
  • 网络Indicator tube;MIGT;MGIT;GF-IOT
  1. 指数寄存器上溢测试GB/T5999-1986示波管和指示管测试方法

    Exponent register overflow test Methods of measurement of oscilloscope tubes and indicator tubes

  2. GB/T5999-1986示波管和指示管测试方法

    Methods of measurement of oscilloscope tubes and indicator tubes

  3. 快速荧光生长指示管检测法对各种抗酸分支杆菌培养的研究

    The study on rapid culture detection in the standard strains of acid-fast mycobacterium using fluorescent growth indicator tube

  4. 目的探讨快速荧光生长指示管培养法对各种抗酸分支杆菌菌株培养的适应性。

    Objective To approach the adaptability of the culture system of a rapid fluorescent growth indicator tube , using various strains of acid-fast mycobacterium .

  5. 方法对本院常用的两种低温气体灭菌剂环氧乙烷和甲醛,采用枯草杆菌黑色变种芽胞生物指示管分别选择不同时间和不同方法进行灭菌效能检测。

    Methods Bacillus subtilis indicator was used to detect the sterilization efficacy of ethylene oxide and methyl aldehyde at different times and in different ways .

  6. 根据液位指示玻璃管的特点,设计了一种新型的光电传感器,详述了它的设计问题。

    According to the characteristics of gauge glass , a new type of photoelectric transducer is designed . The problems of its design are fully discussed .

  7. 温斯顿工作的时候,又有三条指示从气动管给送了出来。然而这些工作简单得很,他赶在两分钟仇恨打断工作之前,便已经处理完毕。

    Three messages had slid out of the pneumatic tube while Winston was working , but they were simple matters , and he had disposed of them before the two minutes hate interrupted him .

  8. 物理测试、3M指示胶带、生物指示管测试均合格。

    While physical tests 、 3M indicating adhesive tape tests and organism indictors tests were all qualified .