
  • 网络Software version;software release;Software Revision;SW version;Firmware version
  1. 初始化AP选择一个AP软件版本

    Initialize an APTo select an AP software version

  2. 使用更新cd将新电话控制单元更新为“车型保养a”软件版本,请参见“步骤”。

    Update new telephone control unit to model care a software version using update cd , see " procedure " .

  3. 基于Release开发模型的软件版本管理解决方案

    Solution of Version Management Based on Release Module of Development

  4. MIS系统中应用软件版本的自动更新

    Automatic Renewal of Applying Software Edition in System of MIS

  5. 他说,如果将Web上的版本控制与软件版本控制做比较的话,软件版本控制成熟得多,而且一般来说更易于理解。

    In comparing software versioning to versioning on the web he says , that the software versioning has evolved and in general well understood .

  6. Tags通常标识较老的、已发布的软件版本。

    Tags normally identify older , already released versions of the software .

  7. 可以使用该软件版本中包含的报告从RationalRhapsody模型中提取信息。

    Reports are included in this release that can be used to extract information from the Rational Rhapsody model .

  8. 版本:在EMS屏幕命令控制台区域会报告AP的软件版本。

    VERSION : The AP software version is reported in the command console area of the EMS screen .

  9. 记录你网络中标准的配置,软件版本,支持的硬件,和DNS。

    Document your network standards for configuration , software version , supported hardware , and DNS .

  10. 这个项目完成后,它在运行软件版本2.2或更高版本的Android设备上的效果一样好。

    After you finish the project , it will run equally well on an Android device running software version 2.2 or later .

  11. 作为回应,苹果周四发布了经过修复的移动软件版本iOS9.3.5。

    In response , Apple on Thursday released a patched version of its mobile software , iOS 9.3.5 .

  12. 最近的软件版本经过调整后可以自动补偿BIOS的缺陷。

    The later version of the software has been tweaked ( adjust , fine-tune ) to automatically compensate for BIOS shortcomings .

  13. 该技术能够方便地创建出同一功能的不同形态界面,同时能方便地对软件版本进行控制管理,提高了EMS的工程化水平。

    As it can easily create different interface morphologies for one function and manage the software version , the engineering level of EMS is improved .

  14. 本文针对A公司CDMA系统的BSS子系统,提出了软件版本管理系统的体系结构和系统原型。

    According to the BSS system of the A 's CDMA network , the paper proposes an architecture and prototype of the software version management system .

  15. 本月初刚发布的WebSphereApplicationServerV6.1就是一个“.0”(6.1.0)软件版本,将在今后的几个月中进行维护。

    Let 's use WebSphere Application Server V6.1 , which was just released earlier this month ; it is a " dot zero "( 6.1.0 ) software release and will be for a few months .

  16. 如果您不能确定是否已经安装了正确的Perl和MySQL软件版本以及Apache,可以这样来检验那些软件包

    If you 're not sure that the proper Perl and MySQL software revision levels and Apache are installed , you can verify those packages this way

  17. 该策略结合了两种识别方法的优点,提高了识别的准确率,同时保证了对最新软件版本的P2P流媒体流量仍具有较高的识别率。

    This method combines the advantages of the two identification methods , improving the recognition accuracy further , and ensuring the highly accurate identification for the latest version of P2P streaming media software .

  18. 软件版本管理系统主要是对BSS系统下所有单板运行软件的添加、修改、更新以及删除操作进行控制和管理。

    The system is mainly to control and manage the addition , revision , update and deletion of software which are in all boards of the BSS system .

  19. 您的机器上最好同时安装有Git软件版本控制系统,因为Rails3和许多其他重要的Rails项目都是在Git中进行维护的。

    It is also beneficial to have the Git software version control system installed on your machine , as Rails 3 and many other influential Rails projects are maintained in Git .

  20. 例如,您可以通过在VM部署任务中设置USRCFGAPP,要求VM在系统启动后运行一个应用程序以自动下载并安装新软件版本。

    For example , you can ask the VM to run an application to download and install the new software build automatically after system start by setting USR_CFG_APP in the VM deployment task .

  21. 一些更巧妙的软件版本在没有反病毒或反间谍软件工具,工具间谍软件如AD-Aware或SpySweeper标记他们的情况下可以操纵。

    Some of the more clever software versions can even operate without antivirus or antispyware tools , such as AD-Aware or Spy Sweeper , flagging them .

  22. 装载cd可能要花费3分钟时间,视pcm软件版本而定。-确认更新消息后,在更新期间,将显示一个进度条,并且pcm将重置两次。

    It can take up to3 minutes to load the cd , depending on the PCM software version . - once you confirm the update message , a progress bar appears and PCM is reset twice during the update .

  23. 为了满足数字电视新业务的发展需要,实现IRD的功能更新,要求IRD在同一套硬件设备的基础上能够进行软件版本升级。

    According to the requirements of the development of new services of DTV , updating function is implemented on IRD to update the software while the hardware unchanged .

  24. 具体的说,本论文主要研究工作包括:1、对AutoCAD二次开发技术进行了详细的分析与比较,从功能支持与开发进度需求及软件版本适应性三方面考虑,选择C作为系统的开发语言。

    To be more specific , the main research work covers the following points : 1 . After detailedly analyzing and comparing AutoCAD secondary development technologies , considering function supported , development progress and software version adaptability , I finally choose the C # as the development language . 2 .

  25. 单板安装说明及主机软件版本的升级方法请参见《H3CS9500系列路由交换机安装手册》相关章节。

    For the introduction of card installation and host software upgrade , see the related part in H3C S9500 Series Routing Switches Installation Manual .

  26. 主要介绍了数字动态实时仿真系统(DDRTS)的特点及主要功能,以及数字动态实时仿真系统和装置的实时闭环测试在山西电网变压器保护软件版本测试中的实际应用。

    It mainly introduces feature of ( DDRTS ) and its main function , and numerial dynamic real time emulate system and equipment used in Shanxi power net transformer protection edition test .

  27. Nabix公司目前计划开发英语、汉语、日语等多语言软件版本,并提供更多语音信息。软件可免费使用,较长的交谈需付费。

    Nabix now plans new versions with more messages in English , Chinese and Japanese , both for free and with a charge for longer comments .

  28. 介绍了软件版本控制所存在的问题和应用VSS管理VFP项目的优越性,给出了团队开发VFP项目中应用VSS进行版本控制的解决方案,并详细地介绍了具体的实施方法。

    This paper introduces the problems of software version control and advantages of managing VFP project with the tool of VSS . Meanwhile , it is given the solution of version control on VFP project based on VSS in team working and the minute description of the implement methods .

  29. 在软件版本的变化不会对相机性能的影响。

    Change in software version has no effect on camera performance .

  30. 这一软件版本有别于专业版本,仅限于最简单的运用。

    This is a simplified version of the full professional software .