
  1. 一种拨号接入Internet的技术方案

    A Dial In Internet Technology Solution

  2. 因此采用动态分配IP地址的方案&拨号接入Interent。

    So the author adopts the scheme of assigning dynamic IP address-connecting to the internet by dialing .

  3. 构建了基于远程访问拨号接入用户服务(RADIUS)的认证、授权和计费系统。

    A remote access dial in user service ( RADIUS ) authentication , authorization and account system is constructed .

  4. 用Cisco路由器实现远程拨号接入局域网

    The Implementation of Remote Dial - in Intranet by Using Cisco Router

  5. RADIUS(RemoteAuthenticationDialInUserService远程认证拨号接入用户服务)协议是最流行的身份验证和授权拨号及隧道网络用户的方法。

    RADIUS ( Remote Authentication Dial In User Service ) protocol is widely used in various AAA ( Authentication , Authorization , Accounting ) systems of networks access devices .

  6. 随着Internet的发展,越来越多的企业开始利用网络提供远程拨号接入服务以降低信息传输的费用,这种方法的使用对网络安全提出了新的要求。

    With the development of Internet , more and more companies begin to use RDAS ( Remote Dial Access Service ) through network to reduce the cost of information transmission , which has raised a new requirement for network security .

  7. L2TP可以使更多的人共享拨号接入和骨干IP网络设施,同时L2TP还支持多种网络协议;

    L2TP allows more people to share dial-in access and backbone IP network infrastructure , while supporting many kinds of network protocols .

  8. 广东电信的ADSL宽带接入网支持PPP虚拟拨号接入和固定接入两种业务模式,到2000年底全省已有ADSL用户4000户。

    The ADSL broadband access network set up by Guangdong Telecom supports the two service modes of PPP virtual dial - up access and fixed access .

  9. 实验采用USB接口的WCDMA网卡,使用PPP协议拨号接入以太网;终端采用VC++6.0编写了基于C/S模型的数据采集程序。

    The experiment uses the WCDMA network card with USB interface and PPP protocol to connect the Ethernet . And terminal system programes the data collection procedures which is based the C / S model with VC + + 6.0 .

  10. 一种简易的局域网拨号接入服务配置与网络资源共享方案

    A Simple Solution for Dial-up Access to LAN and Related Resources

  11. 上海电信拨号接入网络扩容改造工程

    The Upgrade Project of Shanghai Telecom ′ s Dial - in Access Network

  12. 使用用户名和口令的拨号接入或宽带

    Dial-up or Broadband with username and password

  13. 在嵌入式系统中,通过设置拨号程序接入Internet;

    The dialing program was utilized to realize link to Internet in embedded system .

  14. 阿姆斯特朗还计划再投资AOL的接入订购业务,AOL在兴盛时期曾有3000万拨号互联网接入用户,现在逐渐减少到大约600万。该部门继续为AOL的免费业务提供巨大的流量。

    Mr Armstrong also plans to reinvest in AOL 's access subscription business , a once thriving enterprise in dial-up internet access with 30m members , which has now dwindled to about 6m . The division continues to contribute significant traffic to AOL 's free properties .

  15. 例如,一家大服务类公司的全球首席营销官过去在拨号互联网接入行业工作。

    One global chief marketing officer of a major hospitality company , for example , used to work in the dial-up Internet access business .

  16. 基于虚拟拨号的用户接入技术研究与实现

    Virtual Dial-Up and User Access Management

  17. 在PDA接入网络的众多方式中,目前比较经济实用的方式,是通过拨号连接ISP的接入模式。

    Among the increasing practical ways to connect PDA with Internet , the dial-up connection service from ISP is now widely accepted , which is reasonable for today 's processing capability of PDA .

  18. 拨号入网是用户接入网络的方式之一。

    Dialing is one of the methods for a user to access a network .

  19. 在远程移动用户接入方面,实现了普通电话拨号、CDMA或GPRS无线网卡拨号、企业局域网接入等多种访问方式。

    Multi-access methods were realized , such as telephone dial up , CDMA wireless dial up , GPRS wireless dial up , enterprise LAN .