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  • 网络Li Gang;Gong Li
  1. 这对李纲本人的艺术实践,无疑具有重大的价值,也是他未来努力之方向。

    This is the value of his art , and at the meantime the goal of future experiments .

  2. 李纲的武夷山水诗歌创作电子写作论略

    Comment on Writing Features of Poems and Songs of Wu Yi Scenery with Hills and Water by Li Gang

  3. 通过阻挠有才能的宰相李纲,高宗将主要的军事策略从主动防御转变成了被动防守。

    By blocking the efforts of his talented Prime Minister Ligang he reversed the dominant military strategy from one of active resistance to passive defence .

  4. 然而,宋高宗昏聩无能,任用佞人,排斥贤相李纲,改积极抗战方针为消极防御。

    Emperor Gaozong did the opposite by blocking his talented Chief Minister Li Gang and changed the dominant military strategy from one of active resistance to passive defense .

  5. 长期以来,学者们更多关注的是李纲在政治、军事上的才能,对其文学成就少有涉及。

    Over the years in the past , scholars showed more concerns on Li Gang 's political and military talents , but less or little on his literary achievements .

  6. 本文就近30年来对李纲的思想和生平、诗文、辞赋这三方面的研究情况作一个简单的梳理和述评。

    This article serves as a simple sorting and review of the last-30-year studies of Li Gang in the aspects of his ideas and life , poetry and prose .

  7. 他们先后答应割地赔款给金国,又罢免了李纲等忠臣,使得金兵更加肆无忌惮。

    A peace pact was agreed inwhich the Northern Song promised to cede lands and give tributes to Jin except dismissed Li Gang and other loyalists , thus the troops of the Jin became even fearless .

  8. 北宋军队在丞相李纲的指挥下,击退了金军,暂时制止了金国的南侵,但由于徽、钦二帝的无能,一心想与金国求和。

    Under the direction of Li Gang , the chancellor of the Northern Song , Jin was defeated and was detained to march southwards for a while . However , the Emperors of the Northern Song were not resolute to fight , instead , they sent emissary to seek negotiation with the Jin .