
kàng shuì
  • refuse to pay tax;tax dodge
抗税 [kàng shuì]
  • [tax dodge;refuse to pay taxes] 抗拒纳税

抗税[kàng shuì]
  1. 山东莱阳抗捐抗税斗争兴起的原因

    Reasons for the Struggle against Paying Taxes in Laiyang , Shangdong Province

  2. 抗税行为侵害了国家的税收法律制度,造成了危害正常纳税秩序的结果。

    Tax revolt breaks national tax code and endanger the sequences of regular taxation .

  3. 从应然的角度,应当增加规定抗税罪的单位犯罪主体。

    The unit crime of refusing to pay taxes should he stipulated in the view of perfect angle .

  4. 幻觉遍布夜礼服;国库代理人穿过偏僻小镇的下水道追赶着潜逃的抗税者。

    Fantastic grow the evening gowns Agents of the Fisc pursue Absconding tax-defaulters through The sewers of provincial towns .

  5. 因此,梭罗拒绝纳税,心里完全明白抗税的代价将是蹲监狱。

    Thoreau therefore refused to pay his taxes , fully understanding that the price of his refusal would be jail .

  6. 之后,小规模的各种抗租抗税活动在整个州蔓延开来,到1845年,州长被迫宣布实施戒严法。

    Sporadic acts of resistance against rent and tax collection spread across the state , and in1845 the governor declared martial law .

  7. 对于远在3000英里以外的国王,此举不啻于公然的抗税,对于英国当局来说他们就是走私,这场贸易前哨战改变了一切。

    It 's a radical act of rebellion against taxes imposed by a king 3000 miles away . To the British , they 're just common smugglers . This mall skirmish changes everything .

  8. 论新形势下抗税行为的成因及其防范方略兴安煤矿煤层自然发火原因与防范方略

    On the Reasons of Refusal to Pay Taxes in the New Situation and the Prevention Strategies ; An analysis of coal seam spontaneous combustion in Xing'an Coal Mine , Hegan Coal Mining Group

  9. 税收犯罪是融新旧犯罪于一体的犯罪类型,它既包括偷税、抗税等传统类犯罪,又包括发票犯罪等新增的犯罪。

    Tax revenue crime is a combination of new and old crimes . It includes evade taxes , resistance of tax and other traditional crimes , and newly-increased crimes such as the invoice crime as well .

  10. 职是之故,人民因其租税生存权受到侵害而屡屡提出租税救济,甚至发起和平反抗权&抗税,是可理解的。

    Therefore , it is understandable that people for the fact that their right to life in taxation is often jeopardized often file for taxation remedies and even invoke their right to peaceful resistance - refusing to pay taxes .

  11. 论述了税收筹划的概念和特征,阐述了国内外税收筹划的发展历史,将税收筹划与节税、避税、偷税、逃税、抗税等进行比较分析,使读者对税收筹划有一个基本的认识。

    It explains the conception and characteristics of tax-planning , tells us the history of its development at home and abroad , and compares tax planning with tax-saving , tax-evading , tax-escaping , tax-dodging and tax-refusing , which makes readers recognize tax planning basically .