
  1. 整个过程中,有一个重要的环节,就是如何让自己的关键词网页被搜索引擎收录。

    In whole process , have an important segment , how to let oneself keyword webpage be collected by search engine namely .

  2. 如何使自己的网站被主要的搜索引擎收录、并且获得较高的排名,成为网站建设者们重要的课题。

    How to make your website been indexed by major search engines and get a higher ranking has become an important issue of site builders .

  3. 而企业网站承载着企业的产品和服务信息,它是搜索引擎收录与排名的决定性因素。

    While the information of products and services for an enterprise are loaded by its website which is considered as the determining factor for index and ranking of search engines .

  4. 百度影音电影全自动更新小偷程序轻巧方便、无后台,速度快、不用更新、不占空间、被搜索引擎收录快等功能。

    Baidu video movie light and easy automatic update procedure thief , no background , fast , no updates , no space , indexed by search engines fast and so on .

  5. 那是因为搜索引擎还没有开始收录,每个搜索引擎都允许用户提交未收录站点,这个工程一般要等待3-5天。

    That 's because search engines have not yet begun included , each search engine allow users to submit sites has not included this project in general have to wait for3-5 days .