
pāi mài fèi yonɡ
  • Auction fees;auction charges
  1. 在一个交易达到市场定价一定折扣的时候提醒你,并包括拍卖费用和预计的重新拍卖。

    EvalResale-Prompts you for deals based on discount from the market value , AH fee , and expected relistings .

  2. 参与恶意串通的竞买人应当承担拍卖船舶费用并赔偿有关损失。

    Any bidder involved in malicious collusion shall pay expenses for auctioning the ship and compensate losses incurred .

  3. 若计入拍卖行费用,通过电话竞拍的买家将付出4750万美元,这是沃霍尔作品在本拍卖季拍得的最高价格。

    Including fees , the telephone buyer will pay $ 47.5m , the top price for a Warhol this season .

  4. 通过从目的地到源路径上中间节点举行的一系列Vickrey拍卖,确定费用最优的路径。

    The cost-effective path was determined through the series of auctions carried out by intermediate nodes in path from destination to source .

  5. 周二的售价中包括了拍卖屋的费用。

    Tuesday 's sale price included the auction house 's commission .

  6. 未作约定的,可以向委托人收取为拍卖支出的合理费用。

    And in the absence of any agreement , the auctioneer may collect from the trustee rational charges as auction expenses .

  7. 一些受访的农民说,农民向前来收购的买家销售烟叶,比他们自己承担到拍卖场的运输费用到拍卖场销售更好。

    Some farmers interviewed said that it made more sense for farmers to sell their tobacco to buyers who come to them than for them to bear the cost of transporting the crop to the auction floors .