
  • 网络soft tissue injury;Soft tissue damage
  1. 头颈部放疗后软组织损伤的CT表现

    CT findings of soft tissue injury following head and neck radiation

  2. 结果59眼中,CT扫描有阳性改变47眼(797%)。其中眼眶骨折22眼,眶内软组织损伤16眼,眼球损伤16眼。

    Results There were positive CT results in 47 cases ( 79 7 % ), including 22 cases of orbital fracture , 16 cases of soft tissue injury , 16 cases of eyeball injury .

  3. 同样需要注意的是,这些骨损伤和软组织损伤在女孩和成年女性中比在男孩和成年男性中更加常见,部分是由于女性跑者的“三症候群”——热量消耗、骨质疏松及激素和月经变化。

    Also note that in many cases , these bone and soft tissue injuries are more common in girls and women than in boys and men , due in part to the female athlete “ triad ” of calorie depletion1 , bone loss and hormonal2 and menstrual changes . Women also have a larger angle between the hips3 and ankles .

  4. 软组织损伤,如脊髓损伤,韧带断裂最好的评价手段是MRI。

    The soft tissue lesions , such as cord injuries or ligament ruptures , are best displayed by MRI examination .

  5. CT横断扫描共显示关节腔内骨折碎片54块,X线平片仅显示关节腔内骨折碎片32块,并清楚显示软组织损伤情况。

    CT scans show the osseous fragment in joint that could not be detected at plain film . The soft - tissue damage was also revealed .

  6. 推拿对软组织损伤兔β-EP、5-HT含量及组织形态学的影响

    Influence of Massage on the Content of-EP and 5-HT and Morphology of Rabbits with Soft Tissue Injury

  7. 结论:MRI可以对颈椎损伤形态,及脊髓韧带椎间盘等软组织损伤作出明确的诊断,是急性颈椎损伤患者最佳检查方法。

    In comparison with CT and conventional Xerography , MRI could be an optimal diagnostic method to be considered for diagnosis of acute injury of cervical vertebral .

  8. MRI表现分别为骨挫伤伴或不伴骨折、关节腔积液、半月板损伤、韧带损伤、关节周围软组织损伤。

    Knee joint injury manifested as bone contusion or bone contusion accompanied with bone fracture , joint effusion , meniscus injury , ligament injury , para-articular soft tissue injuries with MRI .

  9. 根据开放骨折、A0软组织损伤分类情况决定手术时机。

    According to the open fractures and AO soft tissue injury classification operation time decision .

  10. 结论血清CK可作为评价全身软组织损伤严重程度的一项重要指标,对判断伤情及预后有重要意义。

    Conclusion Serum CK value has important significance for determining condition and prognosis of trauma because it can be regarded as an index to evaluate severity of soft tissue trauma .

  11. 结果23例桡骨远端骨折均同时存在腕部软组织损伤和TFC损伤。

    Results Distal radius fractures with injuries of the adjacent soft tissues and TFC were present in all 23 cases .

  12. 其中,主要原因是带伤训练。4、CUBA西南赛区男篮中锋运动员运动损伤的性质所占比例较大的为关节扭伤、软组织损伤、肌肉拉伤、腰部扭伤。

    Among them , the main reason is injured training . 4 、 CUBA Southwest Division basketball center nature of sports injury for a larger proportion of sprains , soft tissue injury , muscle strain , lumbar sprain .

  13. 同时用计算机检索CNKI数据库1994/2006的相关文章,限定文章语言种类为中文,检索词中药离子导入,闭合性软组织损伤。

    At the same time , the computer was used to search the articles between 1994 and 2006 in CNKI database , with the searching words of " traditional Chinese medicine ion-introduction , closed soft tissue injury " .

  14. 方法应用大面积的逆行腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣修复小腿下段及足踝部软组织损伤16例,皮瓣面积为26cm×12cm~18cm×9cm。

    Methods Use extended sural neurocutaneous vascular flap repair shank section and foot ankle soft tissue damage 16 , flap area 26cm × 12cm-18cm × 9cm .

  15. 肩关节周围炎Periarthritis(简称肩周炎)是肩关节周围肌肉、韧带、肌腱、滑囊和关节囊等软组织损伤、退变而引起的关节囊和关节周围软组织的一种慢性无菌性炎症。

    Periarthritis of shoulder Periarthritis ( referred to as frozen shoulder ) injury of the soft tissue around the shoulder muscles , ligaments , tendons , bursa and joint capsule , a chronic aseptic inflammation caused by the joint capsule and articular soft tissue degeneration .

  16. 负压封闭引流治疗严重软组织损伤的疗效观察与护理

    Therapeutic effect of vacuum sealing drainage in severe soft tissue injury

  17. 中医药外治法治疗急性软组织损伤研究进展

    Progress on acute s of t tissue injury by external therapy

  18. 温针治疗软组织损伤560例

    Treatment of 560 cases of soft tissue injury with warm acupuncture

  19. 闭合性骨折软组织损伤及修复的评价与处理

    Evaluation and management of soft tissue healing induced by closed fracture

  20. 很多软组织损伤,应该是死于流血过多。

    With lots of soft tissue damage , death from exsanguination .

  21. 颌面部破片复合冲击伤后软组织损伤特点及其临床意义

    Characteristics and clinical significance of explosion injury in maxillofacial soft tissue

  22. 伤科洗方熏洗治疗软组织损伤的临床研究

    A Clinical Study on Treating Soft Tissue Injury With Fumigation Therapy

  23. 腹壁软组织损伤4例进行理疗。

    Abdominal soft tissues injury in 4 patients treated with physiotherapy .

  24. 正骨手法治疗足踝部软组织损伤

    Bonesetting Massage Technique to Treat the Soft Tissues Injury of Ankle

  25. YDB-Ⅲ型急慢性软组织损伤治疗仪的研制

    YDB ⅲ therapy apparatus for acute or chronic soft tissue injury

  26. 针刺运动疗法治疗软组织损伤的应用与效应

    Effects of acupuncture plus exercise therapy on soft tissue injury

  27. 表浅软组织损伤77例急诊美容外科修复

    Emergency cosmetic repair of superficial soft tissue of 77 cases

  28. 拳击运动员肘关节内侧软组织损伤的发生机制及其防治

    Prevention and Treatment of Medial Elbow Soft Tissue Injuries Boxers

  29. 连接杆经皮置入以使软组织损伤最小化(图9)。

    Rods are inserted percutaneously to minimize soft-tissue trauma ( Fig.9 ) .

  30. 三黄软膏治疗急性软组织损伤的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Sanhuang Ointment Treating Acute Soft Tissue Injury