
  • 网络Index fund;ETF;LOF
  1. 跟踪误差(trackingerror)是为了衡量指数基金的投资风险而提出的一个概念。一般而言,跟踪误差被定义为指数化投资组合与基准投资组合收益率之间的差额。

    Tracking error measures the investment risk of index fund , which is defined as yield difference between the index portfolio and the benchmark portfolio .

  2. 例如,ETF已经成为机构做空市场的主要工具:交易一种指数基金,比借入众多不同证券更加容易。

    ETFs , for example , have become the primary vehicle for institutions to short markets : it is easier to trade in one index fund than to borrow many different securities .

  3. 正因为如此,我转投了指数基金和VanguardGroup,这可以说是我在投资方面能获得成功的不是秘密的秘密。

    Which is why I turned to index funds and the Vanguard Group , the not-so-secret secret of my investing success .

  4. ETF是像股票一样交易的开放式指数基金。

    ETFs are open-ended index funds that trade like stocks .

  5. 交易型开放式指数基金(ETF)产品设计问题研究

    Exchange Traded Fund ( ETF ) Topics On the Financial Products Innovation of Exchange Traded Fund

  6. 我们同意探索研究交易型开放式指数基金(ETF)在对方国家相互上市的可能性。

    We agree to explore the possibility of cross-cutting Exchange Trade Funds on our respective stock markets .

  7. 出于这一原因,他按照指数基金而非交易型开放式指数基金(etf)的方式来运作这只基金。

    Because of this he runs the fund as an Index Tracker rather than an exchange traded fund .

  8. 大量资金流入黄金交易型开放式指数基金(etf),已推动金价今年迄今累计上涨14.4%。

    Strong inflows into gold exchange traded funds have helped gold prices rise 14.4 per cent this year .

  9. 第六章介绍了ETF指数基金之跟踪误差预测和分解。

    In Chapter 6 , we give an introduction to ETF . It is about its index of error of foresee and decomposition .

  10. 在首阶段,只有一般型股票基金、债券基金、混合基金、非上市指数基金和实物跟踪指数交易所买卖基金(ETF)才符合资格参与基金互认安排。

    Initially , only general equity funds , bond funds , mixed funds , unlisted index funds and physical index-tracking exchange traded funds will qualify .

  11. 瑞银集团(ubs)驻伦敦的贵金属策略师约翰里德(johnread)认为,自2003年推出交易型开放式指数基金(etf)以来,上海黄金期货的推出是黄金市场最为重要的进展。

    John read , precious metals strategist at UBS in London , considered the launch of the Shanghai gold futures the most important development in the bullion market since the introduction of exchange-traded funds in 2003 .

  12. 举例来说,该机构正在收集有关指数基金以及通过“掉期交易商”(swapdealers)进行的其它交易的更详细信息,并计划于9月份向议员提供相关建议。

    The agency , for instance , is collecting more detailed information on index funds and other transactions being conducted through so-called " swap dealers " and plans to provide recommendations to lawmakers in September .

  13. 贝莱德集团(BlackRock)的新兴市场股票交易所基准指数基金下跌了25%,而且大部分下跌是在去年发生的。

    BlackRock 's benchmark exchange traded fund for emerging market stocks is down 25 percent , and most of that decline came in the last year .

  14. 《金融时报》解释称,这种风险在场外交易市场尤其普遍,而交易所开放式指数基金(ETF)、外汇期权和多种大宗商品衍生品的通常进行场外交易。

    The FT explains that this risk is particularly prevalent in over the counter markets , where ETFs , foreign exchange options and a number of commodity derivatives trade .

  15. 投资者迫切希望中国出来拯救世界:流入亚洲基金的新资金几乎全部投向了追踪中国股市的交易型开放式指数基金(ETF),以及其它以中国为投资重心的基金。

    Investors sorely want China to save the world : almost all the new money into Asian funds was into exchange traded funds tracking China and other China-focused funds .

  16. 另外两只吸引指数基金新需求的股票巴西的OGX和印度的金达莱钢和能源(JindalSteelPower)在9月4日的升幅没有那么大,而且自那以来的累计升幅只有百度的一半。

    The two other stocks attracting new demand from tracker funds , Brazil 's OGX and India 's Jindal Steel Power , jumped less on 4 September , and have since risen half as much .

  17. ETF是从上世纪九十年代迅速发展起来的一种指数基金。它可以在一级市场进行申购赎回,也可以在二级市场买卖。

    ETF is a kind of index fund that have been swiftly developing from the 1990s.It can be requested or redeemed in the primary market , also can be bought or sold in the secondary market .

  18. 在过去的20年间,指数基金开始流行,而最近,交易所交易基金(ETF,一种能够在交易所直接买卖的指数基金)推动了指数基金的增长。

    Index funds have caught on over the last two decades and , recently , their growth has been driven by exchange-traded funds - index funds that can be bought and sold directly on an exchange .

  19. 哈佛大学商学院决策专家贝瑟曼(MaxBazerman)建议,投资者可以先假定理想的投资组合是分散化的一篮子低成本指数基金。

    Max Bazerman , an expert on decision-making at Harvard Business School , suggests that investors start with the assumption that the ideal portfolio is a diversified basket of low-cost index funds .

  20. 沃伦•巴菲特在这场投资收益的竞赛中赌定,一支标准普尔500指数基金的表现将超过与其打赌的纽约资产管理公司ProtégéPartners所选5支对冲基金组合的平均回报率。

    In this competition about investment performance , Warren Buffett is contending that an S & P 500 index fund will outscore the average return of five hedge funds of funds picked by his betting opponent , New York asset management firm prot é g é partners .

  21. 指数基金(ETF)作为一种成本低、流动性好、透明度高、交易机制灵活的开放式场内基金品种,也日渐引起学术界和业界的广泛关注。

    Exchange Trade Fund ( ETF ) as a kind of open-end on-site funds with low cost , good liquidity , high transparency , and flexible trading mechanism , has caused more and more attentions by academia and industry .

  22. 在向美国国会作证时,亿万富翁投资者乔治索罗斯(georgesoros)谈到了石油和其它大宗商品“正在形成的泡沫”,他补充称,投资机构通过指数基金投资期货市场的能力,扩大了价格涨幅。

    George Soros , the billionaire investor , spoke of " a bubble in the making " in oil and other commodities in testimony to Congress , adding that the ability of investment institutions to invest in the futures market through index funds was exaggerating price rises .

  23. 报告认为,香港的基金分销缺乏竞争,是基金费用不受竞争压力影响和香港个人投资者未跟随全球潮流转向指数基金、交易所交易基金(ETF)及其他低成本投资产品的可能原因。

    The lack of competition in fund distribution in Hong Kong is cited as a possible explanation of why fund fees have not been subject to competitive pressure and why the territory has not followed a global trend towards index funds , exchange traded funds and other low-cost investment products .

  24. 凯塞尔和舍曼在Abacus采取的财务规划方式受到了金德的影响,两人表示,他们根据研究,而非“情绪和热门建议”来购买股票和债券。他们一般更喜欢被动型指数基金,而非积极管理型基金。

    Messrs. Kessel and Sherman use a Kinder-influenced financial-planning approach at Abacus , and say they buy stocks and bonds based on research instead of ' emotions and hot tips . ' They typically prefer passive index funds to actively managed ones , and unlike panicked investors who fled equities during the financial crisis ,

  25. 但是还有一个问题:指数基金很笨。

    Yet there is a problem : index funds are dumb .

  26. 不过,普世观点正开始转为反对指数基金。

    But the conventional wisdom is starting to shift against indexing .

  27. 指数基金对我国投资者来说是一全新的金融产品。

    Index fund is totally a new financial product to Chinese investors .

  28. 浅析北美特殊股票指数基金

    Simple Analysis On Special Stock Index Fund of North American

  29. 指数基金占到行业资产的28%。

    Index funds make up 28 % of industry assets .

  30. 我国指数基金绩效的实证分析

    An Empirical Study of Performance Evaluation of China Index Funds