
  • 网络continuous technological innovation;Sustainable Technology Innovation
  1. 企业持续创新包括企业持续技术创新、企业持续管理创新和企业持续制度创新。

    The enterprise sustainable innovation includes the sustainable technology innovation , sustainable management innovation and the sustainable system innovations .

  2. 论企业持续技术创新的结构

    On the structure of continuous technological innovation in enterprises

  3. 试论企业持续技术创新的内涵及特征

    Probing the connotation and characteristics of High-Tech enterprises sustained technical innovation

  4. 我国生物制药企业持续技术创新的现状与对策

    The Present Situation and Countermeasures for Continuous Technological Innovation of Biopharmaceutical Enterprises in China

  5. 企业持续技术创新可以使企业效益持续增长、企业持续发展。

    The continuous technical innovation of enterprises can make the enterprises benefits persistently grow and the enterprises persistently develop .

  6. 这里,我们强调企业家精神的核心是持续技术创新和模仿,企业家是风险的承担者,是长期经济增长的微观组织机制。

    We emphasize continuous innovation and imitation as the heart of entrepreneurship , and entrepreneurs as the risk bearer .

  7. 二次创业:高新技术企业持续技术创新的实践平台

    Second Time Carving out : the Practice Platform for the High and New-tech Enterprises to Continue the Technical Innovation

  8. 结果与结论:我国的生物制药企业要发展壮大,就必须以企业为主体,联合相关部门的力量,建立持续技术创新体系。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : If biopharmaceutical enterprises want to develop and grow , they must unite related departments to construct the system of continuous technological innovation .

  9. 企业持续技术创新是技术创新型企业的独特的组织行为,是由技术家族创新和战略技术创新两个阶段组成的多次循环往复的过程。

    Continuous technological innovation in enterprises , as an unique behavior of technological innovative enterprise , includes two basic stages , i.e. technological family innovation and strategic technological innovation .

  10. 分析企业惯性形成的认知根源,有助于企业克服企业惯性的影响进而实现持续技术创新。

    Analyzing the cognitive origin of the enterprise inertia could help firms to overcome the effect of the enterprise inertia and even to realize the sustainable technological innovation of the enterprises .

  11. 但是从近几年的情况来看,国内理论界对企业持续技术创新的研究多是从技术经济学和技术哲学的角度进行的。

    But in regard to the situation in recent years , the domestic study on sustaining technological innovation has been being carried on from the orientation of technological economics and technological philosophy .

  12. 鉴于以往大部分研究只是单独对企业持续技术创新理论进行的研究,用定量方法分析企业持续性技术创新如何实现的研究相对比较缺乏。

    Whereas the former studies were only research on the enterprise the sustainable technological innovation theories , but the studies are deficient about how to actualize the sustainable technological innovation through quantitative method .

  13. 而高新技术企业的二次创业实际上是企业在更高层次上的企业建设和发展,二次创业与高新技术企业持续技术创新有着本质的联系。

    Second time carving out of the high and new-tech enterprises is in fact enterprise construction and development the enterprise at the higher level , has essential relation with the continuous technical innovation of the high and new-tech enterprises .

  14. 提出了推进长沙技术创新的战略路径,即以模仿创新为主,逐步增加自主创新比重,并以适当的形式积极进行合作创新,不断培育和提升企业持续技术创新能力。

    It proposes a strategic method of promoting Changsha technology innovation which refers to taking imitating innovation as main means , increasing percentages of independent innovation step by step , undertaking cooperative innovation in suitable forms in order to nurture and enhance continuous technology innovation ability of enterprises .

  15. 回顾了我国DSD酸工业的发展历程,指出我国DSD酸工业走新型工业化和循环经济道路还需要持续的技术创新。

    The developing course of DSD acid in China is reviewed , and it is pointed out that the continuous technological innovation is a perpetual impetus for the new-type industrialization and recycling economy in the DSD acid industry in China .

  16. 企业持续自主技术创新的研究:概念、关键因素、路径选择

    Study on the Sustainable Autonomous Technological Innovation of the Enterprises : Concept , Key Facts and Path Selection

  17. 这种竞争性质的变化使得组织持续的技术创新变得十分必要。

    The change in competitive landscape makes it of great importance for organizations to conduct technology innovation continuously .

  18. 应以持续的技术创新和制度创新来我国经济长波的高位平稳运行。

    We should continue to promote the economic long wave running steadily in the high position through lasting technological and institutional innovation .

  19. 并进一步阐述如何持续保持技术创新包装技术创新的人才激励方式及技术创新管理。

    It also introduces how to keep the packing technology innovation , which is the incentive mechanism for talented people and good innovation management .

  20. 技术创新型企业区别于传统企业的特点是进行持续的技术创新。技术创新型企业之所以能够持续创新是因其具备一套健全的技术创新体系。

    A continuous technological innovation distinguishes technological innovative enterprises from traditional enterprises , and a comprehensive innovative system sustains the development and innovation of technological innovative enterprises .

  21. 许多中外知名企业依靠持续的技术创新走出了一条成功之路,也充分证明了技术创新是促进企业发展的重要因素。

    Many world well-known enterprises usher in a successful way relying on their persistent technological innovation , thus proving that technological innovation is the key factor in accelerating the development of enterprises as well .

  22. 在知识经济全球化的今天,知识越来越成为企业重要的资源,如何利用知识实现持续的技术创新成为目前企业创新战略最为主要的挑战。

    Knowledge has become the important source in enterprises during the knowledge economy globalization . The main challenge of the enterprise innovation strategy was how to use the knowledge to achieve continuous technical innovation .

  23. 持续的技术创新和对不同社会文化的适应已经成为全球激烈竞争中企业取得成功的两个关键因素,然而有关不同社会文化类型对企业技术创新方式选择的影响关系仍然不很清楚。

    Some researches have examined innovation across cultures / nations , and suggested that the adaptation to local culture and technological innovation were two key factors for firm 's sustainable competitive advantage in the global market .

  24. 当前,印刷业的竞争更加激烈,企业只有依靠持续的技术创新才能继续生存和发展。而企业成功的技术创新模式,又会带动整个印刷业的发展。

    Nowadays , it is much more competitive in the field of Printing , the Survival and development of the enterprises count on continuous Technique-Innovation , it is usually a successful model of Technique-Innovation , which spurs the whole printing field .

  25. 本文研究表明:我国白色家电行业的健康发展离不开持续的技术创新,技术创新使得白色家电行业的生产竞争力,市场竞争力,跨国投资能力得以提高。

    This paper shows that : the healthy development of China white household appliance industries is depending on continuing technological innovation , technological innovation makes white household appliances have production competitiveness and market competitiveness , the ability of transnational investment can be enhanced .

  26. 根据企业竞争力因素分析,提出了我国聚酯企业的核心竞争力是持续的技术创新,并对不同类型的聚酯企业分别进行了技术创新分析。

    According to the discussion on the factor of the competitive ability , it is pointed out that the core competitive ability of Chinese polyester enterprise is enduring innovation . Furthermore , the technical innovations on different type polyester enterprise s are discussed .

  27. 技术创新是企业的生命之源,企业只有持续不断的技术创新才能在市场竞争中取胜。

    Technological innovation is the source of life of enterprises , businesses that only continuous technological innovation in order to win the competition in the market .

  28. 持续研究、技术创新、适应当地情况的战略规划是根除努力取得成功的关键因素。

    Continuing research , technical innovation , and adaptation of the programme strategy to local circumstances were critical factors in the success of the eradication effort .

  29. 我们对于产品品质的信心,来源于持续不断的技术创新体制,强化的工厂管理,严格的品质检验程序和积极主动的客户服务。

    We are confident for our products root in continual innovation of technology , strengthened factory management , strict quality inspection process and active customer service .

  30. 为了提高企业竞争力,在激烈的竞争环境中获得生存和发展机会,惟有依靠持续不断的技术创新。

    In order to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the fierce competitive environment to get opportunities for survival and development , it only relies on continuous technological innovation .