
pāi mài shī
  • auctioneer
  1. 当拍卖师喊道“北部的国王在这么?”《权游》的明星KitHarington刚从洗手间回来。

    The auctioneer reportedly shouted ' Is the King of the North here ? ' when GoT star Kit Harington returned from the toilet .

  2. 不然拍卖师会以为你在出价。

    The auctioneer is going to think that you 're placing a bid .

  3. 语言是拍卖师使用量最大的工具。

    Language is the most often used tool for auctioneers .

  4. 计算网格多拍卖师系统中3个关键问题的研究和解决

    Solutions of the Three Key Issues of Multi-Auctioneer Model in Computer Grid

  5. 基于计算经济的网格资源调度模型及其多拍卖师策略研究

    The Research of Multi-Auctioneer and Grid Resource Scheduling Model Based on Computational Economy

  6. 论拍卖师的注意义务

    On the duty of care of an auctioneer

  7. 拍卖师应当于拍卖前宣布拍卖规则和注意事项。

    An auctioneer shall announce auction rules and matters needing attention before an auction .

  8. 拍卖师戴伦•朱利安称该手套为顶级收藏家物品。

    The glove was hailed as the ultimate collector 's item by auctioneer Darren Julien .

  9. 拍卖师詹姆斯·加努恩表示,当时,罗琳将椅子手工喷了漆,正是这一点使得这把椅子如此珍贵。

    She hand-painted the chair , which auctioneer James Gannon said made the piece so valuable .

  10. 我是中国注册拍卖师,很荣幸为大家主持今天的拍卖会。

    It 's my great honor to hold today 's auction as the registered auctioneer of China .

  11. 拍卖师资格考核,由拍卖行业协会统一组织。

    The examinations for the qualification of auctioneers shall be organized exclusively by the auction industry association .

  12. 拍卖师正拿着木槌站在台上,竞价马上就要开始了。

    The auctioneer is on the podium with her gavel and she 's ready to start the bidding .

  13. 有时候拍卖师会限定最低报价增幅,从而使下一次竞价必须高于当前的最高价格。

    Sometimes the auctioneer sets a minimum amount by which the next bid must exceed the current highest bid .

  14. 拍卖师:名词,用锤子声明他用舌头偷东西了的人。

    AUCTIONEER , n. The man who proclaims with a hammer that he has picked a pocket with his tongue .

  15. 也许你的一个不经意的动作,只是抓了一下耳朵,可能就会被眼尖的拍卖师逮个正着。然后,你就会发现有一个12世纪的滴血杯和一张数额大如抵押贷款的账单,摆在了你的面前。

    One absentminded scratch of your ear might catch the auctioneer 's eye and you could find yourself with a twelfth-century bleeding cup and a bill the size of a mortgage .

  16. 专业拍卖机构拍卖师报出的第一口价。

    The first bid from the auctioneer of professional auction agency .

  17. 在传统的荷兰式拍卖中,拍卖师以相对较高的价格起拍,然后逐渐减低,直至有人情愿领受拍卖师开出的价格。

    In the traditional Dutch auction the auctioneer begins with a high asking price which is lowered until some participant is willing to accept the auctioneer 's price .

  18. 拍卖活动应当由拍卖师主持。

    Auction activity shall be presided over by an auctioneer .

  19. 拍卖笔录应当由拍卖师、记录人签名;

    The written auction record shall be signed by the auctioneer and the recorder ;

  20. 作者手记:2002年10月28日,大连市举行首次土地使用权拍卖会,被誉为中国土地第一拍广东籍执业拍卖师陈少湘先生。

    On December 1 , 1987 , Shenzhen city auctioned off state-owned land-use rights , which was the first time in China .

  21. 拍卖船舶委员会由海事法院指定的本院执行人员和聘请的拍卖师、验船师三人或者五人组成。

    The ship auction committee shall be composed of three or five persons , that is , execution officers appointed , as well as auctioneers and surveyors engaged by the maritime court .

  22. 网上拍卖是建立在电子网络技术上的一种全新的电子商务模式,即拍卖交易的中介&拍卖市场成了一个网站,拍卖师的职责由网站的程序来完成。

    Auction in the Web is a new e-commerce model which the salesroom becomes a website and auctioneer becomes a computer program .