
  • 网络mathematical beauty
  1. Walsh函数的数学美(Ⅱ)

    The Mathematical Beauty of Walsh Functions (ⅱ)

  2. 文〔1〕的续篇,进一步论述Walsh函数的数学美。

    Continuing the preceding paper , this paper expounds further the mathematical beauty of Walsh functions .

  3. 数学美的审美教育

    Beauty Education of the Appreciation of the Beautiful from Mathematics Aesthetics

  4. 本文从抽象性,统一性(兼简洁性)、精巧性三个方面系统地论述数学美。

    The article describes the beauty of mathematics from three aspects ;

  5. 数学美在不等式研究中的应用

    The Application of the Mathematics Beauty in the Study of Inequality

  6. 论数学美及其教育功能

    A Study on the Beauty of Math and its Educational Functions

  7. 挖掘数学美培养直觉思维

    Finding out the Beauty of Maths , Cultivating Students ' intuition thought

  8. 数学美与数学的统一美

    The beauty of mathematics and the unified beauty of Mathematics

  9. 试论数学美因与数学美

    On the Aesthetic Factor of Mathematics and the Mathematical Beauty

  10. 数学美是科学美的一种,它既具有美的共性,更具有独特的个性。

    Special Individuality It has both its own characteristic and its special individuality .

  11. 欣赏、感受数学美的渠道

    The channel to experience and appreciate mathematical aesthetic

  12. 狄拉克的数学美原理&《狄拉克:科学和人生》读后

    Dirac 's Principle of Mathematical Beauty : Review of Dirac : A Scientific Biography

  13. 服装设计中的数学美

    The Mathematics Aesthetics in Dress Design in g

  14. 试论数学美及其教育价值

    The Beauty in Mathematics and Its Educational Value

  15. 中学数学美教育探究

    Research on Mathematical Beauty Education in Middle School

  16. 论数学美及其教学原则

    On the Beauty of Math and Teaching Principle

  17. 数学美之培养

    Cultivating the Appreciation of the Beauty of Mathematics

  18. 谈装饰雕塑中的数学美

    The Mathematic Beauty of Decorative Sculpture

  19. 数学美三题

    Three topics on the mathematics beauty

  20. 圆锥曲线方法美、逻辑美,是深层次数学美的内在理性美的反映;

    The methodological beauty and the logical beauty of conic section reflect the internal rational beauty ;

  21. 标志数学美的设计理论研究

    On Mathematical Beauty of Logo Design

  22. 数学美初探

    An initial research into mathematics beauty

  23. 数学美及其教学

    Maths of Beauty and Teaching

  24. 数学美与课堂教学

    Mathematical Aesthetic and Classroom Teaching

  25. 简论数学美与数学教学

    Mathematical Beauty and Mathematical Education

  26. 谈数学美

    Talk About Beauty of Mathematics

  27. 数学美的本质

    Essence of the Mathematical Beauty

  28. 试论数学美在数学教育中的地位和作用初中数学教科书数与代数领域的中美比较研究

    Comparative Study on ' Number and Algebra ' between Chinese and American Junior Middle School Mathematics Textbook

  29. 试论数学美

    On Aesthetics in Mathematics

  30. 统计美,为数学美与中学数学教学相结合奠定基础。

    Statistics aesthetics , lay foundation for combine together mathematics aesthetics and mathematics teaching in the high school .