
  • 网络jitter
  1. 稳像技术主要用以消除高速运转的发动机所带的图像抖动现象。

    Stabilization technology is mainly used to eliminate image jitter causing by the engine .

  2. 这些重构算法忽略了视频的帧间相关性,存在帧间抖动现象。

    These algorithms ignore the coherence between video frames and exist the phenomenon of inter-frame jitter .

  3. 基于ADAMS的制动抖动现象仿真分析

    Simulation and Analysis of Brake Judder Phenomenon by Using ADAMS

  4. 通过对Xen的虚拟化实现的分析和测试,发现并验证了VMM系统中存在页面抖动现象,由此提出了解决VMM页面抖动的虚拟页Cache思想。

    Through the analysis and test of the Xen implementation , page thrashing is found and verified in the VMM . This thesis put forwards the Virtual Page Cache to solve the " page thrashing " problem .

  5. 这就带来了伪共享问题和其造成的存取抖动现象。

    This would cause false sharing problem and negatively affect system performance .

  6. 因画刷在传播过程中会积累误差,从而不可避免的产生画刷抖动现象。

    Since cumulative error happens during brush propagation , there is inevitable brush flickering .

  7. 盘式制动器车辆的制动抖动现象

    Brake Judder of Disc Brake Vehicle

  8. 该理论在工程应用中最大的障碍是高频开关控制带来的抖动现象。

    The most important drawback in engineering application is the chattering caused by high frequency switching control .

  9. 其次分析了电机齿槽力矩导致的系统低速抖动现象;

    Secondly , the influence of the alveolus moment to the dithering of the systems has been analyzed .

  10. 利用阻尼和胶片压紧装置,清除了胶片瞬间停止时的抖动现象。

    The shaking phenomenon of films at the instantaneous cease is solved by means of damping and film pressing device .

  11. 在这种假设下,论文系统研究了高速数字串行通信中时间抖动现象及本质的各个方面。

    Under this assumption , all aspect of jitter , from phenomena to inbeing , have been discussed in this paper .

  12. 一个有效的内置阀瓣止动装置避免了抖动现象的发生。马车有一个方形的黑布逢,随着车轮的转动而上下抖动。

    A positive internal disc stop prevents flutter . The vehicle had a square black tilt which nodded with the notion of the wheels .

  13. 对制动抖动现象、机理、影响因素、研究方法以及控制措施进行较全面的研究。

    A comprehensive study on brake judder , including phenomena , mechanism , influence factors , research methods and control measures was done in this paper .

  14. 为克服不确定性给系统造成的抖动现象,参考模糊控制的优点,设计了模糊补偿控制以消除这种抖动。

    To overcome shaking of the system caused by uncertainty , we designed a fuzzy compensation controller by making use of the advantages of fuzzy control .

  15. 本文提出的基于磁跟踪器的注册算法,在进行车间布局时,虚拟模型会出现注册误差与抖动现象。

    Virtual model registration had spatial error and jitter during workshop layout process , and a proposed registration algorithm based on the magnetic tracker was proposed .

  16. 在车载网络控制系统中,由于周期性报文的传输周期不同和非周期报文的传输时间不确定的影响,使得系统中报文传输出现抖动现象。

    In the vehicle control network system , message transmission jitter happens because of the difference of transmission cycles between periodic messages and the uncertain transmission time of the acylic messages .

  17. 文章在结合国内外相关文献和实验分析数据的基础上,对盘式制动器特有的制动抖动现象进行了研究。

    This paper gives a study on the phenomena of brake judder , including the factors of occurrence , researching theories and relevant experiments , based on many literatures and experimental data .

  18. 论文首先详细地介绍了连续系统的变结构控制理论,讨论了一般的变结构系统的设计方法、不变性、抖动现象的产生和消除等问题。

    At first , theory of variable structure control of continuous-time systems is introduced in detail , such questions as design of variable structure control , Invariance , and chattering phenomenon are discussed .

  19. 仿真结果表明,模糊滑模控制能有效地削弱传统滑模控制的抖动现象,并且在一定条件下具有很强的鲁棒性。

    Simulation results show that the fuzzy sliding mode control can reduce chatting aroused by conventional sliding mode control and at the same time it has high performance of robustness under certain conditions .

  20. 电液比例控制和电液伺服控制投资成本较高,维护要求高,且提升过程中存在速度误差及抖动现象,影响了正常生产。

    Electro-hydraulic proportional control and electro-hydraulic servo control need high investment costs , high maintenance requirements . And during the lifting process , there is speed error and vibration phenomenon which affects the normal production .

  21. 仿真结果表明,所设计的变结构控制器对系统参数摄动及外部干扰具有较强的鲁棒性,动态性能良好,且无明显的抖动现象。

    The results of simulation in the environment of Matlab show that the controller has excellent robustness to the system uncertainties and the external disturbance , perfect dynamic performance , and has no obvious chattering phenomenon .

  22. 仿真结果表明,基于指数趋近律的模糊滑模控制在有较强鲁棒性的同时有效地消除了抖动现象,对于船舶舵机有较好的控制效果。

    Simulation results show that the fuzzy sliding mode control based on exponential approach law has strong robustness , at the same time it can effectively eliminate chattering , ship Autopilot system achieve better control effect .

  23. 实测显示,视窗中的目标图像同时运动时,平滑稳定、无抖动现象,时间精度达到设计要求,实时向并口输出数据,该方案能有效地诱发出可识别的具有特征性的视觉诱发电位。

    When the visual stimulator runs , the images in the windows move smoothly , stably and simultaneously , transmit data to parallel port in the real-time , Recognizable VEP signal with distinct characteristics can be evoked effectively .

  24. 然后,用模糊推理进行修正,以克服一般滑模控制具有的抖动现象,保证闭环系统的稳定性和跟踪误差收敛于零的某邻域内。

    Then the controller is amended with fuzzy reasoning in order to both eliminate the vibration in general sliding mode controlling and guarantee the stability of the closed-loop system and converge the tracking errors into a neighbourhood of zero .

  25. 具体工作如下:1、图像分割:由于医学成像设备元器件的随机抖动现象会导致噪声的产生,加上人体生理组织器官本身结构的复杂性,致使医学图像具有模糊性和不稳定性的特点。

    Details as follows : 1The character of medical images is ambiguity and instability due to the noise caused by the random jitter of medical imaging equipment components , coupled with the complexity structure of human physiological tissues and organs .

  26. 基于速度控制规律,利用滑模思想设计力矩控制器,引入变速函数削弱抖动现象,并将神经动力学模型融入到控制律中,解决速度和力矩突变问题。

    Based on velocity control , an asymptotic stable torque controller is designed and chattering phenomenon is reduced by using variable rate function . In order to solve the speed and torque jump problem , a neural dynamic model is integrated into the control law . 3 .

  27. 此外,本系统实际应用中需要进行多人同时语音通信,还要对语音数据进行混音,并且消除语音传输过程中的抖动现象。

    Besides , the system needs voice communication for many persons at the same time , so we need to realize voice mixture function . In addition , Voice jitter and delay have great influence on the quality of network talking , we should eliminate this influence .

  28. 传统的动态负载均衡方法总是收集结点负载的实时值作为任务在各结点分配的依据,但这种方法会产生决策时延,造成进程抖动现象,使均衡系统的性能大大下降。

    Traditional dynamic load balancing methods have always collected the real time values of the node load on the grounds of task distributed on each node , But , this method may produce decision-making delay , and cause task-migration vibration , and then greatly degrade the performance of balancing system .

  29. 然而,当前的Internet网络以尽力而为(Best-effort)的方式提供数据传输,带宽波动、延迟抖动和丢包等现象时有发生。

    However , the current Internet is a best-effort network where loss , variable delays and bandwidth fluctuation occur during data delivery in a streaming session .

  30. 与传统电话网不同,IP电话网将所有的话音打包成IP包通过IP寻址的方式传送到对端,因此就产生了一些问题,包括延时、抖动、回声等现象。

    IP telephone network is different from the traditional one for its packing the voice into IP packets and sending them to the end through IP address . Thus , it causes some problems such as time-delay , jitter and echo .