
  • 网络software life cycle
  1. ICAI软件生存周期模型初探

    The Research on ICAI Software Life Cycle Model

  2. 基于软件生存周期的验收指标体系研究

    Research on Acceptance Index System Based on Software Life Cycle

  3. 本文通过对软件生存周期和软件过程模型的分析,论述了从需求基线出发来进行软件配置管理的必要性,提出了基于需求基线的软件配置管理系统(BSCM)要实现的目标。

    After analyzing the software lifecycle and process model , this thesis discusses the necessity of requirement baseline in SCM , and then advances the objective of SCM system based on requirement baseline ( BSCM ) .

  4. 医疗器械软件生存周期过程&IEC/DIS62304标准的应用

    Medical Device Software Survive Period Process & IEC / DIS 62304 Standard Application

  5. 基于软件生存周期的软件文档管理策略

    Management Strategy of Software Document based on Software Lifecycle

  6. 航天型号软件生存周期模型选择指南

    Guidelines on selecting an appropriate software life-cycle model for a specific aerospace software project

  7. 本文从软件生存周期的角度,论述了在各个阶段中保证软件可靠性的技术。

    In this paper , the computer integrated manufacturing systems software reliability assurance technologies in each phase of the software life cycle are discussed in detail .

  8. 介绍了在软件生存周期中软件测试的目的和方法,讨论了用等价划分法设计测试方案。

    This article discusses the purpose , methods of software testing in the software life cycle and talks about designing projects of testing with equivalence partitioning .

  9. 针对需求工程所涉及的五个阶段的工作,结合软件生存周期和目前已有的抽象描述,建立了有效需求分析&需求工程模型,并详细说明了该模型的工作流程。

    Based on the five-phase work of the requirements engineering , some nonobjective description and the life cycle of the software , the requirements engineering model is established .

  10. 详细叙述软件生存周期为传统的瀑布模型的软件开发过程的阶段划分、阶段产品和阶段评审内容。

    The phase division , phase products and phase review contents for the software exploitation of the traditional cataract model in the software life-cycle are presented in detail .

  11. 本文论述了配置管理对软件生存周期中各个阶段的质量控制作用,阐明了配置管理是我国迅速发展软件产业、组织大型软件企业的唯一科学管理模式。

    This paper discusses how configuration management controls the quality of products in every phase of the whole software life cycle , and expounds the view that configuration management is the only scientific model to developing software industry rapidly and to organize large sized software enterprises in our country .

  12. 述了配置管理对软件生存周期中各个阶段的质量控制作用及实现其功能的具体组织措施.同时指出这是迅速发展我国软件产业的唯一科学管理模式。

    This paper discusses the quality controlling function in every phase of the software life cycle and the concrete organizational measures to take in order to achieve this function , which is supposed to be the only scientific management model to develop rapidly the software industry of our country .

  13. 文章首先结合用材林评估研究现状及国内外资源信息化管理研究,阐述森林资源评估原则及方法,专家辅助系统设计原理方法,而后根据软件生存周期进行系统研发。

    Firstly , this paper was combined the present situation of the timber forest assets evaluation and foreign resources information management research to elaborate the forest resources evaluation principle and the theory of Specialist-aided . Then it carried on the system research and development according to the software survival cycle .

  14. 软件过程是在软件生存周期中所实施的一系列活动的集合。

    Software process is a set of activities that performed during the software lifecycle .

  15. 近年来,软件演化已成为了软件生存周期中最重要的形态之一,成为了今天软件工程研究的热点领域。

    Recently , software evolution has become the most important form in the software life cycle and a hot area of software engineering research .

  16. 结合本系统开发,简要地综述了系统开发的相关技术和软件工程开发流程以及软件生存周期和软件开发模型。

    With the system development , a brief overview of the system development related to technology and software engineering development process , and describes the software life cycle and software development models .

  17. 可见,UML与软件体系结构为软件开发的整个生存周期提供依据和标准。最后,本文总结了之前工作中的不足和改进方向,并对下一步工作进行展望。

    It is thus clear that UML and software architecture provide the basis and standard for the development of software in the whole life cycle . Finally , this paper summarizes the deficiencies of before and improving direction , and prospects the work to the next step .

  18. 本课程主要介绍软件的生命周期,软件工程概念,生存周期的系统分析。

    Software life cycle , software engineering concepts , systems analysis phase of life cycle .

  19. 软件配置管理产品在你的整个软件生存周期中为你提供了有效、灵活的管理变更的能力。

    Software configuration management products give you the power and flexibility to effectively manage change across your software lifecycle .

  20. 通过长铝公司的计算机应用,对软件开发、软件维护及软件维护对软件生存周期的影响进行了分析探讨。

    The paper discussed the software development , software maintenace and the effect of software maintenance on software survival cycle in computer application in China Great Wall Aluminium CO.