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chí lùn
  • present an argument;put a case;express a view
持论 [chí lùn]
  • [present an argument] 把自己的主张发表出来;立论

  • 仲舒通五经,能持论,善属文。--《汉书.儒林传》

  • 持论公允

  • 持论有据

持论[chí lùn]
  1. 已有文献报道乳腺癌和胃癌细胞可以表达TP活性,而大肠癌细胞是否表达TP则持论不同。

    It had been reported that breast cancer and gastric cancer cells express TP , but in colon cancer it is still controversial .

  2. 上世纪80年代后,多有学者论及此事,然持论与陈源相似,鲁迅研究由此呈现了一个怪圈:跨越了两个世纪,关于鲁迅与绍兴师爷之话题,我们最终还是回到了陈源那里。

    Since 1980 , there have been many scholars who study it and hold the similar view with Chen Yuan .

  3. 对于“新闻价值要素”和“新闻的要(元)素”之间是否存在“交叉使用”的语用关系,管翼贤与恽逸群也是持论不同。

    While Guan Yi-xian was different from Yun Yi-qun on the subject of whether there is a interdiciplinary pragmatic relationship between FAE factors of news value and those of news .

  4. 关于明代的市民文学,本文持论如下:流传于城市中,满足广大市民的文化需求与娱乐享受;

    As to citizen literature in Ming dynasty , this article hold the following points : it is popular in the city : it . can satisfy the citizen 's demands in literature and enjoyment of entertainment ;