
  • 网络Investigation unit;Survey unit;Survey carried out by
  1. 结果:仅30.0%的被调查单位的社区护理管理工作由护士长负责;

    Results : Only 30 % of units were managed by head nurses ;

  2. 方法选择两个国家级贫困县,每县随机选取一个镇和村为基本调查单位,从中整群分层随机抽取调查对象。

    Methods One town and one village randomly selected as a investigation unit in two poverty county recognized by State Council of China .

  3. 针灸针和用于伤口处理的剪刀采用压力蒸汽灭菌器进行灭菌的医疗机构分别占调查单位数的58.1%和82.3%。

    The medical institutions using autoclaving for sterilization of acupuncture needles and scissors for treating wounds accounted for 58.1 % and 82.3 % respectively of the institutions surveyed .

  4. 被调查单位、人员必须提供真实资料和情况,不得拒报、虚报和瞒报;

    The units and personnel to be investigated must provide true information and data and may not refuse to make reports , or make false or deceptive reports ;

  5. 美洲大蠊仅在两个单位的热力管道和蒸气房内发现,占调查单位和居民的住宅的0.09%。

    Out of the percentage of the investigated units and houses , the american cockroach was 0.09 % , only found in heating water canal and steam-water room of two units .

  6. 收集被调查单位销售的不同品牌及品种化妆品的标签标识、说明书等资料,并对获取的抽检资料信息进行分析。

    Sales collected by the investigation units of different brands and varieties of cosmetics label , brochures , and other information , and access to the sampling data and information analysis .

  7. 调查单位对山东大学医学本科毕业生的总体评价满意度较高,说明我校医学本科毕业生具有较高的培养质量和较强的就业竞争力。

    The evaluation that the companies investigated give to the medical graduates from Shandong University is high , which demonstrates that the medical students from Shandong University have high education quality and strong employment competence .

  8. 工业统计调查单位分为两类:独立核算法人企业和工业活动单位。人口激增,工商业蓬勃发展,这些人类活动正是污染的根源。

    They are classified into two categories : corporate industrial enterprises with independent accounting system and industrial establishments . The rapid growth of its population , industry and commerce remain at the root of pollution by human activities .

  9. 来自事故调查单位的尼克-格雷警官表示:我们在事故现场结束调查后,非常惊讶的发现有这么多的路过司机使用手机拍照,只为捕捉这起恐怖事故的画面。

    Sergeant Nick Gray , from the Collision Investigation Unit said : ' After completing our investigations at the scene of the collision , we were astonished to see so many motorists using their mobile phones to capture an image of what was a horrific collision .

  10. 从新疆女性人才的调查看单位环境内的女性人才

    The Female Talents in the Unities

  11. 设计:抽样调查。单位:山东省聊城大学教育科学学院心理学实验室。

    DESIGN : Sampled investigation SETTING : The Laboratory of Psychology of the College of Education Science of Shandong Liaocheng University .

  12. 尽管调查的单位有大型国有企业,中小民营企业、外资企业等,但由于时间、空间、经济条件的限制,覆盖地区与行业的广度不够。

    Although the units include large state-owned enterprises , small and medium-sized private enterprises , foreign enterprises and so on , due to the limitations of time , space and financial condition , the quantity of covering area and industry is not enough .

  13. 多波束测量中有效条幅的覆盖宽度对于调查船只和单位都有重要的意义。

    So the coverage width of the effective scroll should be enhanced as far as possible .

  14. 在调查457个单位中有335个开展了心理咨询服务,近一年的求助者计88190人。

    Three hundred and thirty-five of the 475 units surveyed have their own psychological counseling services , with 88,190 clients being seen in the past year .

  15. 尽管这道备受争议的美味仍出现大多数酒店的菜单上,本次调查的主办单位、来自北京的非政府组织达尔问自然求知社则表示,此次调查结果令人鼓舞、体现出人们环保意识的提高。

    Although the controversial delicacy remains on the menu at most hotels , Green Beagle Environment Institute , a Beijing-based non-government organization that was the main sponsor of the survey , said the results are encouraging and reflect increased awareness .

  16. 工会可以派出代表对所属工会组织所在的企业、事业单位、机关就侵犯职工合法权益的问题进行调查,有关单位应当予以协助。

    A trade union may appoint a representative to investigate problems in relation to infringements of the legal rights and interests of workers of the said enterprise or public institution within which it has been established and the said unit shall be obliged to provide the necessary assistance .

  17. 调查进行期间,单位给他放了带薪假。

    He has been placed on a paid leave of absence while investigations are made .

  18. 基于专家调查法、参照单位分析法和AHP法建立了高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系。

    The paper is to establish the evaluation index system of Incorruptible Culture Construction in universities according to the method of expert investigation and AHP .

  19. 本次调查的基本抽样单位是居委会(城市)和村委会(农村)。

    The basic sample unit was neighborhood committee ( city ) and village committee ( countryside ) .

  20. 目的调查宁波市属医疗单位医用诊断X线机防护状况。

    Objective To evaluate the status of protection against medical diagnostic X ray in medical institution in Ningbo city .

  21. 再次,通过问卷调查了解不同性质单位的员工的拖延现状及其人口统计学变量上的差异。

    Secondly , through a questionnaire to understand the situation of different employees in nature on the procrastination and demographic variables .

  22. 查询当事人和与被调查事件有关的单位和个人的资金账户、证券账户和银行账户;

    Consulting the capital account , security account or bank account of any relevant party concerned in or any entity or individual relating to a case under investigation ;

  23. 高职毕业生质量评估的内容应包括对应届毕业生的理论知识和专业技能的评估、毕业生的跟踪调查以及用人单位的意见反馈等。

    The content of evaluation of graduates quality of higher vocational education should include graduates ' theory knowledge and professional skills , investigation on graduates , and employers ' feedback opinion etc.

  24. 询问当事人和与被调查事件有关的单位和个人,要求其对与被调查事件有关的事项作出说明;

    To question people involved , and units and individuals related to the incident under investigation , and to demand that they explain relevant issues related to the incident under investigation ;

  25. 通过对中国学科信息门户网站建设现状的调查,从建设单位、学科类型、信息内容、管理系统、元数据应用和资源组织等方面分析学科信息门户建设的现状。

    Representative websites of Subject Information Gateway ( SIG ) in China were described as to their establisher , subject type , information structure , management system , metadata application and resource organization .

  26. 调查对象为该单位职业卫生服务机构,如职业病防治科、劳动卫生科、公共卫生科、健康监护科等。

    The target is the organization that related to occupational health , such as the department of occupational disease prevention and cure , occupational health section , sanitary inspection section and the health surveillance section .

  27. 第六十五条人民法院有权向有关单位和个人调查取证,有关单位和个人不得拒绝。

    Article 65 The people 's court shall have the right to make investigation and collect evidence from the relevant units or individuals ; such units or individuals may not refuse to provide information and evidence .

  28. 调查部门作为事业单位,近年来在不断进行各种人事改革,职工的工作满意度也就提上了工作的日程。

    As a state-owned enterprise , survey office has continuously advanced the reforming policy for various human affairs in the past years , therefore , the issue about workers ' job satisfaction was proposed on the agenda .

  29. 在限额以下贸易业抽样调查中,抽样单位变动频繁,抽样框极不稳定,对抽样估计的精度带来不利的影响。

    Because of the frequent changes in the item units to be sampled for enterprises under the quota limit , the sampling frame is rather unstable , which exerts adverse impact on the precision in assessing the samples .

  30. 2003年,我们对大学毕业生就业后的能力缺陷进行了调查,148个单位提出了16项能力不足。影响大学毕业生就业因素分析及对策研究&从重庆双选会看大学生就业

    In 2003 , we surveyed the ability limitation after employment of the graduated students and found that 148 organizations brought forward 16 insufficient working abilities among the graduated students . Analyses and countermeasures of the influence on Graduate 's Employment