
ɡuāi lí
  • contradict;divergent
  • deviate
乖离 [guāi lí]
  • [deviate] 抵触;背离

  1. 乖离的锥体束和连属的结构

    The aberrant pyramidal bundles and associated structures

  2. 意象反讽主要是通过意象象征体与象征意旨之间悖逆乖离的独特结合方式体现出浓郁的反讽意味。

    The image irony mainly incarnates ironic significance through the unique preposterous combination between symbolic form and symbolic intension of the image .

  3. 他的文化疗救宏图,也由此掺杂了种种悖谬、乖离和陷阱,因而是消极的和不彻底的。

    The agenda of his cultural remedy thus incorporates a variety of paradoxes , warps and decoys and is pessimistic and incomplete .

  4. 以“本体论”言说庄子则忽视了本体论重视逻辑推演的特征与庄子之“圆”的乖离;

    Ontology cant be used to describe Chuang-tzu since the logistic characteristic of ontology is inconsistent with Chuang-tzu 's " circularity " .

  5. 我想提示的是:只要修正了股价与技术指标的背离,就是再入场的机会,直观的就是等乖离指标走直或抬头。

    I wanna give the tip that as long as the stock price not deviating from the technical indicators , you can accept the chance .

  6. 语调反讽,通过叙述语调与叙述内容及表达意旨的乖离产生反讽效果;

    The irony of tone , which produces ironic effect through the disagreement between the tone and the content of narration and the expression of intention ;

  7. 从发达国家企业竞争力与国家竞争力乖离的现实出发,结合国际贸易理论发展演变的特点,指出我国经济发展战略的理论基础应定位于企业竞争力之上。

    Owing to the character of development and evolution of international trade theories and the deviation of the competitive power of enterprises from the national competitive power in developed countries , we should place our theoretical foundation of economic developing strategy on enterprises , competitive power .