
  • 网络Guaranteed loans;secured loan
  1. 标准普尔(StandardPoor's)的数据显示,目前隐含的假设是,高级担保贷款的回收率将是70%。

    According to Standard Poor 's , the implicit assumption today is that the recovery rate on senior secured loans will be 70 per cent .

  2. 针对企业生产资金短缺和灵活使用外汇方面,论文提出两个比较新颖观点,开设离岸公司账户和申请担保贷款。

    The shortage of funds for production and flexible use of foreign exchange , the thesis presents two relatively new ideas , opening accounts of off-shore companies and secured loans .

  3. 我们能提供数额从500英镑到7,500英镑的无担保贷款。

    We can arrange unsecured loans for any amount from £ 500 to £ 7,500 .

  4. sba去年发放的担保贷款少于2007年。

    Last year the agency issued fewer SBA - guaranteed loans than in 2007 .

  5. 因此出现了如下情况,衡量无担保贷款利率的伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(libor),成为了主要的贷款基准利率。

    Hence the fact that LIBOR , which measures unsecured lending rates , became the main benchmark for loans .

  6. 它们可以利用LendingClub的系统获得无担保贷款,并且几乎立即就能获批,而不用依赖银行或其他传统借贷机构。在提供融资时,传统机构一般要求对方进行抵押担保。

    Rather than have to rely on banks or other traditional lenders who require collateral for their financing , these customers can instead use Lending Club 's systems to procure an unsecured loan with near-instant approval .

  7. 因此,与其他无担保贷款的利率(如伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(libor))相比,人们认为该利率更适于用来对冲持有英国政府债券和贷款的风险。

    It is therefore considered a better match for hedging UK government bonds and loans than other unsecured rates , such as the London Interbank Offered Rate ( LIBOR ) .

  8. 作为一种有担保贷款的利率,ronia还应当可以降低借款成本。

    As a secured rate , Ronia should also lower funding costs .

  9. 不良投资研究机构AureliusCapital的负责人布罗德斯基(MarkBrodsky)说,如果一家机构想向另一家公司提供有担保贷款,它就不能忽视这一事态发展。

    ' If someone is thinking of providing a secured loan to another company , they can 't ignore this development , 'said Mark Brodsky , head of Aurelius Capital , which focuses on distressed investments .

  10. 因此,这位王后艰难地试图从Qarth的商人之王那里筹集无担保贷款。

    As a result , the khaleesi awkwardly attempts to raise unsecured loans from the merchant kings of qarth .

  11. 作为出价的一部分,rhj将承诺在2015年前偿还欧宝所有的政府担保贷款,并与设有通用工厂的大多数欧洲国家政府进行了谈判。

    As part of its offer , RHJ is promising to repay all state-backed loans for Opel by 2015 and has held talks with governments of most of the European countries that have GM plants .

  12. 发放抵押贷款和担保贷款;

    Grant the loans on pawn and the loans on collateral ;

  13. 大股东信用担保贷款融资;

    The credit guarantee financing by loaning of the strong holders ;

  14. 第二,在担保贷款中,只有质押担保形式才为银行所认可和注重,可起到降低资金价格的作用;

    Second , only pawn can reduce the price of credit .

  15. 相比之下,担保贷款的透明度要高的多,风险也低得多。

    The covered bond is much more transparent and lower risk .

  16. 商业银行抵押担保贷款:风险及防范对策

    Risks of Mortgage Secured Loan of Commercial Bank and Countermeasures

  17. 3个月以上的无担保贷款仍无人问津。

    It is still a desert for unsecured lending beyond three months .

  18. 有没有人担保贷款的归还?

    Is there anyone to guarantee repayment of the loan ?

  19. 无担保贷款没有担保的财产。

    Unsecured loans are not secured on your property .

  20. 这是一种有担保贷款的利率,通常以英国政府债券为担保品。

    This is a secured lending rate that typically uses gilts as collateral .

  21. 商业银行不得向客户提供由关联企业和关系人作为保证人的担保贷款。

    The Commercial Bank is not allowed to provide loans guaranteed by parties concerned .

  22. 此类贷款实际上成了无担保贷款。

    The loans become in effect unsecured .

  23. 应收账款质押就是利用此向银行等机构寻求质押担保贷款方式。

    Accounts receivable pledge makes use of its content to ask for pledge security loans from banks .

  24. 限制贷款机构重新定价无担保贷款的能力,将导致它们停止或减少放贷。

    Restricting lenders ' ability to reprice an unsecured loan will cause them to stop lending or to lend less .

  25. 与发行股票、债券以及担保贷款等传统型融资相比,证券化有着很大的不同。

    It is quite different from such traditional means of financing as stock issue , bonds issue and loan against collateral .

  26. 中国国内的其它银行也在非洲开设了办事处,在光鲜的高楼里为中国公司提供免担保贷款。

    Other mainland banks have opened offices too , and from their sleek towers they make collateral-free loans to Chinese companies .

  27. 直接投资公司并且向私人投资者担保贷款的一个联合国机构;与世界银行有关联。

    A United Nations agency that invest directly in companies and guarantees loans to private investors ; affiliated with the world bank .

  28. 坊间证据,以及香港金管局吸收的现金情况,都表明银行极少发放有担保贷款或无担保贷款。

    Anecdotal evidence , plus the cash absorbed by the HKMA , suggests there is still precious little secured or unsecured lending .

  29. 担保贷款、担保品的管理及其风险控制是银行管理部门的重要问题。

    The management for hypothecating loans & collateral security and its risk controlling is one of the important problems for bank management department .

  30. 完善收费、小额担保贷款政策,促进创业带动就业。

    We improved the policies on charges and fees and on guaranteed small loans to encourage business startups in order to expand employment .