
kàng rì mín zú tǒng yī zhàn xiàn
  • Counter-Japanese National United Front
抗日民族统一战线[kàng rì mín zú tǒng yī zhàn xiàn]
  1. 抗日民族统一战线在山西的形成及其意义

    The Formation and Significance of National Anti-Japanese United Front in Shanxi

  2. 浅谈东满抗日民族统一战线的特点

    On the Features of the Eastern Manchukuo Anti Japanese National United Front

  3. 它是形成抗日民族统一战线的重要思想基础;

    It is the ideology basis of the anti-Japanese national united front .

  4. 党的发展过程的第三个阶段,就是抗日民族统一战线的阶段。

    The third stage is that of the Anti-Japanese National United Front .

  5. 为争取千百万群众进入抗日民族统一战线而斗争

    Win the masses in their millions for the Anti-Japanese National United Front

  6. 抗日民族统一战线的历史回顾

    Review on National United Front of Resistance Against Japan

  7. 中间势力的崛起推动了抗日民族统一战线的形成。

    Meanwhile , their growing up drove the formation of anti-Japanese uniform line .

  8. 伟大的抗日民族统一战线,就是这种努力的总方向。

    All such efforts should converge on the great Anti-Japanese National United Front .

  9. 一般地说来,他们之从抗日民族统一战线中分裂出去是为期不远的。

    Generally speaking , it will not be long before they split away .

  10. 东北抗日民族统一战线还具有国际合作的特点。

    International cooperation is also a characteristic of northeast anti-Japanese national united front .

  11. 彭雪枫的抗日民族统一战线思想与实践研究

    The Research on Peng Xue-feng 's Anti-Japanese National United Front Thought and Practice

  12. 王明在抗日民族统一战线中的功过再探

    A Reanalysis on WANG Ming 's Achievements and Mistakes in the Anti-Japanese National United Front

  13. 抗日民族统一战线是中国人民战胜日本帝国主义的一大法宝。

    WANG Ming has made both contributions and mistakes to the Anti-Japanese national united front .

  14. 《新华日报》与抗日民族统一战线

    Xinhua Daily and anti-Japanese national united front

  15. 这个倾向在现时是发生于抗日民族统一战线的右翼集团中。

    This tendency has now appeared in the right wing of the Anti-Japanese National United Front .

  16. 抗日民族统一战线是否只限于国共两个党的呢?

    Should the Anti-Japanese National United Front be confined to the Kuomintang and the Communist Party ?

  17. 抗日民族统一战线政策在陇东根据地的成功实践

    The Successful Practice Of The Policy Of The Nation ′ s United Front Against Japan In Longdong Base

  18. 以小见大,进一步丰富和推动对抗日民族统一战线的深入研究。

    To see small , and further enrich and promote the anti-Japanese national united front work in-depth study .

  19. 抗日民族统一战线中独立自主原则的提出、运用和发展

    Advancing , Application and Development of the Principle of Independence in the Anti - Japanese National United Front

  20. 随着抗日民族统一战线的建立,国共两党的斗争也从国内对抗转向了一致抗日。

    With the establishment of united anti-Japanese battlefront , the struggle has shifted from the national to anti-Japanese .

  21. 牺盟会是抗日民族统一战线在山西胜利的产物

    Ximeng League was the product of the Chinese Communist Party 's Anti-Japanese National United Front in Victory of Shanxi

  22. 王稼祥在抗日民族统一战线的形成、巩固、发展过程中做出了巨大的历史贡献。

    Wang Jia-xiang made great contribution to the formation , consolidation and development of the national united front against Japan .

  23. (一一七)在一切工作中,应该坚持抗日民族统一战线的总方针。

    117 . In all our work we must persevere in the Anti-Japanese National United Front as the general policy .

  24. 这些方法对抗日民族统一战线思想的形成和发展发挥了重大作用。

    These methods have played the significant role to the opposition to Japan nationality united front thought formation and the development .

  25. 南方局的新闻工作与抗日民族统一战线建设

    The Journalism of the Southern Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Anti-Japanese National United Front

  26. 中国社会当时的主要矛盾决定了建立抗日民族统一战线的可能性和必要性;

    Chinese society 's principal contradiction of the time decided the possibility and necessity of the formation of the national Anti-Japanese united front .

  27. 抗日民族统一战线的中间集团是民族资产阶级和上层小资产阶级。

    The intermediate section of the anti-Japanese national united front is composed of the national bourgeoisie and the upper stratum of the petty bourgeoisie .

  28. 抗战胜利的主要原因是建立了以国共合作为主要内容的抗日民族统一战线和得到了国际反法西斯同盟国的大力支援。

    The main reasons of the victory were the construction of united line with Kuomintang and CPC and efforts from the international anti-fascist allay .

  29. 动员全军全民参加统一战线,才是发起抗日民族统一战线的根本目的。

    Our basic objective in initiating the anti-Japanese national united front is to mobilize the whole army and the whole people to participate in it .

  30. 我们的正确的政治方针和坚固的团结,是为着争取千百万群众进入抗日民族统一战线这个目的。

    The aim of our correct political policy and of our solid unity is to win the masses in their millions for the anti-Japanese national united front .