
  1. 目前,抗浪鱼的人工驯养和繁殖已获成功,这为抗浪鱼生产的恢复提供了技术保证。

    Raising and breeding of this fish is now successful .

  2. 重力式墩柱抗浪稳定性的随机模拟与分析

    Simulation analysis for the stability of offshore gravity cylinder

  3. 宁波港集装箱码头陆域围堤抗浪性能研究

    Wave Resistance of Shore Border Dike at the Container Pier of Ningbo Port

  4. 本文试验研究了胜利油田已建海堤三种典型断面和几种新堤结构方案的抗浪性能。

    Testing and study on resistance of both three typical sections of seawalls built alongside Sheng-li Oil Field and some new structures of seawalls to waves have been made in this paper .

  5. 本文介绍了一种新型的斜坡式防波堤护面块体&六角型多孔块体,它具有嵌固性好、抗浪能力强、节省混凝土的特点。

    This paper introduces a new kind of armour block - hexagon multihole block on sloping breakwater . It has great characteristics such as good interlocking , strong resistance against waves and saving concrete .