
dān bǎo rén
  • guarantor;undertaker;surety
  1. 作为你们的担保人,我们已经向银行开出了担保书。

    As your guarantor , we have signed a warranty to the bank .

  2. 个人账户与GDP相联的空账比与资本市场相联的实账更具可靠性,政府是社会养老保障制度信用担保人。

    Compared with the empty account related to GDP , the real account related to capital market is more reliable with government as credit guarantor of social pension security system .

  3. 2010年《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)对4000名高层员工进行了调查,结果显示19%的男性员工有一名担保人,而女性的比例仅为13%。

    A 2010 Harvard Business Review Study of 4,000 high-level employees reported that 19 % of men say they have a sponsor , compared with 13 % of women .

  4. “保证人”包括担保人或者其他次级债务人。

    " Surety " includes a guarantor or other secondary obligor .

  5. 你和你的担保人保持联系吗?

    Have you been keeping in touch with your financial sponsor ?

  6. 贷款有一个担保人就够了吗?

    Would a personal guarantee be enough to get a loan ?

  7. 我们得给保证金担保人打电话。

    We 're going to have to call a bail bondsman .

  8. 分析了对开证担保人的担保责任的原因及其对策。

    Analyze reason and countermeasures of responsibility of issuing warrantor .

  9. 担保人的死亡不应使本担保书终止。

    The death of Guarantor shall not terminate this Guaranty .

  10. 我要打电话给担保人或是别的什么人吗?

    Do I need to call a sponsor or something ?

  11. 我和某保释担保人还有个约会。

    I 've got a date with a bail bondsman .

  12. 办理助学贷款是需要担保人的。

    A bondsman is needed in executing a student loan .

  13. 此处该代理人的责任应等同于担保人的责任。

    This liability of the agent shall be akin to that surety .

  14. 在中国,绝大多数的贷款担保人有违约风险。

    In China , most of loan guarantors are of default risk .

  15. 或者有人能当担保人帮我们签字。

    Or someone can sign with us as a guarantor .

  16. 有担保人能得到贷款吗?

    Is a personal guarantor enough to get a loan ?

  17. 我忘了打电话给保释担保人。

    Anne : I forgot to call the bail bondsman .

  18. 担保人在约定的担保范围内承担责任。

    The guarantor shall be held liable within the agreed scope of guaranty .

  19. 近期的研究,促使多家公司启动了新的“担保人”计划。

    The latest research has prompted several companies to launch new sponsorship programs .

  20. 被判处罚款的上诉人的担保人担保书

    Recognizance of Sureties for Appellant sentenced to a Fine

  21. 但要想攀上职场巅峰,则需要一位“靠山”,也就是担保人。

    But having a sponsor is what will get you to the top .

  22. 你说谁是这家伙的担保人?

    Who 'd you say vouched for this guy ?

  23. 证明有资格做担保人。

    To prove to be qualified as a bondsman .

  24. 担保人需在申请表上签名。

    And he should sign on the application form .

  25. 借入者受制于借出者;担保人受制这两者。

    The borrower is a slave to the lender ; the security to both .

  26. 担保人以为自己上的是安全网站查的帐户。

    Bondsman thought he was using a secure web site to verify the account .

  27. 论对共同担保人之间追偿权的四大制约

    On the four restriction of recourse between coguarantors

  28. 担保人要对贷款负责。

    A guarantor is responsible for the loan .

  29. 你的担保人可以住在澳洲的任何地方。

    Your sponsor can live anywhere in australia .

  30. 他的担保人快死了吗?

    Was his sponsor on his last legs ?