
  • 网络Topological insulator
  1. 显然“拓扑绝缘体”对这种神奇导体来说是个奇怪的的名字。

    " Topological insulator " is an odd name for a wonder conductor .

  2. 测量了新兴的拓扑绝缘体材料超薄膜的光学常数和带隙。

    Optical constants and bandgap of topological insulator materials films have been measured .

  3. 但物理学家对拓扑绝缘体的兴趣并没有止于电子自旋。

    For physicists , the interest in topological insulators does not end with their spintronic promise .

  4. 下面该做的就是如何在现实中找到一种符合以上所有对拓扑绝缘体的描述的物质。

    It only remained to find a material that fitted the description of a topological insulator in reality .

  5. 该物质被称为拓扑绝缘体,通过一种带量子机制特性的叫做自旋的电子来导电。

    Called topological insulators , these materials conduct electricity by harnessing a quantum-mechanical property of electrons called spin .

  6. 拓扑绝缘体作为一种新颖的量子物质态,最近几年引起了人们越来越多的关注。

    As a new state of quantum matter , topological insulators have attracted muchmore attention in recent years .

  7. 要实现以上这些奇迹足以让物理学家们忙活一段时日,拓扑绝缘体正在从酒柜运用向笔记本运用方向扩散。

    While such curiosities are sure to keep physicists busy , work is already under way to move topological insulators from the wine cooler to the laptop .

  8. 近些年来出现的量子霍尔效应,量子自旋霍尔效应,拓扑绝缘体,光晶格,光学波导等等都和表面性质密切关联。

    Emerged in recent years the quantum Hall effect , quantum spin Hall effect , topological insulators , optical waveguide , etc. all related to the study on the surface .

  9. 本文主要研究内容有:(1)研究了拓扑绝缘体表面上双势垒外加磁场对狄拉克电子输运特性的影响。

    The following are the main contents and results : ( 1 ) The transport properties in double barriers with a magnetic field on the surface of a topological insulator are investigated .

  10. 狄拉克费米子是很多有趣的凝聚态物理体系的低能激发,包括铜氧化物高温超导体,某些典型的重费米子超导体,石墨烯,拓扑绝缘体等等。

    Dirac fermions are the low energy excitations of a number of or a variety of inter-esting systems in condensed matter physics , such as high temperature cuprate super-conductors , some typical heavy fermion superconductors , graphene , and topological insulators .