
chí xù shí jiān
  • duration;time of duration;span;length of time;standing;running time
持续时间[chí xù shí jiān]
  1. 暴风雨持续时间很短。

    The storm was of short duration .

  2. 根据年龄、性别、教育背景、严重程度、抑郁持续时间和抗抑郁药的使用情况,参与者被平均分配到三组中。

    Participants were balanced across the three groups for age , sex , educational background , severity and duration of depression , and use of antidepressants .

  3. 幼儿的注意力持续时间很短。

    Small children have a very short attention span .

  4. 这次罢工的主要特点是持续时间长。

    The main characteristic of the strike has been its longevity .

  5. 他吸收信息的能力令人吃惊,但是他的注意力持续时间很短。

    His ability to absorb information was astonishing , but his concentration span was short

  6. 尽管面对20世纪30年代以来持续时间最长的经济衰退,这家公司却一直经营良好。

    In the teeth of the longest recession since the 1930s , the company continues to perform well .

  7. 小孩子的注意力持续时间十分有限,不能长时间地专注于一个活动。

    Young children have a limited attention span and can 't concentrate on one activity for very long .

  8. 与研究人员的预期一致,他们发现角色认同的强度与志愿工作的持续时间长短呈正相关。

    Consistent with the researchers ' expectations , they found a positive correlationbetween the strength of role identity and the length of time people continued to volunteer .

  9. Startermarriage(“起步婚姻”或“新手婚姻”)指双方初婚、婚姻持续时间不到五年且没有子女的婚姻。

    A starter marriage is a first marriage that lasts five years or less and ends without the couple having any children together .

  10. 微睡眠(microsleep)指持续时间不超过30秒的短暂睡眠状态,多由睡眠不足、精神疲乏、抑郁、或嗜睡症引起。

    A microsleep is an episode of sleep which may last for a fraction of a second or up to thirty seconds . Often , it is the result of sleep deprivation , depression , or hypersomnia .

  11. “打盹儿”指持续时间在15到30秒之间的小睡状态。

    A nano nap is a period of sleep which lasts between 15 and 30 seconds .

  12. 辩论持续时间特别长

    The argument went on lengthily .

  13. 由这类球状体引起的诺如病毒感染比个体病毒导致的感染更严重,持续时间更长。

    Norovirus infections started by these spheres were more severe and lasted longer than those caused by lone viruses .

  14. OutofOffice功能的持续时间

    Duration of Out of Office functionality

  15. 术后镇痛持续时间:A组最短,B、C二组相似;

    Postoperative pain relief lasted for the shortest time in Group A , whereas it was found similar in Group B and Group C.

  16. 自噬强度与GD持续时间呈非线性相关。

    Autophagy intensity and duration of a non-linear GD related . 3 .

  17. 而在流持续时间上明显比WWW和FTP应用要长;

    Flow duration time is longer than that of WWW and FTP distinctly ;

  18. 传染性非典型肺炎康复者IgG抗体水平及其持续时间与预后的关系

    Relationship of IgG antibody level and its duration with prognosis in convalescent patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome

  19. 他们通常较之于基础ClearCase方式执行有更长的持续时间。

    They are typically longer-lasting than those found in base ClearCase implementations .

  20. 时间因子K定义为心动周期(T)与舒张期持续时间(Td)之比。

    K is defined as the ratio of cardiac period ( T ) to total duration of diastole ( Td ) .

  21. 治疗后,试验组与对照组的疼痛持续时间均比治疗前缩短,疼痛持续时间及其前后持续时间差值和持续时间变化率,组间差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    After treatment , the duration of pain shortened in both groups ; the group difference was not statistically significant ( p0.05 ) . 4 .

  22. 应用心脏再同步化治疗优化心衰和QRS持续时间延长患者的β阻断剂治疗

    Use of cardiac resynchronization therapy to optimize beta-blocker therapy in patients with heart failure and prolonged QRS duration

  23. 除伴随症状评分外,治疗组头痛发作次数、程度、持续时间及VAS计分治疗后明显优于治疗前(P<0.05),治疗后组间比较显示,治疗组优于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Except for concomitant symptoms , times of attack , intensity of attack , duration , and VAS after the treatment were all decreased than before ( P < 0.05 );

  24. 结论Hp感染持续时间越长,胃黏膜炎症越严重,IM程度亦越严重且发生率高;

    Conclusions The longer the Hp infection , the more severity the gastric mucosa inflammation and the same relationship existed between the extent and incidence of IM .

  25. Logistic回归分析显示惊厥持续时间及EEG恢复时间为病毒性脑炎继发癫癎的危险因素(P0.05)。

    Multiplicity logistic regression model analysis showed time of recovery to EEG and duration of seizures were the risk factors of secondary epilepsy after viral encephalitis ( P 0.05 ) .

  26. 它在指定的持续时间内以一定的时间间隔用RESTAPI轮询Director服务器,收集AEM监视的所有端点的电力输入数据。

    It polls the Director server using REST APIs at regular intervals , for a specified duration , and collects input power data for all AEM monitored endpoints .

  27. 阴天Pn日均值是棚外的2.60。倍,持续时间比棚外长6h。

    In the overcast , the inside Pn was 2 . 6 times higher and lasted 6 hours longer than the outside Pn respectively .

  28. 震源破裂持续时间为12S;

    Duration of source rupture τ× 12s ;

  29. 双氯灭痛栓组退热持续时间为(11.3±2.4)h,优于复方氨基比林注射液组的(7.7±2.0)h(P<0.001)。

    Their antipyretic effect could be sustained for ( 11.7 ± 2.4 ) h in the diclofenac group , longer than those in the amidopyrin group ( 7.7 ± 2.0 ) h , ( P < 0.001 ) .

  30. MPF、MF的值变化与腕伸屈肌的负荷持续时间与多种因素有关。

    There is obvious relationship between MPF , MF and the continuous of wrist flexor and extensor muscle of upper limb with load .