
  • 网络Mathematics Education;math education
  1. 数学教育哲学视野下的GX实验研究

    Study on the GX Experiment in the View of the Mathematics Education Philosophy

  2. RME,即现实数学教育,是荷兰数学教育改革的成功取向。

    RME , namely Realistic Mathematics Education , is the successful orientation of the mathematics education reform in the Netherlands .

  3. 从MATLAB对矩阵范数的计算看数学教育改革的迫切性

    Scanning the Urgency of the Innovation of Math Education Through Matrix Norm Calculation by MATLAB

  4. 奥巴马总统也任命伯恩斯为STEM项目(科学、技术、工程、数学教育项目)负责人之一,该项目是白宫的一个全国性项目。同时,伯恩斯还积极投身于其他形式多样的教育项目。

    President Obama chose Burns as one of the leaders of the White House national program on STEM ( science , technology , engineering and math ), and she is involved in various other education programs .

  5. 数学教育课程改革凸显了教师专业发展的重要性与应然性,HPM教学设计能力是数学教师专业素养的重要组成部分。

    The Mathematics Education Curriculum Reform highlights the significance and certainty of teachers ' professional development . The capability of HPM teaching design is an essential part of the mathematics teachers ' professionalism .

  6. MM(HT)教育方式的特点在于:它是对数学教育的全程改革,具有鲜明的数学学科特征,能有力地针砭时弊。

    MM ( HT ) education method had follow characters : ( 1 ) it was a experiment through the whole mathematics education reform ,( 2 ) it showed the mathematics subject features ,( 3 ) it was useful to solve the practical problems during the mathematics education reform .

  7. 介绍在数学教育课程中的MCAI教改试验的情况,用SPSS+软件分析了对学生问卷调查的数据,明确了进一步的MCAI教改试验的方向。

    The orientation of farther teaching reform with MCAI became clear after introducing MCAI into experiments of teaching reform in courses of mathematics education and analyzing with the software SPSS + 6.0 the data found in Student questionnaires about them .

  8. 关于培养数学教育专业学生职业能力的认识

    Remark on Cultivating the Professional Ability of Mathematics Education Major Students

  9. (四)、数学教育的人文之美。

    The function of humanism education in the teaching of maths .

  10. 建立在探索基础上的中小学数学教育回顾与展望

    Perspective for Teaching Elementary School Mathematics Based on the Research Literature

  11. 小学数学教育中具有语言教育要素。

    There are language teaching elements in primary schools mathematics teaching .

  12. 论大众数学教育功能与评价原则

    On the Educational Function of Popular Mathematics and Its Evaluation Principium

  13. 问题提出正逐渐成为数学教育领域关注的焦点。

    Problem posing is becoming a focus point in mathematics education .

  14. 全国高师数学教育研究会2003年常务理事会会议纪要

    National Higher Normal Colleges Mathematics Education Seminar 2003 Council Conference Summary

  15. 认识数学教育惯性下的课程改革

    Recognizing the Reforms of Mathematics Curriculum Under the Inertial Mathematics Education

  16. 论大学数学教育在高等教育中的科学创新功能

    Science Innovative Function of the College Mathematics Education in Higher Education

  17. 问题解决能力向来是我国数学教育的不足。

    The ability of problem solution is always weak in mathematic education .

  18. 师范生数学教育科学研究能力养成

    Trains of Teacher 's College Students ' Mathematics Education Scientific Research Ability

  19. 新课标下数学教育学的更新和完善

    Mathematics Pedagogys Renewal and Improvement Instructed by New Curriculum Standard

  20. 工科数学教育特征研究

    The Study on the Educational Characteristics of Mathematics for Technology

  21. 中国数学教育研究史之研究

    Study on the History of Mathematical Education Research in China

  22. 关于数学教育专业基础课程教学现状的思考

    The Pondering over the Teaching Status Quos of Mathematics Education Major Courses

  23. 中国数学教育国际比较的研究范式

    Research Paradigm of International Comparisons in Mathematics Education Concerning China

  24. 改革高师数学教育培养创新人才

    Reform high normal university mathematics education , train innovative talents

  25. 超级画板的动态测量在数学教育中的研究和应用

    Research and Application of Dynamic Measuring of Super Sketchpad in Mathematics Education

  26. 浅谈德育在数学教育中的渗透

    A Brief Talk On Moral Educational Infiltrate In Mathematical Education

  27. 儒家教育思想与中国数学教育传统

    The Confucian Education Thinking and Chinese Mathematical Education tradition

  28. 指导硕士生数学教育论文写作的实践与认识

    Practice and Recognition of Instructing Research Students in the Process of Writing Thesis

  29. 也谈中国学习者的悖论&对我国数学教育特色的若干思考

    Some Thoughts on The Contrary Theory of Chinese Learners

  30. 高职数学教育改革的几点思考

    Reflects on Reform of Mathematics in Higher Vocational Education