
  1. 拉萨地体位于青藏高原南部,印度河雅鲁藏布缝合带之北,班公湖怒江缝合带以南。

    The Lhasa terrane , which is located in the central part of the plateau , is bounded by the Yarlung-Zangbo suture to the south and Bangong-Nujiang suture to the north .

  2. 在研究速度结构的基础上,根据熔融程度与纵波波速呈倒数衰减的特性,论证了拉萨地体中低速体的出现与壳内的局部熔融有关。

    Based on a study of the velocity structure and the approximate Poisson ′ s ratio obtained , it is shown that the low velocity body in Lhasa terrain is correlated with partial melting in the crust .

  3. 由于印度板块向北强烈推挤,沿拉萨地体南缘的俯冲消减活动更加强烈,火山岩浆活动十分广泛,进一步形成了大量中酸性的钙碱性岛弧岩浆岩,如桑日岛弧等。

    Because of the northward compressing of Indian plate , the subduction along the south edge of Lhasa block was stronger . The volcanic magma activities were extensive , producing abundant intermediate-acid calcium alkaline island arc igneous rocks .

  4. 南侧的拉萨地体和北侧的可可西里地体正向羌塘盆地下挤入;盆地下方大规模的低速体可能是源自温度升高,也可能是地幔物质上涌的结果。

    Lhasa Block to the north basin and the Hoh Xil Block to the south of basin are squeezing into the Qiangtang basin ; the large scale low velocity bodies occur beneath the basin has been interpreted to be originated from the going-up of temperature or upwelling of the mantle .

  5. 羌塘地块、拉萨地块及喜马拉雅地体和印度洋板块向北漂移与欧亚大陆的拼合是柴北缘盆地形成演化的主要动力来源。

    The Qiangtang block , the Lhasa block , the Himalayan block and the Indian plate drift northward and combine with the Eurasian continent , which are the main power sources of formation and evolution of the northern margin of Qaidam Basin .