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shí bēi
  • stele;stone tablet;stela
石碑 [shí bēi]
  • [stone tablet] 刻着文字或图画、竖立起来作为纪念物的石头

石碑[shí bēi]
  1. 年代久了,石碑上的字迹已经模糊了。

    The inscriptions on the stone tablet have become blurred with the passage of time .

  2. 我本来就是要带你来看这块石碑的。

    I had planned to bring you to this stone tablet .

  3. 他的墓前有一块精致的石碑。

    His grave is marked by a fine stela .

  4. 石碑上刻着他们去世的时间,是相同的,显然两个人是在一次事故里双双去世的。

    The date of their deaths , etched in the stone , were identical . Apparently11 , they were married and had died together in some kind of an accident .

  5. 抹杀古代石碑上的文字,已经因时间长久而磨蚀去。n.闪烁;

    efface The inscriptions on the ancient monuments have been effaced by time .

  6. 语言软件提供商罗赛塔石碑(rosettastone)在纽约上市以来,股价已上涨57%。

    Rosetta stone , a language software provider , has risen 57 per cent since its New York debut .

  7. 与那国岛海底地形(YonaguniMonument)位于离琉球群岛(RyukuIslands)海岸线不远处,是一处沉入水底的巨石建筑遗址,也许日本所有著名的石碑建筑中没有哪个可以与与那国岛海底地形相提并论。

    Of all the famous monuments in Japan , perhaps none is more perplexing than Yonaguni , an underwater rock formation that lies off the coast of the Ryuku Islands .

  8. 莎士比亚的弟弟Edmund于1607年埋葬于此,尽管人们不知道Edmund坟墓的位置,但还是用一块刻字石碑来纪念他。

    Shakespeares brother Edmund was buried here in1607 , and , although the position of Edmunds grave is unknown , he is commemorated by an inscribed stone .

  9. 这是一个可怕的地方,因为德国人当时就驻扎在这里,一位名叫阿纳斯塔西娅(Anastasia)的妇女说。她边说,边给刻有阵亡苏联士兵名字的石碑刷上一层新的白漆。

    This was a scary place because the Germans were right here , said a woman named Anastasia , as she gave a stele with the names of fallen Soviet soldiers a fresh coat of white paint .

  10. 埃塞俄比亚这个国家最让人神往的便是它无数的历史古迹,方尖石塔,阿克苏姆(Axum)石碑,教堂,塔纳湖岛Tigre的科普特人修道院,以及拉利贝拉(Lalibela)的非洲耶路撒冷的岩石教堂。

    Much of the fascination of Ethiopia lies in its myriad historical sites , the obelisks and stele of Axum , the churches and coptic monasteries in the Tigre , in the Lake Tana isles and in the Lalibela : the African Jerusalem with its monolithic churches .

  11. 韩佳,这里怎么会有这么多石碑啊?

    Han Jia , why there are so many steles here ?

  12. 我们站在曼梯里家人为他竖立的石碑旁。

    We stood at the stone the family had placed for ml.

  13. 忽必烈留下一块具有意义的石碑在这里歌颂自己的胜利。

    He left a memorial tablet here to mark his victory .

  14. 声音2:那这块石碑有何特别之外?

    Voice 2 : So , what makes this stone special ?

  15. 他们花时间从石碑上劈下石块。

    They spent their time chopping chunks out of stone tablets .

  16. 就是摩西从山上带下来又打破了的石碑。

    That Moses brought down out of Mount Horeb and smashed .

  17. 刻写在石碑上的汉字:秦琅琊刻石。

    Scripts on steles : langya inscriptionof the Qin dynasty .

  18. 这块石碑的重量刚过760公斤。

    The stone weighs just over seven hundred sixty kilograms .

  19. 这些石碑可是严子陵钓台的宝物啊。

    These steles are all treasures at the Yan Ziling Fishing Terrace .

  20. 深思熟虑地将你的精力倾注于这座石碑。

    Thoughtfully pouring all your energy into this single monument .

  21. 大牛,你看看这石碑上写的是什么。

    Daniel , look what 's written on this tablet .

  22. 人类确实把自己铭刻到了纪录地球历史的石碑上。

    Humanity inscribes itself into the rock record of Earth 's history .

  23. 你看那块北宋的石碑。

    Look at this stele from the Northern Song Dynasty .

  24. 村子中间有一块十字形石碑。

    There was a stone cross in the middle of the village .

  25. 但他感觉这个石碑非常重要。

    But he sensed that the stone was very important .

  26. 但这些文字并不是令罗塞塔石碑如此重要的原因。

    But the message is not the reason the stone is important .

  27. 这座碑林里的大部分石碑都已经拓印完毕。

    Rubbings have been made from the majority of stone tablets here .

  28. 好在有历史资料记载了石碑上的内容。

    Historical records cite the contents of the stone tablet .

  29. 罗塞塔石碑应该留在大英博物馆吗?

    Should the Rosetta stone stay in the British Museum ?

  30. 他认为英国人非法拿走了该石碑。

    He believes that the British took the stone illegally .