
mó tiān dà lóu
  • skyscraper
  1. 这幢摩天大楼全部是用水泥和玻璃构筑的。

    This skyscraper was constructed entirely of concrete and glass .

  2. 那幢摩天大楼高耸入云。

    The skyscraper towers into the clouds .

  3. 但也有时间去做一些奇怪的事情,比如讨论摩天大楼指数(该指数认为摩天大楼建设的繁荣是经济衰退迫在眉睫的绝对迹象)。

    But there is also time for brief diversions onto bizarre ground , such as a discussion of the skyscraper index ( which holds that a boom in skyscraper construction is a foolproof sign of an imminent recession ) .

  4. 例如,在关于摩天大楼的一章中,史密斯先生谈到了建筑方法、自动电梯的革命性发明、生活在空中的可行性以及随着城市变得更加拥挤,公寓生活将成为常态的可能性。

    In the chapter on skyscrapers , for example , Mr. Smith touches on construction methods , the revolutionary invention of the automatic lift , the practicalities of living in the sky and the likelihood that , as cities become more crowded , apartment living will become the norm .

  5. 用太阳能电池板覆盖一幢摩天大楼以前从来没有做过,CIS大楼当选为“十大最佳绿色能源项目”之一。

    Covering a skyscraper with solar panels had never been done before , and the CIS tower was chosen as one of the " 10 best green energy projects " .

  6. 想象这样一个世界:建造最高的摩天大楼不再是一个关于高度的竞赛,而是一个关于收集最多太阳能的竞赛。

    Imagine a world where building the tallest skyscraper wasn 't a race of height , but rather one to collect the most solar energy .

  7. 随着太阳能电池板变得更加便宜,世界上有可能会看到更多被太阳能电池板覆盖的摩天大楼,像树一样收集能源。

    As solar panels get cheaper , the world is likely to see more skyscrapers covered in solar panels , collecting energy much like trees do .

  8. 四周耸起的摩天大楼参差不齐。

    On all sides , skyscrapers rose like jagged teeth .

  9. 曼哈顿有许多摩天大楼耸入云霄。

    A lot of skyscrapers in Manhattan are rising up to the skies .

  10. 另一个超级摩天大楼(b迪伦托马斯)

    Yet another super Skyscraper ( bDylan Thomas )

  11. 毫不夸张地说,一些地方政府简直是自己挖坑自己填,只为创造GDP。结果只是一幢幢豪华别墅、政府办公大楼和摩天大楼拔地而起。

    Consequently , there are simply too many luxurious condominiums , magnificent government office buildings and soaring skyscrapers .

  12. 新的分类已经出现——“摩天瘦楼”,即超纤瘦的摩天大楼,其精神家园位于中央公园(CentralPark)的边缘。

    A new typology has emerged - the skinnyscraper - the ultra-slender , uber-extruded tower whose spiritual home is the edge of Central Park .

  13. 部分摩天大楼的屋顶设计了风力涡轮机,用来风力发电,例如伦敦的斯特拉塔(StrataTower)。

    Some towers " tops are now designated for wind turbines to harness wind energy , such as the Strata Tower in London .

  14. 韩国首都首尔如今是一栋栋摩天大楼林立、不断向四处延伸的特大型城市,其汉江南岸(SouthoftheHan)的江南地区在上世纪80年代以艺术画廊与非传统生活场景著称。

    South of the Han in Seoul - the country 's capital and a sprawling concrete megalopolis - Gangnam was known in the 1980s for its art galleries and alternative scene .

  15. 我下榻上海四季酒店(ShanghaiFourSeasons),当晚在顶层的酒吧里喝了杯酒,一边俯看周围灯光绚丽多彩的摩天大楼,一边倾听一支中国摇滚翻唱乐队的演奏。

    I stayed at the Shanghai four seasons , where I had a drink that night in the top-floor bar overlooking colorfully lit skyscrapers and listening to a Chinese rock-and-roll cover band .

  16. 1996年被爱尔兰共和军(IRA)轰炸的港口遗址上,一栋栋摩天大楼拔地而起&这还曾经被认为不可能的事。

    In the docklands bombed by the IRA in1996 the skyscrapers that had once seemed unviable filled up .

  17. 巴黎的最后一个摩天大楼是1973年揭幕的蒙帕纳斯大厦(MontparnasseTower),它是一座楼高59层、朴素的黑色大楼。

    The last skyscraper built in Paris opened in 1973 , an unadorned dark block , rising 59 stories & the Montparnasse Tower .

  18. 1月份,巴克莱(Barclays)发布了最新的摩天大楼指数(SkyscraperIndex)报告,解析过去140年来摩天大楼的兴建与经济泡沫破裂之间的关联。

    In January , Barclays published its latest skyscraper index report , which tracks links between the rise in construction of tall buildings and economic busts over the past 140 years .

  19. 这座摩天大楼由SOM建筑事务所的大卫·查尔兹担任主要设计,原称“自由塔”。

    The name of the new building , designed by David Childs of Skidmore Owings Merrill ( SOM ) , was to have been ' Freedom Tower . "

  20. 根据巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)的说法,全世界计划在未来六年内结顶的摩天大楼有40%在中国,这将使中国城市的高层建筑数量增加近五成。

    According to Barclays Capital , more than 40 % of the skyscrapers due for completion in the next six years will be in China , increasing the number of tall buildings in Chinese cities by more than half .

  21. 该集团最初计划在RiversideSouth建造两座摩天大楼,以取代位于伦敦金融城内的几处地产。新大楼建筑面积约190万平方英尺,为欧洲境内最大的办公场所之一。

    JPMorgan initially planned to replace several properties in the City of London with two towering skyscrapers at Riverside South , constructing one of the largest office sites in Europe with about 1.9m sq ft of floor space .

  22. 在去年7月在以色列特拉维夫的白夜节上,Dean在三座离地数百米的高空的摩天大楼上的惊险杂技表演让围观的人都大为惊讶。

    During Israel 's White Night Festival in Tel Aviv in July last year , Dean amazed onlookers with his acrobatic display while being suspended between three skyscrapers , hundreds of feet above the ground .

  23. 尽管建造乐高(Lego)摩天大楼通常不是MBA的议程,但美国康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德大学杜兰商学院(FairfieldUniversity’sDolanSchoolofBusiness)的学生们将在今年秋季打破陈规,作为推动跨学科学习的努力的一部分。

    While building Lego skyscrapers is not usually on the MBA agenda , students at Fairfield University 's Dolan School of Business in Connecticut will break out the bricks this autumn as part of efforts to promote cross-disciplinary learning .

  24. 复星的首笔英国房地产交易是在2013年完成的,当时它买下了伦敦金融城的LloydsChambers大楼,同年复星还进军美国,买下纽约摩天大楼——大通曼哈顿广场一号(OneChaseManhattanPlaza)。

    Fosun 's debut UK property deal came in 2013 when it acquired Lloyds Chambers in the City of London , and it stepped into the US in the same year , buying 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza in New York .

  25. 开发Shard的欧文•塞勒(IrvineSellar)最近在修改同一建筑师伦佐•皮亚诺(RenzoPiano)的另一个摩天大楼的相关计划。

    The Shard 's developer , Irvine Sellar , recently went back to the drawing board with plans by the same architect , Renzo Piano , for another super-tall tower .

  26. 来自越南的Loc对她所设计的芝加哥波浪形摩天大楼,是这样形容的:“有机会的话,我真想倚靠在这栋楼的某个阳台上。”

    And Loc from Vietnam has this to say about her wavy skyscraper in Chicago : " If I have a chance , I would lean from one of its balconies . "

  27. 这些空中舞者来自旧金山的“Bandaloop”舞蹈团,在世界各地的摩天大楼表演节目。

    The aerial dancers , from the San Francisco-based Bandaloop , have performed on skyscrapers worldwide .

  28. 以前独立Loyola大学芝加哥,Mundelein学院是第一学院被安置在一个现代都市摩天大楼。

    Formerly independent of Loyola University Chicago , Mundelein College was the first college to be housed in a modern urban skyscraper .

  29. COWI在中国开发一定数量的绿色解答减少一个摩天大楼项目的能源消耗。

    COWI has developed a number of green solutions to reduce the energy consumption of a skyscraper project in China .

  30. 这种新的摩天大楼如此引人瞩目的原因在于其用途,这些是产权公寓(condo)大楼,通常每层只有一套公寓,可以360度俯瞰整座城市。

    What is so striking about this new kind of skyscraper is its use - these are condo towers , often with only a single apartment to each floor and 360 degree views of the city .