
shí yóu huà xué chǎn pǐn
  • petrochemical;petroleum chemicals
  1. 分子筛催化芳烃甲基化反应可以用来合成重要的石油化学产品。

    Methylation of aromatics over zeolites can be employed to produce important petrochemical products .

  2. 北京公司将满负荷运行其炼油厂,消减石油化学产品以提高汽油和原油的产量,供应国内需求。

    The Beijing-based company will run its refineries at full capacity and cut petrochemical production to boost output of gasoline and diesel for domestic use .

  3. 石油化学产品的储藏器船舶油漆生产线改造中的EVA评估模型应用研究

    Petrochemical storage vessel Research and Application of EVA Evaluation Model for Upgrading Project of Marine Paint Production Line

  4. 他说,美国更适合发展一些和石油化学产品相关的产业。

    The US is more suitable for developing some petrochemical-related industries , he said .

  5. 对于许多工业产品而言,例如农用化学品、石油化学产品和塑料等,苯酚是一个重要的化学中间体。

    Phenol is an important chemical intermediates for many industrial products , such as agricultural chemicals , petrochemicals and plastics .

  6. 这只是研究用生物质能资源代替石油来源而提取化学产品所进行的第一步。

    This is a first step for a range of chemical products that can be obtained from biomass resources , replacing those that come from petroleum sources .

  7. 原油和石油产品的炼制、运输、储存和营销(包括进出口业务);石油化学产品的储藏器

    " Refining , transportation , storage and marketing , including import and export , of crude oil and petroleum products ; "