonable ;

  26. 首先是提高劳动者素质,优化人才结构。

    Firstly it needs to improve the quality of labor and rationalization of talent structure .

  27. 关于人才结构调整的若干思考

    Considerations on the Talent - Structure Adjustment

  28. 推进人才结构调整是树立和落实科学发展观的重大举措。

    Talent-structure adjustment has been an important way of implementing a scientific outlook on development .

  29. 宁夏农业科研系统人才结构探析

    Discussion on the temporary shortage of qualified personnel in the agricultural scientific research system in Ningxia

  30. 简论计算机软件人才结构

    Discussion about Structure of Software Professionals