
bō kāi
  • push aside
拨开 [bō kāi]
  • [push aside] 把人或物向一边或两边推开

拨开[bō kāi]
  1. 她将眼睛上的一缕头发拨开。

    She smoothed away a wisp of hair from her eyes .

  2. 社会性别(Gender)理论为我们拨开迷雾,直抵现象的本质:女性形象作为男权中心欲望的对象,在市场经济下不断被强化。

    The theory of gender has pushed aside a dense fog for us and directly disclosed an essence of the phenomenon : as objects of desire of male dominance , female figures have been more and more emphasized in the market economy .

  3. 我得拨开柳树丛的枝桠,这才进得去。

    I had to part the willow branches to get in ;

  4. 哈利拨开遮住前额的发梢,露出额头中央那闪电状的疤痕。

    Harry pulled back his bangs to show the lightning scar .

  5. 她有拨开历史风尘的睫毛,

    Their eyelashes that can brush away the ash of history ,

  6. 我们拨开细胞并定量地测量其柔软度。

    We 're poking and quantitatively measuring the softness of the cells .

  7. 让我们看看。来拨开一下。

    Let 's have a look . let 's probe a little .

  8. 当守门员拨开那个射门球后,人群欢呼起来。

    The crowd cheered as the goalkeeper deflected the shot .

  9. 她伸手温柔地拨开他柔软的金发。

    Tenderly she reached out and brushed back his soft blond hair .

  10. 爱德华万能的双手拨开了我的手,不费吹灰之力把它拉上了。

    Edward 's capable hands pushed mine away and zipped it smoothly .

  11. 尤其她把头发从眼睛上拨开的时候。

    When she kepther hair out of her eyes .

  12. 我们有时很难做到拨开树木看见森林。

    We sometimes have a hard time seeing the woods for the trees .

  13. 他弯下腰,小心翼翼地拨开棘刺,转过身来。

    He bent down , removed the thorns carefully , and turned round .

  14. 努力,包括努力的拨开那吓人的回忆。

    I tried so hard , that includes washing away all the bitter memories .

  15. 我们拨开运河和水沟里的瓦砾,

    We pulled debris from canals and ditches .

  16. 雌性延迟发育的蚜虫的性别分配(英文)拨开性迷误

    Sex allocation in aphids with delayed sexual females

  17. 他们拨开河边的灌木丛,偷眼往水面观瞧。

    They parted the bushes on the bank and peered out over the water .

  18. 小心拨开眼睛检查,通常正眼前房可发现脓性纤维蛋白渗出物。

    Careful dissection of the eyes usually reveals fibrinopurulent exudate in the anterior chambers .

  19. 太阳拨开云层,露出脸来。

    The sun had broken through the clouds .

  20. 你必须拨开绝地给你散布的迷雾。

    You must break through the fog of lies the Jedi have created around you .

  21. 聪明的人期待从更聪明的人那里获得指点,从而拨开迷雾找到真理。

    The wise look to the wiser for advice and travel through error to truth .

  22. 在人群中拨开一条出路

    Cleave one 's way through a crowd

  23. 她给我拨开了一团团疑云。

    She brushed away all my doubts .

  24. 那么,拨开电视剧集中的云雾,现实生活中的政治是什么样子的呢?

    So what is politics in reality , away from the gloss of cable TV drama ?

  25. 男孩拨开一撮新垂下的黑发。

    Ned asked . The boy shoved a fresh fall of black hair off his forehead .

  26. 她急躁地从进进出出的姑娘群中拨开一条道。

    IrritaBly , she elBowed a path through the streams of girls entering and leaving the gate .

  27. 国民公会代表把一只手举上额头,好象要拨开一阵云雾。

    The conventionary passed his hand across his brow , as though to sweep away a cloud .

  28. 一个是因为这将很大程度上拨开开发过程的神秘面纱。

    For one thing , it takes a great deal of the mystery out of the process .

  29. 拨开迷雾,还原真相读《图说中国法律史守望和谐的法文明》有感

    Push the Dense Fog aside , Reduce the Truth & Reading " Illustration of Chinese Legal History "

  30. 这就是为何连结和拨开幻像是治疗世界的方法。

    This is why connection and moving aside the illusion of separation is the healing of the world .