
  • 网络Adjusting economic structure;economic restructuring
  1. 第三,把扩大内需和调整经济结构紧密结合起来。

    Third , integrating the expansion of domestic demand with economic restructuring .

  2. (二)大力调整经济结构,夯实长远发展基础。

    Vigorously carrying out economic restructuring , and shoring up the foundation for long-term development .

  3. 我们必须通过扩大国内需求,达到保持持续经济增长的目的,确保就业和调整经济结构。

    We have to meet the demanding goal of maintaining economic growth by boosting domestic demand , ensuring employment and readjusting the economic structure .

  4. 中国将继续致力于转变经济发展方式,调整经济结构,走出一条均衡和可持续的发展道路。

    We will work hard to transform the economic development pattern , restructure the economy and set out on a path of balanced and sustainable development .

  5. 对亚洲来说,发展仍然是头等大事,发展仍然是解决面临的突出矛盾和问题的关键,迫切需要转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构,提高经济发展质量和效益,在此基础上不断提高人民生活水平。

    Sustaining development is still of paramount importance to Asia , because only development holds the key to solving major problems and difficulties it faces . It is important that we should shift the growth model , adjust the economic structure , make development more cost effective and make life better for our people .

  6. 分析并指出了我国1980-2000年国内生产总值(GDP)增长率走高的主要原因是得益于扩大内需,调整经济结构,深化经济体制改革及加入WTO等;

    The primary reasons why China gross domestic product ( GDP ) has been growing in 1980-2003 were analyzed , including enhancing domestic demand , adjusting economic structure , deepening the reformation of economic system and WTO admittance .

  7. 中美各自调整经济结构过程中蕴藏着巨大合作机遇。

    Huge cooperation opportunities exist in both countries economic structural adjustment .

  8. 加快转变经济发展方式和调整经济结构。

    Accelerate changes to the pattern of economic development and restructuring .

  9. 在调整经济结构中合理地设岗配人

    How to Match Posts with Persons in the Adjustment of Economic Structure

  10. 调整经济结构推动区域经济协调发展

    Adjust Economic Structure and Promote Regional Economy to Develop Compatibly

  11. 国家根据水资源承载能力调整经济结构和生产力布局;

    Economic structure or layout adjustment based on water resources bearing capacity ;

  12. 调整经济结构,日益扩大开放领域。

    The govemment also adjusts economic structure and enlarges the open field increasingly .

  13. 调整经济结构和土地利用结构,发挥资源优势;

    Adjusting economic structure and construction of land utilization ;

  14. 从调整经济结构、转变增长方式的角度来理解自主;

    From adjusting the economic structure and changing the way of the growth ;

  15. 调整经济结构构建特色经济

    Adjusting economic structure and forming a special economy

  16. 调整经济结构,减少资源消费;

    Transforming industrial structure and reducing resources consumption ;

  17. 调整经济结构提高经济效益

    Adjust Economic Structure and Improve Economic Benefits

  18. 当前,中美两国都致力于调整经济结构。

    Currently , China and the US are undertaking massive efforts to restructure our economies .

  19. 美国经济已变得过于依赖融资和举债,要调整经济结构尚需时日。

    It takes time to restructure an economy that became over-dependent on finance and leverage .

  20. 调整经济结构,促进国民经济持续、快速、健康发展

    Adjust Economic Structure , Bring about a sustained , Rapid and healthy advance in National Economy

  21. 调整经济结构,发展优势产业,培育新的经济增长点;

    Adjusting the economic structure , developing the advantage industry and fostering the new economy growth point ;

  22. 三是注重调整经济结构,提高发展质量和效益。

    Third , we focused on adjusting the economic structure and raising the quality and returns of development .

  23. 自主创新是提高科技水平和经济竞争力的关键,也是调整经济结构、转变经济增长方式的中心环节。

    It is also the central link to regulate economic structure and shift the way of economic growth .

  24. 大力调整经济结构,提高经济效益,保持经济适度增长;

    And must greatly improve the economic structure , rise the economic benefits and keep the proper economic increase ;

  25. 山西资本市场发展滞后,已经使其多次失去了调整经济结构的良机。

    With the slow development of Shanxi 's captial market , it has missed opportunities to adjusting its economic structure .

  26. 迫切需要调整经济结构,发展就业潜力大的行业,以缓解就业压力。

    It is urgent to adjust the economical structure and to develop the potential employment industries to alleviate the employment pressure .

  27. 多尼隆在亚洲协会上表示,华盛顿支持中国政府调整经济结构的举措。

    Donilon has also told the Asia Society Washington is encouraged by the Chinese government 's move to restructure the economy .

  28. 依据市场经济的原则调整经济结构,必须以资本市场为依托。

    For adjusting the economic structure according to the principle of the market-orient economy , we should rely on the capital market .

  29. 即使是在不利的世界环境中,只要采取措施稳定的调整经济结构的政策也会刺激增长。

    The adoption of policies designed to stabilize and restructure the economy will stimulate growth , even in an adverse world environment .

  30. 处理好保持经济平稳较快发展、调整经济结构和管理好通胀预期的关系。

    We need to skillfully handle the relationship between maintaining steady and rapid economic development , restructuring the economy and managing inflation expectations .