
  • 网络Guarantee amount;amount guaranteed;Warranty
  1. 美国概念设计专业留学生年平均花费及担保金额?

    S.concept design students arrange their study and living ? 3 .

  2. 银行担保金额应等于动员预付款的金额。

    Bank-guarantee shall be the same amount with mobilization payment .

  3. 上述担保金额应包括利息和进行仲裁可能发生的合理费用在内。

    The aforesaid amount ( s ) shall include interests and reasonable fees and expenses which might be incurred for arbitration .

  4. 被救助方根据仲裁庭上述裁决先行支付的金额,其提供的担保金额应作相应扣减。

    Such payment , if made in advance by the salved party according to the aforesaid award of the arbitration tribunal , shall be deducted accordingly from the sum provided as security .

  5. 本文以1912&1937年间广东省地方政府外债作为研究对象,详细地论述了这些外债借取的历史背景,分别介绍了这些外债的债权国和债权人、担保、金额和利息、具体用途以及偿还等情况。

    The foreign loans of Guangdong local government from 1912 to 1937 being regarded as the studying object , this paper discusses their historical backgrounds in details , and analyzes their creditor nations , creditors , guaranty , sum , accrual , uses and payments .

  6. 中国第二大银行中国银行(BoC)昨日对投资者表示,该行持有近100亿美元美国次级抵押贷款担保证券,金额位居亚洲各银行之首。

    Bank of China , the country 's second biggest lender , told investors yesterday that it held nearly $ 10bn of securities backed by US subprime mortgages , the most of any bank in Asia .

  7. 取得履约保证的承包商:指承包商已经取得履约保证以避免承担任何索赔。业主支付担保的担保金额应当与承包商履约担保的担保金额相等。

    Bonded contractor : Contractor who has taken out a surety Bond to cover any claims against him . The guaranteed amount for a security paid by the owner shall be equivalent to that for a performance guarantee undertaken by the contractor .

  8. 租金不分摊共同海损未担保余值的金额大小决定了租赁内含利率的大小,并影响着未实现融资收益的分配。

    The amount of the non-guarantee remaining sum determines the internal rate of the lease , and it affects the distribution of the unfulfilled financing income as well .

  9. 但EFSF的借款有欧元国的担保,每个国家所担保金额跟它在欧元区所占经济份额大致相同。

    But the EFSF 's borrowing is backed by guarantees from euro-area states , each of which vouches for an amount roughly in line with its share of the euro-area economy .

  10. 德国政府曾表示,这种担保需要银行支付至少占担保金额2%的代价,其水平将“足以造成影响”。

    The guarantee does come at a cost of at least 2 per cent of the amount covered and will be set at a level " enough that it hurts " , the government has said .

  11. 尽管监管部门给予了一定的关注,也出台了相关的政策,但涉及关联担保的上市公司数量仍很多,上市公司的整体关联担保金额也很高,其蕴涵的财务风险巨大。

    Although the supervising and managing department has paid close attention to those problems and carried out some policies , the amount of the listed companies involved in connected guarantee as well as the connected guarantee amount is quite large , which caused enormous financial risk .

  12. 第二节对我国信用担保体系的现状进行分析,从四个方面分析:担保机构数量;累计担保金额;担保的资金来源和担保机构的性质;信用担保机构的资本金规模。

    This section analysis from four aspects ; number of credit guarantees agencies . The accumulative total amount of guarantee . Security sources of funding . The scales of capital of credit guarantee agencies .

  13. 上市公司的非关联担保是其对外担保的一个方面,多年来我国上市公司的非关联担保金额与比率居高不下。

    Non-related party guarantee for publicly traded company is part of outside guarantee , while amount and ratio of non-related party guarantee appears very high for many years .