
  • 网络radon;Ladon
  1. 抛物线拉冬变换(PRT)在国外已是消除多次波的最有效方法之一,但国内却很少应用。

    Parabolic Radon transform is one of the effective methods for removing multiple abroad , but unfortunately is less used at home .

  2. 抛物线拉冬变换算法在近偏移距道数据恢复中的应用

    Restoration of near - offset missing data by parabolic Radon transform

  3. 她派永远保持警惕的巨龙拉冬盘绕在树上作守卫。

    Ladon to coil around the tree AS its guardian .

  4. 坐标拉伸后的线性拉冬变换法波场分离

    Wave field separation by linear Radon transform after coordinate stretch

  5. 交叉魏格纳/模糊度分布函数中拉冬变换的新特性

    New Properties of the Radon Transform of the Cross Wigner / Ambiguity Distribution Function

  6. 分析了交叉魏格纳分布函数中的拉冬变换是这些函数中分数傅里叶变换的可分乘法。

    We have showed that the Radon transform of the cross Wigner distribution function is a separable multiplication of fractional Fourier transform of these functions .

  7. 本文简要介绍线性、抛物线和双曲线拉冬变换方法,以及在此基础上进一步发展起来的稀疏约束反演和自适应波场分离算法;

    The paper briefly introduced linear , hyperbolic and parabolic Random transform methods as well as sparse-constrained inversion and adaptive wave separation algorithm further developed on that basis ;

  8. 拉冬变换在地震勘探领域有广泛的应用,如压制多次波、纵横波分离、地震偏移及反演等。

    Random transform has been widely used in seismic exploration , for example , suppression of multiple , separation of P - and S-waves , seismic migration and inversion etc.

  9. 从此点出发包括两个主要的步骤:模糊图像到拉冬变换域的映射和在这个域内的盲模糊识别。

    The system consists of two main steps : the mapping of the blurred image into the Radon transform domain , and the blind blur identification in the domain .