
  • 网络laocoon;The Laocoon and his Sons
  1. 从《拉奥孔》看文学与造型艺术的关系

    Relationship between Literature and Art from the Perspective of Laocoon

  2. 莱辛的美学名著《拉奥孔》创作于启蒙运动蓬勃发展的德国。

    Lessing 's Laocoon was published in Germany when the Enlightenment was growing vigorously .

  3. 雕像是一个有趣的拉奥孔。

    One interesting statue is the Laocoon .

  4. 但是,若就造型艺术来说,《拉奥孔》的观点却是十分保守的。

    However , when it comes to plastic arts , Laocoon finds its very conservative side .

  5. 评莱辛的美学名著《拉奥孔》康德论美的普遍性

    A Critique of Lessing 's Aesthetic Classic Laocoon The Esthetical Universality in Kant 's Critique of Judgment

  6. 这座雕塑表现的是特洛伊祭司拉奥孔和他的儿子们被海蛇缠住勒死的场景。

    The sculpture shows the Trojan priest Laocoon and his sons being crushed to death by sea snakes .