
jì shù zī xún hé tonɡ
  • technical consultancy contract;technical consulting contract
  1. 月内;C.分项三的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________

    C. Technical service report on Item 3 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;

  2. 月内;B.分项二的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________

    B. Technical service report on Item 2 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;

  3. 月内;D.分项四的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________月内。

    and D. Technical service report on Item 4 : ________ months after effectiveness of the Contract .

  4. B.无法使技术咨询报告达到合同附件一规定的最低验收标准。

    or B. Fails to make the technical service reports meet the minimum level of Acceptance Standards as specified in Appendix 1 .

  5. 第四条交付4.1前述技术咨询报告以CIF______________价格条件交付的最后期限为:A.分项一的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________

    Article 4 Delivery Schedule 4.1 The deadline for the arrival of the Technical service reports CIF _____ is : A. Technical service report on Item 1 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;