
  • 网络beat;Number of Beats;Count
  1. 用脉冲当量来衡量失动量的值时,它与电动机的通电方式,主要是逻辑通电状态数,即通常所说的运行拍数有关。

    When value of missing momentum is measured by pulse equipment , it is related to electrified form of motor , mainly logic electrified state parameter , est operating mumber of beats .

  2. 传统MUSIC算法需要对接收数据的协方差矩阵进行特征值分解,在阵元多和采样拍数较多的情况下,计算复杂度高,且无法消除色噪声的影响。

    The traditional MUSIC algorithm need the eigen-decomposition of the covariance matrix , when the array elements and the snapshots are more , it has high computational complexity and cannot eliminate the effection of colored noise .

  3. 本文所设计的前馈控制器是在给定控制拍数的前提下实现的有限拍控制,其最后的设计过程仅仅是计算一个简单的矩阵方程,因此结构简单,设计容易,有实际的工程应用价值。

    As a result , the final design of the feedforward controller is represented in the form of a matrix which makes the design procedure easy .

  4. 一个新的专用高性能处理芯片在各方面大大加速了速度,同时减少功耗可增加每次充电的可拍张数。

    A new dedicated high-performance processing chip greatly accelerates performance on all levels , while also achieving lower power consumption , assuring more pictures per battery charge .

  5. 通过轻按一个按键,液晶屏(LCD)可以显示胶卷速度、胶卷类型(120或220)和已拍的张数。

    The LCD panel shows film speed , film type ( 120 or220 ) and the number of exposures at the touch of a button .

  6. 梵高的其他重要作品都拍出了数千万的价格。

    Other significant works by Van Gogh have sold for tens of millions at auction .

  7. 我希望我们接下来的每一季可以多拍一些集数,因为现在观众们看完之后就要等上整整一年。我觉得第三季剧情将会变得更加紧张。

    I wish we got to shoot more episodes , because you watch them all at once then you have to wait a year . I feel like this season is going to be tight .