
  • 网络Uncovered Interest Rate Parity;Covered Interest Rate Parity;Covered interest parity;Covered interest rate parity CIRP
  1. 在介绍了抛补利率平价和未抛补利率平价理论之后,也对人民币汇率进行了实证分析,同样得出了利率平价对汇率变动的解释能力较差的结论。

    After explaining the covered and uncovered Interest Rate Parity theory , the author uses them to examine the RMB ' exchange rate again , and come to a conclusion as the same as the previous PPP theory .

  2. 就如其理论上的动机,本文建立在以非抛补利率平价为关键假设的目标区模型的基础上。

    As its theoretical motivation , the paper builds on the literature of target zone models , which takes as a key assumption an uncovered interest parity condition .