
lǎn chǔ
  • canvass (or seek) deposits
  1. 上周中国银行间利率的急剧攀升部分反映出银行间日益激烈的揽储竞争。

    This week 's spike in Chinese interbank rates in part reflects the growing competition for deposits .

  2. 通过相关分析,发现组织支持感与揽储工作压力结果之间存在相关性。

    Through correlation analysis , we find out that there is a relationship between perceived organizational support and pressure result of getting deposits .

  3. 通过单因素差异分析和独立样本T检验考察了揽储工作压力结果在不同人口变量作用下的差异。

    Through the single factor variance analysis and independent T-test sample survey of the different working pressure of getting deposits . Result under different demographic variables .

  4. 存款保险将确保即便揽储竞争导致过度冒险和银行倒闭,储户也会得到保护,从而为利率自由化奠定基础。

    Deposit insurance lays the foundation for freeing up rates by ensuring that savers are protected even if competition for deposits leads to excessive risk-taking and bank failure .

  5. 目前,大多数商业银行提高存款额的主要方式为向员工下达揽储指标,导致商业银行员工面对着很大的揽储工作压力。

    Now raising deposit method in most of the commercial banks is issued to staffs deposit incremental index . The method leads to commercial bank employees to face great working pressure of getting deposits .

  6. 中国银监会周五表示,一些银行在擅自提高利率,而其它银行则找到更具创造性的方法揽储。

    The CBRC said on Friday that some banks have been illegally offering higher deposit rates to customers than allowed under current regulations , while others have found more creative ways to entice deposits .

  7. 一旦中国取消存款利率上限,迫使银行为揽储而展开竞争,则中国被人为压低的借款利率将最终一去不复返。这样的低利率造就了成千上万低效率的政府相关企业,并让它们得以在全球大量销售廉价商品。

    Once China removes a cap on deposit rates and forces banks to compete for savings , the artificially cheap borrowing rates that have propped up thousands of inefficient government-connected enterprises and allowed them to flood the world with cheap goods will have to be phased out .

  8. 这说明随着商业银行采用各种手段积极揽储,补充资本金,提高其竞争力,商业银行受到准备金率上调事件的影响将越来越小,其承担的准备金税也就越来越少。

    That means when commercial banks use various means to actively absorb savings , supplement capital , enhance their competitiveness , the impact of commercial banks affected by the reserve ratio hike event will become smaller and smaller , and the reserve tax they pay will be less and less .