
pāi mài shì chǎnɡ
  • auction market
  1. 都柏林艺术经济公司(ArtsEconomics)的进一步研究表明,在全球战后和当代艺术拍卖市场上记录的3.6万名艺术家中,不到50名艺术家的作品卖出了1000万欧元。

    Further research by Arts Economics , based in Dublin , has shown that of the 36,000 artists recorded in the worldwide auction market for postwar and contemporary art , fewer than 50 have sold for more than € 10 million .

  2. 做市商在多伦多证券交易所(TSX)的作用是增加流动性,同时在价格优先,时间优先的基础上保持订单驱动的连续拍卖市场。

    The role of the Market Maker on Toronto Stock Exchange ( TSX ) is to augment liquidity , while maintaining the primacy of an order-driven continuous auction market based on price-time priority .

  3. 连续双拍卖市场交易过程的Swarm仿真研究

    Research on Swarm-based Simulation for Trading Process of Capital Market

  4. 程寿康表示,在1987年股市崩盘和1998年长期资本管理公司(long-termcapitalmanagement)倒闭以后,拍卖市场继续繁荣了近两年的时间。

    Mr Ching said auction sales continued to thrive for about two years after the 1987 stock market crash and the 1998 long-term capital management collapse .

  5. 在肯尼亚蒙巴萨上周的拍卖市场上,质量最好的bp1等级红茶批发价涨至每千克3.69美元,打破了去年创下的每千克3.63美元的纪录。

    The wholesale price of the best quality black tea , or BP1 , rose last week to $ 3.69 a kilogram at the weekly auctions in Mombasa , Kenya - above the previous record of $ 3.63/kg last year .

  6. 电力拍卖市场3种定价方式的比较研究

    The Comparison with Three Typical Pricing Methods on Pool-Based Electricity Market

  7. 当代画家有没有资格进入拍卖市场?

    Do contemporary artists have the right to enter auction market ?

  8. 在线拍卖市场上每天都有数千万美元的交易在进行。

    Millions of dollars change hands daily through online auction markets .

  9. 这些因素促进了土地拍卖市场的形成。

    These factors caused the land auction market to come into being .

  10. 中国书画艺术品拍卖市场行情走势

    The Quotation Trend of Chinese Painting Calligraphy Artworks Auction Market

  11. 完善市场准入和清出制度;在时段末在线拍卖市场出清;

    Perfect the market entering permission and elimination rules ; clearing online auctions ;

  12. 近现代中国画拍卖市场价格研究

    Research on Auction Prices of Modern Chinese Traditional Paintings

  13. 二○○五年中国艺术品拍卖市场

    2005 auction market review of Chinese works of Art

  14. 成功人士的标签在时段末在线拍卖市场出清;

    LABEL OF THE SUCCESSFUL clearing online auctions ;

  15. 二○○六年中国文物艺术品拍卖市场的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of Chinese Cultural Relics and Art Crafts Auction Market in 2006

  16. 拍卖市场中的玉器

    Ancient jadeware in the Auction market of China

  17. 电子拍卖市场中的柠檬问题研究

    Research on Lemon Problems in Electronic Auction Markets

  18. 析艺术品拍卖市场之现状

    An Analysis on the Art Work Auction Market

  19. 发电报价(或投标)规约是电力拍卖市场规则设计的一项重要内容。

    Stipulations of generation bidding is an important component of market rule in electricity auction .

  20. 机械产品的回收再造在时段末在线拍卖市场出清;

    The Genius Machine clearing online auctions ;

  21. 点击京沪文物艺术品拍卖市场

    Art Auction Market in Beijing & Shanghai

  22. 如何在拍卖市场上拿到好价甚至需要用到“博弈论”。

    How can one get the best price in the auction market even needs using game theory .

  23. 不同定价方式下电力拍卖市场运行特征的比较研究(二)仿真结果及其分析

    Comparisons among pricing methods in pool-based electricity market by agent-based simulation : part two results and analysis

  24. 现有文献主要集中于网上拍卖市场,却忽略了网上零售市场。

    Existing studies have focused on the online auction marketplace , and have overlooked the online retailing marketplace .

  25. 影像拍卖市场的发展与成熟,也促使摄影创作者进行更加多样化的尝试。

    Image development and maturity of the auction market also contributed to a more diverse creative photography attempt .

  26. 模型很好地解释了网上拍卖市场中的一些现象,也与最近文献的经验事实有较好的吻合。

    Our model can explain some phenomena in the internet market and is consistent with empirical facts of recent literature .

  27. 本文着重研究了不完全信息下拍卖市场的结构及其对拍卖市场交易效率的影响。

    In this paper , we mainly researched the framework and its impacts on trading efficiency of auction market under incomplete information .

  28. 提出的连续双向拍卖市场定价策略能够以交易双方的报价为基础,通过潜在的协商,进而使市场价格达到总体平衡,局部随市场供求作相应的微调。

    Dynamic pricing strategy in continuous double auction can make market price achieve overall balance , according market bid and potential consultation .

  29. 美国东岸的拍卖市场时起时落,而克伦普顿在拍卖圈子里,占有一个特殊的地位。

    While numerous auctions are held up and down the East Coast , Crumpton holds a special place on the auction circuit .

  30. 近现代中国画市场主要由民间个人交易市场、画廊市场和拍卖市场三个方面构成。

    Its market is made up of the market of individuals , the market of painting galleries and the market of auction houses .