
  • 网络anti-anxiety drugs;Anxiolytics;anxiolytic drugs;XANAX
  1. 方法对73例伴有焦虑症的甲亢患者按序随机分为两组:一组40例,在131I治疗同时给予抗焦虑药物治疗,另一组33例,按常规给予131I治疗。

    Method 73 patients with anxiety disorder and hyperthyroidism were divided into two groups . 40 patients were given both anti-anxiety drugs and 131I treatment . 33 patients received only 131I treatment .

  2. 瑜伽教练夏侬·斯科特(ShannonScott)本人就曾经滥用维柯丁及抗焦虑药物xanax(阿普唑仑的别名)。

    Yoga teacher Shannon Scott herself formerly abused Vicodin and the anti-anxiety pill Xanax .

  3. 旧金山市的一位医生给她开了一种抗焦虑药物。

    A doctor in San Francisco prescribed her an anti-anxiety medication .

  4. 抗焦虑药物对束缚应激大鼠作用的分子机制探索

    Molecular mechanisms of antianxiety drugs on rats with restraint stress

  5. 住院精神科病人抗焦虑药物应用调查分析

    A Survey on Administrations of the Anti-Anxiety Agents for In-patients of Psychiatric Department

  6. 美国海洋世界在拿走逆戟鲸妈妈的宝宝之后喂给她抗焦虑药物。

    SeaWorld gives mother orcas antianxiety medications when their calves are taken away .

  7. 结论罗拉是一种理想的抗焦虑药物。

    Conclusion Serenase is an ideal antianxietic .

  8. 因此,人们迫切希望找到专属性强、副作用小、依赖性低的抗焦虑药物。

    Therefore , people want to find anxiolytics with high affinity , low side effects and dependence .

  9. 目的为了探讨抗焦虑药物治疗焦虑症状的分子作用机制。

    AIM : To investigate the molecular mechanisms of antianxiety drugs on the rats with restraint stress .

  10. 获得了这一信息,团队选择给患者使用抗焦虑药物治疗,而非单用抗精神病药物。

    Armed with this information , the team chose to administer anti-anxiety medication , rather than just antipsychotics .

  11. 古普塔有时候综合治疗高血压可能会结合生物反馈法,对重症还可以考虑用抗焦虑药物。

    Biofeedback or perhaps even anxiety medications in severe cases may be part of an overall hypertension treatment .

  12. 同时观察抗焦虑药物对处于应激状态下溃疡性结肠炎大鼠症状的干预作用及其作用机制。

    Meanwhile to investigate the effects of anxiolytic drug on symptoms of ulcerative colitis rats under psychological stress and the mechanisms of it .

  13. 莫里告诉调查人员说,他曾给杰克逊服用了3种抗焦虑药物来帮他入眠,几个小时之后,杰克逊便与世长辞了。

    Murray told investigators he had given Jackson three anti - anxiety drugs to help him sleep in the hours before he stopped breathing .

  14. 腹腔注射抗焦虑药物安定(5mg/ml,5mg/kg)治疗以后,大鼠在高架十字迷宫实验中进入开放壁的次数和在开放壁停留时间显著增多。

    After pretreatment with the anxiolytic drug diazepam ( 5mg / ml , 5mg / kg ), the entries to the open arms and the time stoped in the open arms were increased significantly in the elevated plus - maze test .

  15. 本文对焦虑相关神经递质(氨基酸类,单胺类,神经肽类)研究以及焦虑动物模型(如高架十字迷路,明暗箱,冲突模型等)研究进行综述,为进行抗焦虑药物及机制研究提供参考。

    This paper is a review on recent development of research on the relationship of the neurotransmitters in anxiety ( monoamines , amino acids and neuropeptide systems ) and the animal models used ( e.g.elevated plus maze , light and dark box , Vogel 's conflict test ) .

  16. 目的研究抗焦虑抑郁药物氟哌噻吨0.5mg+美利曲辛10mg(商品名为黛力新)对更年期女性的高血压患者协同降压的疗效。

    Objective To explore the adjunctive effect of the anti-anxiety-depression drug flupentixol 0.5 mg + melitracen 10 mg / d ( Deanxit ) on essential hypertension in menopause women .

  17. 我也会给她开一些抗焦虑的药物。

    Also , I prescribed her some anti-anxiety medication .

  18. 抗焦虑抑郁药物对更年期女性高血压患者的协助治疗

    The Adjunctive Effect of the Anti-anxiety-depression Drugs on the Treatment of Essential Hypertension in Menopause Women

  19. 单纯使用心血管药物治疗效果欠佳,心理干预,焦虑抑郁症状严重者结合抗焦虑抑郁药物疗效显著。

    In these patients only using cardiovascular drugs had poor effect . However , adding psychological intervention would have good effects .

  20. 利眠宁抗焦虑的药物在上世纪50年代喂给根据恶劣程度挑选出的猫然后让它们变的听话又温顺。

    The antianxiety medication Librium was given to cats selected for their meanness in the 1950s and made them into peaceable felines .

  21. 目的了解抗忧郁焦虑药物对进行常规治疗的癌症患者焦虑、忧郁情绪的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of fluoxetine in treating the cancer patients with anxiety and depression during chemotherapy , radiotherapy and immunotherapy .

  22. 结论:以头晕为主诉的ACI患者,若经改善脑血流循环治疗无效者,则应实施抗焦虑/抑郁药物治疗和支持性心理治疗,可望获得良好疗效。

    Conclusion : The ACI patients with complaints of dizziness , if no response to the therapy of improving cerebral blood flowing , will reach good efficacy with anti-anxiety / antidepressive therapy and supportive psychological therapy .

  23. 目的:探索治疗伴有抑郁和/或焦虑状态紧张性头痛的有效方法,以及抗抑郁/焦虑药物在治疗该类紧张性头痛中的作用。

    Objective : To search for effective therapy for tension type headache with depression and / or anxiety .

  24. 结论:对于伴有抑郁和/或焦虑状态的紧张性头痛患者,除应用对症治疗外,应该加用抗抑郁/焦虑药物。

    Conclusion : Tension type headache patients with depression and / or anxiety should be treated with flupenthixol / melitracen besides using anodyne .

  25. 过去20年,抗抑郁和抗焦虑药物的销量一直在激增;最近,抗精神分裂药安律凡(Abilify)的销量超过了这两者。它是美国所有药物,而不仅仅是精神药物中销量最高的。

    Sales of antidepressants and antianxiety meds have been booming in the past two decades , and they 've recently been outpaced by an antipsychotic , Abilify , that is the No. 1 seller among all drugs in the United States , not just psychiatric ones .

  26. 方法经一般常用的治疗功能性消化道疾病的各种药物治疗无效者,采用抗抑郁、抗焦虑药物治疗,以汉密顿(17项)抑郁量表作为判断的标准。

    Methods Cases of functional gastrointestinal diseases failed to respond to therapy with pertinent medicine were included , assessed with HAMD ( 17 items ) .

  27. 针对不同的忧郁症患者,治疗的方法从药物治疗(包括抗忧郁、抗焦虑药物)、精神疗法(包括认知行为疗法),到放松技巧及生物反馈不等。

    Treatments for different anxiety disorders range from medication , including antidepressants and antianxiety drugs ; to psychotherapy , including cognitive-behavioral therapy ; to relaxation techniques and biofeedback .

  28. 虽然补品不是万能药,可是如果你选择了的话,它们也许帮助你脱离对任何抗抑郁或抗焦虑药物的依赖。

    Although supplements are not be a cure-all , they may help you cope with coming off any anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication , when you choose to do so .

  29. 24岁的凯西正服用抗焦虑和抗抑郁药物。根据美国波特兰州地方法院本周一存档的一份长达七页的口供,他告诉调查人员,纵火是为了早些下班回家。

    The 24-year-old Casey was taking medications for anxiety and depression and told investigators he set the fires so he could get out of work , according a seven-page affidavit filed Monday in US District Court in Portland .

  30. 医生应该在何时采用抗精神病药物或抗焦虑药物等手段进行干预,从而尽可能地令患者在平静安详中渡过人生的最后时光呢?

    When should doctors intervene with antipsychotic or anti-anxiety medication , to best allow the patient a peaceful death ?