
  • 网络software firewall
  1. 运用Hook技术实现的软件防火墙

    The implementation of software firewall based on Hook technology

  2. 本文讲述了如何利用硬件防火墙和代理式软件防火墙ISASERVER各自的优点,相互结合,采用back-to-back结构构建网络边界的安全体系。

    This article describes how to make use of the advantages of hardware firewall and proxy type software firewall ISA Server . By using the back-to-back structure , the safety system of network boundary can be established .

  3. 把研究范围集中于通用操作系统上构建的软件防火墙,可以发现许多产品都是基于操作系统自身的TCP/IP协议栈的。

    When it comes to the firewalls which are built on the universal operating systems , it is not difficult to find that most of them are based on the traditional TCP / IP stacks .

  4. Linux操作系统从内核2.4开始配置Netfilter/IPtables软件作为防火墙,既提供了强大的过滤功能,同时又具有很强的功能扩展能力,方便用户自己定义和扩展新的过滤模块。

    From kernel 2.4 , Linux used Netfilter / IPtables as firewall , which can provide mighty function of filter and capacity of being extended , and it is easy for user to define and extend new modules of filter .

  5. 病毒防范可采用反病毒软件、防火墙、类属解密和数字免疫系统等新型反病毒措施。

    Virus defence includes antivirus software , fireproof , generic decryption and digital immunity system .

  6. 目前的基于软件的防火墙计算量非常大并且不能够满足现代网络带宽的需要。

    Current software-based Firewall are too compute intensive and can not meet the bandwidth requirements of a modern network .

  7. 除非一个软件包括防火墙,抗间谍软件,或抗垃圾处理邮件特性,价格应该在上列范围内。

    Unless an application includes firewall , anti-spyware , or antispam features , prices should fall within the above ranges .

  8. 网络管理软件、防火墙软件、网络监控系统等都要求能够对网络数据包进行高速采集和分类,再根据不同的包进行不同的处理。

    Network management software , firewall and monitoring systems , etc. all require the packet collection and packet classification in high speed .

  9. 比如说,你的电脑系统安装的安全系统,比如每天更新的反病毒软件,防火墙等。

    For example , what security measures you have in place for your computer system , including up-to-date anti-virus software , firewall , etc.

  10. 它和防火墙技术、防病毒技术一起构筑起了网络的安全防线.病毒防范可采用反病毒软件、防火墙、类属解密和数字免疫系统等新型反病毒措施。

    It protects internal network together with firewall and antivirus tools . Virus defence includes antivirus software , fireproof , generic decryption and digital immunity system .

  11. 这种伎俩被称为“社会工程学”,因为它是通过欺骗电脑用户(来行骗),而不是绕过安全软件或者防火墙安全系统。

    The tactic is referred to as " social engineering " because it involves fooling computer users instead of hacking past security software or firewalls guarding systems .

  12. 它与其他入侵检测软件,防火墙和漏洞扫描软件的最大区别是它响应迅速,适应能力强,能够主动的捕获攻击,而不再是被动防御。

    It is different from other network security software in response speed , adaptability and so on . It can capture attacks actively instead of defending passively .

  13. 数据包捕获技术在网络安全领域中应用十分广泛,网络入侵检测系统、协议分析软件、防火墙等都需要捕获数据包。

    The technologies for capturing data packet in Ethernet are extensively used in networks security area , such as on intrusion detection system ( IDS ), protocol analysis software , firewall and so on .

  14. 节点之间的通信可能会将错误引入复制数据(由于软件或防火墙漏洞,或者不能被TCP/IP的校验码检测出来的其他错误)。

    Communicating between nodes has the potential to introduce errors into the replicated data ( either from a software or firmware bug or from any other error not detected by TCP / IP 's checksum ) .

  15. 近些年来,威胁网络安全的事件屡屡发生,诸如杀毒软件、防火墙等传统的网络安全技术已经不能满足现在形势下的对于入侵防范的需求。

    In recent years , the threat of network security events occurs often than ever before . Traditional network security technology such as anti-virus software and firewall cannot supply the demand for intrusion prevention under the situation .

  16. 反病毒软件和防火墙等防范网络攻击的传统方式未能保证公司的安全,因此尝试新想法的初创公司受到风险资本行业的热捧。

    As traditional methods of fighting cyber criminals such as antivirus software and firewalls have failed to keep companies safe , start-ups experimenting with new ideas have been welcomed with open arms by the venture capital industry .

  17. 从技术上来说,网络安全由安全的操作系统、应用软件、防火墙、网络监控、通信加密、灾难恢复、安全扫描等多个安全组件来保证的。

    In technology , there are many secure components , such as the secure OS , the application software , the firewall , the network monitor , the encryption , the tolerated disaster and the security scanning , ensuring the network sefety .

  18. 从逻辑的角度来看,nodepart通常用于安装、配置和启动系统级软件,如防火墙。

    From a logical perspective nodeparts are generally used to install , configure , and start system level software such as a firewall .

  19. 本网站强烈鼓励使用病毒防护软件、个人防火墙等以保卫及保护您的系统。

    This site strongly encourages the use of anti-virus software , personal firewall in order to defend and protect your system .

  20. 通过剖析嗅探器与防火墙的基本原理,分析网络数据包特点,利用VC++6·0软件设计网络防火墙,同时详细地介绍了设计方案与关键程序段,为网络安全设计者提供简单的教学模型。

    The characteristics of the network data package are analyzed . The design scheme of the firewall and the key programming sections with VC + + 6.0 are given in detail . It can be taken as a simple teaching model for the designer of network security .

  21. 防火墙是可以在用户的计算机和Internet之间建立起的一道屏障,使用户的计算机在很大程度上避免受到来自Internet的攻击,而面向个人用户的防火墙软件称为个人防火墙。

    Firewall is a barrier between computer and Internet . It protects computers from attacking coming from Internet . Firewall software for personal computer using is called personal firewall .

  22. 网络安全的发展也是日新月异,已经从单机的防病毒软件、被动的防火墙发展到主动的入侵检测系统。

    For example : preventing virus software 、 passive firewall and intrusion detection system of initiative , and so on .

  23. 实现该算法的工具软件能够显著简化防火墙策略的管理和消除防火墙的规则冲突。

    This algorithm is implemented in a tool , which significantly simplifies the management of firewall policy and eliminates rule conflicts .

  24. 从早期的杀毒软件到后来的防火墙再到现在的入侵检测系统,人们使用的信息安全工具越来越具有主动性和智能性。

    From early anti-virus softwares to the later firewalls , and even to the present intrusion detection systems , all of the information security tools become more and more active and intelligent .

  25. 即利用集群技术将不同防火墙与防火墙代理集合成整体防御体系,通过开发的集成软件与协议实现防火墙统一管理与审计、以提高系统整体监测防御能力。

    All kinds of firewall and firewall agents were integrated a defending system using integrated technology , the united management and audit was realized with integrated software and protocol to strengthen the defending ability of the system .

  26. 补品其他安全软件,基于签名的反恶意软件,个人防火墙,磁盘加密,以及许多其他客户端的安全工具可以继续正常运作与东软独奏。

    Supplements Other Security Software & Signature-based anti-malware , personal firewall , disk encryption , and many other client security tools can continue to operate normally with EdgeGuard Solo .

  27. 除了安装指南中列出的所需软件外,请考虑是否要安装其他管理软件或安全软件,例如备份软件或防火墙。

    Besides the required software listed in the installation guide , consider whether you want to install additional management or security software , such as backup software or firewalls .

  28. 为具备数据免疫能力,软件必须训练成能够三思而后行,能够主动寻求帮助。病毒防范可采用反病毒软件、防火墙、类属解密和数字免疫系统等新型反病毒措施。

    To implement this concept of data immunity , our applications must be built to look before they leap and to ask for help when they need it . Virus defence includes antivirus software , fireproof , generic decryption and digital immunity system .