
tà piàn
  • rubbing
拓片 [tà piàn]
  • [rubbing] 将碑文石刻、青铜器等文物的形状及其上面的文字、图案拓下来的纸片

拓片[tà piàn]
  1. 基于MATLAB实现石刻浮雕图像数字拓片技术的研究

    Study on MATLAB Based Stone Relief Image Digital Rubbing Technique

  2. 中文拓片资源库是国家图书馆古籍数字图书馆的重要资源。

    The Chinese rubbing is an important repository of ancient books Digital library for National Library of China .

  3. 金文资料包括文本、图片、拓片。

    The IOB data include texts and images and rubbings .

  4. 为什么把我拉过来看这些拓片?

    Then why pull me in here and show me those rubbings ?

  5. 这些拓片的一片金属被拿走了。

    A piece of metal these rubbings were taken from .

  6. 中文拓片资源库的建设与服务

    The Building and Serving of Chinese Rubbings Resource Pool

  7. 拓片上的文字模糊不清,难以识别。

    The characters on the rubbings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify .

  8. 书法金石拓片作为书法、文献等的重要载体,具有特殊的研究价值。

    Chinese golden-stoned rubbings of the calligraphy and documentary , has a special research value .

  9. 拓片裱好以后,从此再没有在中国展出。

    The rubbings are mounted in the Chinese way and have never been shown in China .

  10. 金石目录学与石刻拓片书目控制&传统学术与现代理论的结合与互补

    Chinese Bibliography of Epigraphy and Bibliographic Control of Stone Rubbings : the Combination and Co-Complementarity of Traditional Knowledge and Modern Theory

  11. 本文主要介绍和论述国家图书馆中文拓片资源库的建设目标、关键组成部分和相关应用服务。

    This paper mainly introduces the goal , key technologies and applications of the Chinese rubbing repository at National Library of China .

  12. 传统金石目录学作为中国金石学的基本组成部分,以其近千年的深厚积累,为石刻拓片书目控制提供了丰富的经验和理论借鉴价值。

    Being the basic part of Chinese Epigraphy , Bibliography of Epigraphy provides bibliographic control of stone rubbings abundant experience and theories for reference .

  13. 考古研究所编纂的《殷周金文集成》是金文拓片的集大成之作。

    The Collection of Inscriptions on Bronzes in Yin & Zhou compiled by the Research Institute of Archeology is a comprehensive collection of rubbings for inscriptions on Bronzes .

  14. 刘氏成为第一个制作甲骨文拓片、第一个以图书的形式出版这些内容的人。

    His collection passed into the hands of Liu Tieh-yn , who was the first to make rubbings on these inscribed bones , and publish them in book form .

  15. 贵州省博物馆收藏有数种红岩碑拓片,应是历史上流传较广且影响较大的本子,本文对它们的历史渊源及有关事实作一些查考,期于研究者慎选工作底本。

    This article is mainly analysis on the historical origin and the relative facts on the red stone tablet rubbings in the hope of researchers can carefully make the selection .

  16. 展览以装置,水墨绘画,水墨拓片,摄影和影像等不同媒介的作品展示了一种从古代沿用至今的女性语言,以及女性辛勤的劳作。

    This multi-media exhibition reveals the private language and toil of simple women from Tang Dynasty until now through installations , ink wash paintings , ink wash prints , photographs and video .

  17. 方丈莞尔一笑,拿出寒山寺中张继《枫桥夜泊》诗的碑刻拓片,虽不言语,日本僧人却已顿开茅塞。

    With a smile , the abbot took out a tablet rubbing of Zhang Ji 's Poem " Mooring by Feng'Qiao at Night . " Although nothing more was said , the Japanese monks felt enlightened .

  18. 本文针对出土文字砖的照片、拓片、释文、文物资料,借助相关书目运用史料学、文献学等方法作探索与总结,给予分类,阐释其史料价值、书体演进及书法价值等问题。

    Based on photos , rubbings , interpretations , and cultural relics of unearthed text bricks , this paper makes exploration , summarization and classification by using historical science and philology to reveal their historical significance , the evolution of chirography and calligraphy value .

  19. 有鉴于此,本文拟规避已有的研究成果,从视觉理论及其哲学层面,以新的视点和角度,对书法拓片的历史源流和形态进行梳理与考究。

    In view of this , basing on the existing research results , from the visual sensitivity , visual theory and the meaning of philosophy with a new view and perspective , we intends to straight out and research on its he historical origins of Chinese calligraphy rubbings and morphology .