
  • 网络directing traffic;direct traffic;to direct traffic;direct the traffic;to guide the traffic
  1. 校警虽然竭尽全力指挥交通,不过心里也明白,今天也只能把一些规则放宽些了。

    Campus police do what they can to direct traffic , but they know they will have to let some rules be broken today .

  2. 来自安徽蚌埠学院的大一新生范成鹏(音译)手中拿着小红旗,正在协助交警指挥交通。

    With a red flag in hand , Fan Chengpeng , a freshman at Bengbu College in Anhui , is helping traffic police direct traffic .

  3. 一名警察在指挥交通。

    A police officer was directing the traffic .

  4. 上下班高峰时间将有一名交警来指挥交通。

    A traffic policeman will direct the traffic at rush hour .

  5. 有个很健忘的人站在车水马龙的十字路口正中央,那里有个警察正忙着指挥交通,而他不断地去干扰这位值勤的警员,因为他搞不清楚方向。

    An absent-minded person was standing the policeman because he was confused .

  6. 前不久她演唱《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)的主题曲《我心依旧》(MyHeartWillGoOn)时,嘴巴几乎没动,手势像是一个交警在指挥交通。

    During a recent rendition of My Heart Will Go On , from the movie Titanic , her mouth barely moved and her gestures suggested a crossing guard directing traffic .

  7. Verisign有时接受了报偿为指挥交通对某些站点,因而,一些评论家说,Verisign有不合理的竞争优势在查寻和滥用他们的力量。

    Verisign sometimes received compensation for directing traffic to certain sites , thus , some critics say , Verisign had an unfair competitive advantage in the search and was abusing their power .

  8. 然而,如果你的目标不再是指挥交通,

    But if your goal is no longer to direct the traffic ,

  9. 如果我们不需要花心思在指挥交通上,

    So if we 're not worrying about directing traffic ,

  10. 日本,箱根一名工作人员正在指挥交通。

    Hakone , Japan A stuff is directing traffic .

  11. 两名警花在十字路口指挥交通。

    Two policewomen are directing traffic at the crossing .

  12. 那我便得被降到街角去指挥交通。

    I get busted down to a traffic corner .

  13. 在十字路口,交警们正在指挥交通,车辆行驶。

    At some intersections , law officers were directing traffic to keep vehicles moving .

  14. 一位警察在指挥交通时受伤。

    A policeman was injured while directing traffic .

  15. 指挥交通,停车次序,尽量减少交通事故,道路堵塞。

    Control the flow of traffic and parking to minimize accidents and road blockages .

  16. 他们一半以上的时间是在指挥交通和写停车票。

    More than half of their time is spent directing traffic and writing parking tickets .

  17. 警察在主要路口指挥交通。

    Police directed traffic at main intersections .

  18. 看样子,她是指挥交通的。

    Apparently she was directing traffic .

  19. 在你的城镇指挥交通

    Direct the traffic in your town

  20. 那个警察在指挥交通。

    The police officer directed traffic .

  21. 每天早晨,他的手里拿着一个巨大的圆形木板爬上拐弯处指挥交通。

    Every morning he climbs up to the bend with a large circular board in his Hand .

  22. 从酒馆出来后,他就摇摇晃晃地站到街心去指挥交通。

    When he came out of the saloon he stood wavering in the street , directing traffic .

  23. 模糊控制是一种无需数学模型的控制方法,它能模仿有经验的交警指挥交通时的思路,达到很好的控制效果。

    However , fuzzy control can have a good performance by simulating manned decision process without mathematical modeling .

  24. 警察维持城市的秩序,协助防止犯罪,逮捕犯法者及指挥交通。

    The police maintain order in the city , help prevent crime , apprehends lawbreakers and directs traffic .

  25. 龙交警作为一名中国重庆的警察,他职责在于指挥交通。

    As a policeman in the Chinese city of Chongqing , Long Keyi is well used to stopping traffic .

  26. 此时指挥交通的灯光换了绿色,吴老太爷的车子便又向前进。

    The lights changed to green , and the car moved forward in a motley sea of traffic and humanity .

  27. 平安夜,在繁忙的车流中指挥交通的交警身影,仿佛是长沙街头一道亮丽的风景。

    On this Christmas Eve , a traffic police was working in a busy road , in Changsha city , Hunan Province .

  28. 中国中央电视台播放画面显示:建筑被毁坏,到处是碎片和红灯笼,警察在混乱的街上指挥交通秩序。

    China Central Television showed damaged buildings with debris and red lanterns lying around as police officers directed traffic on a chaotic street .

  29. 目前,泰国警察只有一套棕色的长袖紧身制服,就算炎炎烈日下在曼谷街头指挥交通,他们也得穿着这身行头。

    Thai police currently have only a brown , torso-hugging long-sleeve uniform that they wear even while directing traffic in Bangkok 's sweltering heat .

  30. 在接下来的两周时间里,城市里到处可以看见这些超级志愿者的身影,指挥交通,提醒城市居民注意举止的文明礼貌。

    In the next two weeks , these super volunteers will be seen all over the city , regulating traffic and reminding the residents of the city to behave in a polite and civilized manner .