
  • 网络Data Interception
  1. 但随之而来的网络安全问题也越来越突出,密码泄露,越权操作、数据窃取和破坏、IP欺骗、病毒攻击等等。

    With the network used more and more widely , the safety problem has become more and more outstanding , such as the password disclosure , ultravires operation , data theft and breach , the IP cheat , virus attack etc. .

  2. 互联网上的数据窃取事件越来越常见。

    Data theft may be an increasingly common occurrence on the internet .

  3. 云计算提供了全新的计算机遇,不过由于新的数据窃取潜在方式也带来了新的安全问题。

    Cloud computing offers new computing opportunities , but it also raises new security issues due to new potential ways for data theft .

  4. 他们提到,在普遍联系的环境中,对隐私和数据窃取的考虑是理所应当的,但是,他们感到现在停止对变化的崇拜已经太晚了。

    They acknowledge that privacy and data theft are legitimate concerns in a pervasively connected environment , but they feel it is already too late to stop the juggernaut of change .

  5. 一旦敏感数据被窃取,其造成的损失有时是无法估量的。

    Once sensitive data is stolen , its loss is sometimes incalculable .

  6. 随着科技的飞速发展,数据入侵者窃取个人隐私信息变得越来越容易。

    With the quick development of technology , data intruders steal personal privacy more and more easily .

  7. 这部分要求有很好的安全性能,防止私有数据的窃取。

    This part requires a good safety performance , to prevent the theft of private data . 3 .

  8. 它可以防止你的邮件数据被窃取或者遭到未授权用户的破坏。

    This software can be used to prevent your email data from being stolen or damaged by unauthorized users .

  9. 防火墙是很贵的,但它们是防止对敏感数据非法窃取的最有效手段。

    Firewalls are expensive , but they remain the most effective safeguard against the unauthorized intrusion of sensitive data .

  10. 联邦调查局正在对那些称“一些美国的金融机构被黑客攻击,大量数据被窃取”的报道进行调查。

    The FBI says it 's investigating reports that several US financial institutions were hacked and massive amounts of data were stolen .

  11. 恐怕对于企业来说,更可怕的是泄露商业机密而不是顾客信用卡数据被窃取,有些人认为现在才开始担心来得太迟。

    The loss of industrial secrets is perhaps even more worrying to companies than that of their customers ' credit-card data . Some think worry is overdue .

  12. 为防止非法用户利用网络系统的缺陷进行数据的窃取、伪造和破坏,人们发展了防火墙、入侵检测、数据加密等安全技术。

    The security technologies , such as firewall , intrusion detection and data encryption have been developed to prevent unauthorized user from stealing , faking and destroying data .

  13. 只有可信结点才被允许访问数据库内容,所以即使某个计算结点的数据被窃取,该数据也并不是完整的交易内容,从而可以将数据泄露的威胁降到最低。

    Only trusted node can access the database . Even if the data of a computing node is stolen , this data is not the complete transaction , so this method can minimize the threat of data disclosure .

  14. 但是目前信息安全的问题比较突出,我们经常面临着系统被入侵、数据被窃取的危机,这对公众的工作和生活造成了极大的损害,因此信息安全措施势在必行。

    But now the information security issues are seriously , we are often facing the crisis , such as the system be hacked and the data be stolen , which may cause the great damage to the work and life of the public , so information security measures is imperative .

  15. 文件加密存储是保证机密数据不被窃取或篡改的有效方法。

    The file cryptographic storage is an effective method to guarantee secret data from being stolen or tampered .

  16. 为了保障企业的重要数据不被窃取或者破坏,企业花费了大量的人力、物力和财力。

    To ensure important data not to be stolen or destroyed , enterprises have spent massive manpower , physical resources and financial resources .

  17. 但由这些技术而带来的数据库安全问题却是不容忽视的,如对敏感数据的防窃取和篡改的问题等。

    However , database security issues brought about by these technologies can not be ignored , for example , sensitive data against theft and tampering .

  18. 但是,如何防止网络系统遭到未授权的非法入侵和破坏,如何保护机要、敏感数据不被窃取或非法复制,仍是网络安全中的重要问题。

    For the moment , how to prevent network system from illegal attack and destruction , how to protect confidential data from been filched-network security-is becoming more and more important .

  19. 然而,如何在存储系统中防止用户的重要数据被破坏或窃取一直是人们比较关注的问题。

    However , how to prevent the theft and destruction of critical data stored in the storage system is always a concern .

  20. 黑客可以从虚拟机中重新分配的实例资源中获取还没有清除的残留数据,从中窃取敏感的信息。

    The hacker can steal sensitive information from residual data that has not been purged from re-allocated instance resources within a virtual machine .

  21. 在网络系统安全方面要防止网络系统遭到没有授权的存取或破坏以及非法入侵;在数据安全方面要防止机要、敏感数据被窃取或非法复制、使用等。

    For the network system security , network systems should be prevented from unauthorized access , destruction and illegal invasion ; for the data security , the confidential or sensitive data should be prevented from being stolen or illegally copied , used , and so on .

  22. 它能够为用户提供安全可靠的数据中心,使用户无需担心数据丢失、数据窃取、病毒入侵等问题。

    It provides reliable , safe datacenter for storage . Users no longer worry about data loss , viruses and other problems .

  23. 在现代通信过程中,在保证数据传送的实时性和正确性的同时,怎样避免数据被非法窃取或是被攻击的数据的安全性问题显得尤为重要。

    In modern communication process , in ensuring the real-time data transmission and correctness at the same time , how to prevent data from being stolen or illegally attack the problem of data security is especially important .

  24. 它提供的主要服务有:认证用户和服务器,确保数据发送到正确的客户机和服务器;加密数据以防止数据中途被窃取;

    The service SSL provides includes : users and servers ' authentication , encryption of data to protect it from stealing , and keeping the integrity of data .

  25. 数据库水印技术并不限制正常的数据存取,而是提供对数据库的所有权证明与内容完整性验证,从而对数据窃取与攻击行为起到电子举证的作用。

    What the technology of database watermarking can provide are the abilities of proving the ownership of the database , verifying the integrity of the data contents and presenting the electronic evidences for accusing the piracy and attack to the database , rather than constraining regular data accessing .