
jì shù yǐn jìn hé tonɡ
  • technology introduction contract;contract for introduction of technology
  1. 技术引进合同应当订明下列事项。

    A technology import contract shall state clearly the following items .

  2. 技术引进合同包括:(一)专利实施许可或转让合同;

    Technology introduction contracts include : ( 1 ) application or transfer contract of patent ;

  3. 涉及在中国取得专利权或者商标权的转让或者许可的技术引进合同

    A technology import contract involving the assignment or licensing of patent or trade rights obtained in China

  4. 审批机关认为应当履行审批手续的其他技术引进合同。

    Other technology import contracts which the examining and approving organs believe should undergo examination and approval procedures .

  5. 技术引进合同的受方或者代理对外签约的公司、企业

    A recipient of imported technology or a company or enterprise commissioned to sign a technology import contract with the foreign party

  6. 由审批机关颁发经贸部统一制刷和编号的《技术引进合同批准证书》

    The examining and approving organ shall issue a Technology Import Contract Approval Certificate which is uniformly designed and numbered by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade .

  7. 为了便于税收管理,对外签订的技术引进合同,都应将合同副本送当地税务机关备查。

    In order to facilitate tax administration , a copy of all contracts for the import of technology signed with foreigners shall be sent to the local tax authorities for reference .

  8. 但是,跨地区委托设在北京的公司(不包括北京市属公司)对外签订的技术引进合同,由经贸部审批;

    Technology import contracts for projects with feasibility study reports approved by the ministries / commissions of and departments under the State Council are to be examined and approved by MFERT .

  9. 着重分析了在技术引进合同的谈判及签订时的风险因素,为技术引进项目管理者提供风险防范的思路和方法;

    Meanwhile , it also emphasizes on analyzing the risk factor of the negotiation and signature for technology introducing contract , besides , it provides the idea and method of risk avoidance for the managers of the technology introducing project .

  10. 该类企业从供方获得技术所鉴定的技术引进合同,应当按照本细则的规定办理审批手续。

    The entities receiving technology from a supplier the technology import contract signed by the two parties shall undergo examination and approval procedures in accordance with the provisions of these Detailed Rules .

  11. 应当委托具有对外技术引进经营权的公司、企业对外签订技术引进合同,并出具委托书。

    It shall commission a company or enterprise which is authorized to import technology from abroad to sign a technology import contract with the foreign party and shall provide a power of attorney .

  12. 我国政府一贯重视对技术进出口管理的立法工作,1981年颁发了《技术引进和设备进口工作暂行条例》。这是技术引进及其合同管理的最早立法。

    The year 1981 witnessed the promulgation of the Interim Rules Concerning the Work of Technology Introduction and Equipment Import , which was the earliest legislative piece in connection with technology introduction and contract administration .