
dǒu yīn
  • Tiktok;trill;thrill
抖音[dǒu yīn]
  1. 在这段上传到抖音的视频中,阿喜的皮肤看上去不太平滑。

    In the video , uploaded to Douyin , Angie 's skin looks bumpy teeth .

  2. 行动开始以来,腾讯、抖音、豆瓣、新浪微博等多个平台均发布公告,开始清理各类乱象。新浪微博禁止用户在昵称中使用“八组”、“瓜组”等字眼,同时加强对娱乐圈偶像相关帖文的管理。

    Sina Weibo , a Twitter-like platform , has banned netizens from using words such as gossip or onlooker of posts involving entertainment idols .

  3. MiWatch最开始就可以安装40多款中国流行的应用程序,如抖音和QQ。

    More than 40 popular Chinese apps , such as TikTok and QQ Messenger , are available for the Mi Watch on day one .

  4. 阿喜于2020年7月初具雏形,三个月后Jesse在抖音上发布了阿喜的第一个视频。

    Angie started taking shape in July 2020 , and within three months Zhang had posted his character 's first video to Douyin .

  5. 7月份,在赛勒斯抖音账号上发布的一段视频中,他们二人伴着C+C音乐工厂(乐队)的歌曲《GonnaMakeYouSweat(EverybodyDanceNow)》跳舞,这首歌曲由FreedomWilliams创作。

    The pair was also seen dancing around to " Gonna Make You Sweat ( Everybody Dance Now ) " by C + C Music Factory featuring Freedom Williams in a TikTok video on Cyrus ' account in July .

  6. 纳伦德拉·莫迪政府于6月29日出台的针对中国应用程序的禁令不仅涉及字节跳动的爆款应用抖音,还有该公司其他两个平台VigoVideo(火山小视频的海外版)和Helo。

    The Narendra Modi government 's June 29 ban on Chinese apps included not just Bytedance 's wildly popular TikTok , but also two of its other platforms , Vigo Video and Helo .

  7. 随后,抖音官方因“长期渲染卖惨和宣扬不良风气”,封禁了他拥有60万粉丝的账号。

    Then Douyin suspended his 600000-follower account for " grandstanding through gaudy content . "

  8. 如果你痴迷于TikTok(国外版抖音),你将有机会和网红少女莎莉·德阿梅利奥一起制作内容。

    If you 're obsessed with TikTok , enter to make content with Charli D'Amelio .

  9. 仅仅因为印度的抖音被封杀,这家总部位于北京的公司就损失了超过2亿用户。

    The Beijing-based company lost over 200 million users only on account of TikTok in India .

  10. 比如说抖音海外版(TikTok)在印度的用户累计超过2亿。

    The TikTok app has amassed more than 200 million users in India , for instance .

  11. 就在上周风小逸的吃桃桃视频和抖音账号被互联网封除之际,

    Just as Feng 's peach video and his Douyin account was scrubbed off the internet last week ,

  12. 美国商务部表示,将撤销一份禁止与抖音和微信进行交易的名单。

    The U.S. Commerce Department says it is rescinding a list of prohibited transactions with TikTok and WeChat .

  13. 一些商界业内士表示,如果可能,抖音计划一年内在美国上市。

    Some business insider say TikTok has a plan to IPO in the U.S. within one year if possible .

  14. 微软公司表示,将继续就从中国互联网巨头公司字节跳动手中收购广受欢迎的短视频应用软件“抖音”展开谈判。

    Microsoft has said it will continue discussions to acquire popular short-video app TikTok from Chinese internet giant ByteDance .

  15. 中国短视频应用抖音及其海外版TikTok仍是上个月全球非游戏应用收入榜榜首。

    Chinese short video app Douyin and its overseas version TikTok remained the top-grossing non-gaming app worldwide last month .

  16. 然而她接地气的人设显然在抖音上引发了共鸣,迄今为止她已经吸引了逾28万粉丝。

    And her down-to-earth persona is clearly resonating on Douyin , where she has amassed over 280000 followers to date .

  17. 某些抖音用户不喜欢她的粗大腿、粗糙的妆容、若隐若现的痘痕和不平滑的肌肤。

    Some Douyin users have disapproved of her thick thighs , creased makeup , faint acne scars and uneven skin .

  18. 抖音在美国拥有超过1亿用户,1500多名员工及数千位商业伙伴。

    TikTok has more than 100 million users , over 1500 employees and thousands of business partners in the United States .

  19. 抖音表示,甲骨文将成为其“值得信赖的技术提供商”,并将负责托管抖音在美国的用户数据。

    TikTok says Oracle will become its " trusted technology provider " and will be hosting TikTok 's U.S. user data .

  20. 这15家公司包括广受欢迎的视频平台哔哩哔哩、视频流媒体领头羊抖音及腾讯支持的流媒体创业公司快手。

    Those 15 companies include the popular video platform Bilibili , video-streaming leader Douyin , and Tencent-backed live-video streaming startup Kuaishou .

  21. 中国的抖音已风靡全球,在国内也很火爆。

    China 's TikTok , which has taken the world by storm , is working its magic in its home nation , too .

  22. 抖音母公司表示,将对美国政府提起诉讼,以维护公司的权益。

    TikTok 's parent comany says it will file a lawsuit against the U.S. government to protect the company 's rights and interests .

  23. 此前,一些公司已经抢先当局一步展开了行动:“抖音”的母公司字节跳动于8月1日正式结束了该企业的周末加班制度,

    Some companies jumped ahead of authorities : ByteDance , the owner of TikTok , formally ended its weekend overtime policy on August 1 ,

  24. 尽管知道阿喜不是真人,许多粉丝还是在两个抖音聊天群里和阿喜热切地分享自己的日常生活。

    Despite knowing she 's not real , many of Angie 's followers eagerly tell her about their day in two group chats on Douyin .

  25. 该公司称,在艺术和文化领域,去年抖音上与这些话题有关的视频就有5431亿的播放量。

    On the art and culture front , videos that revolved around those topics had 543.1 billion plays on Douyin last year , it claimed .

  26. 迪士尼资深员工凯文·梅耶将离职,出任抖音首席执行官,抖音是中国互联网巨头字节跳动旗下的热门视频应用。

    Disney veteran Kevin Mayer is leaving the company to become CEO of TikTok , the popular video app owned by Chinese internet giant ByteDance .

  27. 所以,每当你练习钢琴或学习抖音上的舞蹈时,你很可能会从多个方面帮助自己!

    So every time you practice the piano or learn a TikTok dance , you 're likely helping yourself out in more ways than one !

  28. Resso是一款社交音乐流媒体应用,是抖音母公司字节跳动的产品,在经过了数月测试运行之后于今年三月份登陆印度市场。

    Owned by TikTok 's parent firm ByteDance , social music-streaming app Resso launched in India in March this year after several months of test runs .

  29. 对声乐教学中各种不良发声进行归类分析,分别指出错误发声中的喉音、鼻音、喊叫、漏气、抖音以及病态发声中的两种情形的发生原因和纠正办法。

    This article classifies harmful sound in vocal music teaching , reveals the cause of wrong and morbid sound and shows the countermeasure against the harmful sound .

  30. 知情人士称,抖音的美国数据将储存在美国,甲骨文将担任数据服务提供商。

    Sources familiar with the negotiation process say TikTok 's U.S. data will be stored in the United States , and Oracle will the data service provider .